I'm Still Here.

Declan Lesley

Well-Known Member
Declan frowned as he continued to drag Zane down the road. Yes, he was dragging the man. Literally dragging him by the arm. When Zane claimed that Declan would have to drag him to the house of Danika and Jack, Declan had thought that he was just being stubborn and joking and would eventually start walking once Declan apparated to the park Danika had shown him. But apparently Zane was not joking. "You can't make this easy, can you?" He snapped, tugging on Zane's arm. "They haven't seen me for ages. I owe it to Danika to visit here. We're in the same country and you're coming with me. That's final." He was now able to speak English far better than when he first met Zane. It was difficult to continue speaking French and talking to him when Zane insisted on replying to everything in English. The brunette would refuse to talk in anything but English, and this forced Declan to pick it up. It was still a challenge if he was in a conversation with a group of people.

The blonde looked both ways across the road and crossed, still dragging Zane along behind him. He stopped when he reached the front of their house. It was a nice house, but since he knew that Danika planned to have a large amount of children, they would have to eventually get a bigger house, unless Jack could convince her to stick to one. He knocked on the door and took a few steps back. He then turned to Zane and looked at him firmly. "Behave." Usually Declan was a lot more kind-hearted, but sometimes he just had to put his foot down and remind Zane that he was expected to behave, especially since he was meeting Jack and Danika for the first time. Declan didn't want his family to hate Zane as soon as they first met him. "Please?"
Zane Preston was resisting as best he could. For every inch he gained, Declan seemed to get two. This was ridiculous. Zane had never had to meet a family before. Why couldn't they just continue what they had and not meet Declan's family. Zane was quite happy to only hear about Danika and her husband and kid and the rest of the family, he didn't really think he wanted to sit down and have a chat over tea and crumpets. That just wasn't his thing. For a start, he was a dedicated coffee drinker and crumpets were rubbish. He sighed but continued to tug his arm away from his boyfriends grip, though he was failing. He was beginning to think that his heart really wasn't in this. On any normal occasion, he was much stronger then Declan. He really didn't understand this strange compulsion to make Declan happy at all. Whatever it was, he had no need of it and he wished it would detach itself from his psyche. However, as it seemed that he would be stuck with Declan for a much longer length of time then he had originally anticipated, he conceded to allow himself to be dragged along at a very undignified pace. He was reminding himself of a small child. Never-the-less, his behaviour continued. Maybe if he acted bratty enough, Declan would grow embarrassed of him and then he would turn around and go home. That's all Zane wanted and nice peaceful, fun-filled day in. He had been so busy with his photography he hadn't spent any intimate time with Declan at all these last few weeks and he was frustrated. He didn't want to meet the boys family, that was not his idea of quality time with the boyfriend at all. As it appeared however, he had absolutely no choice in what he was going to be doing as an activity. "I told you when you first asked me to meet your family, that I didn't do families. You didn't believe me. I then told you that you would have to drag me here." He said and gestured between their linked arms. "I am a man of my word Declan."

Zane continued to pull his arm free and have it grabbed again as they made their way across the street towards, what he assumed, was Declan's sister's house. It was a decent house he supposed. Nothing like the likes of his apartment, which had recently been redecorated thanks to Declan, but it was decent enough he supposed and wasn't completely repulsive like some houses he had seen along this street. This rather stubborn side of Declan was a little off putting though. The lost little veela he had met over a year ago, was nowhere to be seen any more, not since Zane had gotten his hands on him. Merlin how he wished Declan would stop being a stubborn little veela. He was more fun to play with like this sure, but Merlin was he stubborn and annoying to boot. Zane glared at Declan. "I will behave in which ever way I choose. Thank you." He told him, pouting and turning his head away. He was really behaving like a spoiled little brat, but if it got his point across, then good.
<FONT font="times new roman">Declan felt his arm tiring and could not help but feel grateful for the fact that he was now standing in front of Danika's house. She must have heard his knock, she was probably coming. However, Zane was being irritating and the blonde forced himself to not roll his eyes. If he did that, it would only put Zane on the offensive. He was being like a child, a gigantic beanie-wearing, leather jacket-obsessed man-child. However, Declan had to stare at Zane for a moment, just to make sure that he had heard him correctly. "'A man of my word'?" He nearly burst into laughter at the mere thought of that statement being true. "Really? You expect me to believe that? You lie through your teeth on a regular basis, don't try to convince me you tell the truth now. It's too late for that." Declan doubted they would have met if Zane were a trustworthy, respectable, 'man of his word' type. "In fact, if you were a man of your word I would be in Bulgaria, not here with you." He flashed a smile and continued pulling, because in all honesty, getting lost in that dark alley was possibly the best thing that could have ever happened to him.

Declan knocked on the door once again, this time a little harder. Was she deaf? Babies did have a tendency to cry, maybe her child had caused her to become deaf. He frowned slightly, he couldn't even remember if she had a boy or girl. That was a little embarrassing. He looked back at Zane, a little surprised at the glare he was receiving. He hated being glared at, especially by Zane. It gave him the feeling of his stomach sinking, it was uncomfortable. "Could you please just do this one thing for me and then we can go and do whatever it is you want to do. This is important to me, not everything can be your way all the time. It's just one visit, she hasn't seen me for over a year, she wants to know I'm okay and happy." He then turned his head away himself and stared at the window, willing for Danika or Jack to open the door.​
Danika Lesley was six and a half months pregnant and running was not her forte. She was rather annoyed the someone kept knocking on the door and she had a mind to curse the person, whoever it was, for making her get up. Jack, unfortunately, was in the shower, so he couldn't answer the door. "Jack, are you nearly finished! Apparently we have company!" She called up the stairs to him as she continued to waddle to the front door. She cursed her swollen feet and wished there was a spell or potion to lessen the effects of pregnancy. If there was one, she didn't know about it and she would be severely p*ssed off for not having it. She sighed and rubbed her back as she came up to the door and peeked through the window to see who was at the door. At the sight of her baby brother and swung the door wide up and frowned. She had not seen her brother in an entire year. She had imagined all these terrible things happening to him and now he shows up, looking better then she had ever seen him, fit, healthy and holding onto the arm of the man she assumed, was his captor. What the hell was going on? "And what time, do you call this?" She asked, pulling out her wand and casting a small time charm to learn that it was nearly three o'clock and her brother was over three hours late. Had he gotten lost again, on the way here? She had been sure to lay out some easy to follow directions. She turned her gaze to the leather jacket clad young man to her brothers immediate left and glared at him. "I suppose you two want in my house. Yes?" She asked stepping aside. She wasn't going to ask them in. They would just have to decide whether they wanted to piss her off, or make her happy. Though to be honest, she wasn't sure anything would make her happy to see this man today.
Jack felt like slamming his head against the wall of the bathroom. Benjamin had just finished throwing up on him - after trying to deafen him with his screaming, and now that he was finally winding down with a nice, hot shower, Danika's missing brother decides to rock up to the front door. It wasn't that hedidn't like Declan, it was that from what he heard of the guy he was quite sure he wouldn't appreciate his existence on a bad day like today. Danika was in a bad mood, Benjamin had just left and bad mood, and Jack was being a grump himself. He was not in the mood to entertain guests, especially when those guests were ridiculously late and not on top of his priorities list. Now, if it were Parker or Tess or Ebony or something, he wouldn't mind as much, but it wasn't. It was Declan. Declan Lesley. With that final thought running through his head, he sighed and turned off the shower.

When he was dressed he walked into the lounge room, Benjamin in a new jumpsuit on his hip, and he greeted Declan with a nodded, and noticed that the man had someone else with him. Great, more people. Danika did not need this, he could see that she too was irritated. She was pregnant, in pain, and Benjamin had been making life hard. Now her brother decides to show up three hours late with a stranger neither have ever met before that seemed to think he was a Ken doll or something. Life was easier when they just travelled with his Quidditch team. Damn the off season. What were they even going to talk about? When his own family was here, they all knew Danika and could hold a conversation with her seemingly forever, especially Tess, but Jack didn't know Declan. He did not particularly wantto know Declan. He had spent hours upon hours of searching for him in London only to find that it was all a waste of time. "Nice to meet you two, I'm Jack. This here is Benjamin." There was no point in being hostile to either of them. It would be easier to put on a smile and try to calm himself down. But the urge to stuff his face with red vines quickly came, and since they were currently out, he just felt a little depressed. He sat on the arm of one of the lounges and put Benjamin on the ground. "You can sit, don't mind Danika. D'you want something? Tea?"
Declan gave one last pleading look to Zane, and then smiled when the door was swung open. He ignored the tested look on his older sister's face and instead looked at her stomach. It was quite obvious that she was rather pregnant. He could not understand why she was not happy to see him. He was very happy to see her, and he had expected a warmer welcome than the one he and Zane were receiving. "Sorry we're late, we ran into some issues," he explained. There was no point to go into detail, because he doubted Danika wanted to hear about it. "That important thing is that we got here. It's great to see you." He looked at Zane as Danika's eyes glided over to him, and then nodded his head. "Unless you'd prefer we stay outside... I would prefer to go inside," he pulled his jacket tighter around himself. "It's a little chilly." He was trying to brighten the mood, more for himself than anyone else. Negative atmospheres still made him feel sick, and he doubted this one could get much worse. However, as soon as Jack showed up, it did manage to get darker.

Declan did not like Jack all that much. Jack had gone to Durmstrang with his sister and had known her for a long time, they have been living together for a while, and had one child and another on the way. Yet, the man had yet to actually marry his sister. He could not trust him. Why would he not marry Danika and actually make their relationship more permanent? It was different for him and Zane, they were not having children and the amount of fights they have had could be counted on one hand. Danika and Jack have been off and on for countless years and Declan did not want his sister to have to be a single mother after she realises that she is with a buffoon, or after that buffoon showed his true colours and left her with a broken heart. He wasn't even dressed properly for Merlin's sake. His hair was wet and everywhere, his clothes literally looked thrown on and he was wearing a scowl that he failed miserably to hide. The only happy thing in the room was the young boy on Jack's hip, who was babbling and clapping his hands against Jack's chest. "Nice to see you again, Jack." He looked back at Danika. "Sestra, this is Zane. Zane, this is Danika. They're not married yet, and the big guy over there is Jack - he's an idiot." And with that incredibly awkward exchange over, he perched himself on the furthest lounge in the furthest place from Jack as he possibly could. However, he did leave a spot for Zane, since this was his family and Zane should be forced to sit closer to them than Declan. So, he made sure there was enough room for Zane to sit on the end of the lounge if he so wished. At the mention of tea, his nose crinkled slightly. Tea was terrible. Hot chocolate was the way to go. "No thank you, do you have coffee or hot chocolate? We don't drink tea." Hopefully Danika would rescue this, or maybe Zane could do something to lighten the mood, he wasn't sure what the brunette could possibly say or do to make this better, by hopefully he wouldn't make it worse. Subconsciously, he patted beside him for Zane to join.
Zane rolled his eyes at Declan. He was such a Drama Queen. Why had he decided that Declan would be fun to have around. Now he had gone an fallen in love with the guy. Yeah, because that was exactly what he'd needed. Zane had made a rule once, never to fall in love, for a while there he had thought he was doing well, then he had met Declan. He'd had to throw the rulebook out the window then. Like most things with Declan. "Don't judge me. If I didn't lie through my teeth, I'd be dead thrice over by now." He told him, matter-of-factly. Zane coughed in disbelief. "Come on, we both know you are the happiest you've ever been since you met me." He added, nudging Declan's head with his own, rather like a cat. He smiled at Declan and shrugged more. He had never told Declan he loved him, he just couldn't do it. He wouldn't have been lying, but he found it cheap and meaningless to use words when it was easier just to prove it to Declan. The fact that he was here right now, was a big step in the right direction for a start. He looked at Declan again, a devious glint in his eye. "Oh Declan. Declan. Declan. Declan. There is only one thing I want to do with you right at this moment and you will definitely, not be in charge. You hear me?" He asked, tiling his head, in that way Declan liked and winking at him. Declan wanted him to do this, well, he was going to have to do everything Zane wanted when they got back home. He was having none of Declan's whining either. Not this time. The door opened at that moment and Zane got his first real glimpse of Declan's older sister. She was blonde and indeed looked much like him. She was pretty to say the least and very pregnant. Well this is going to be fun. He thought to himself as he watched the expression on her face change from fascination to utter horror.

To be honest, Zane didn't blame Danika, he wasn't sure he would have been terribly impressed if his brother showed up with the likes of himself on his arm. He simply chose to ignore it. He was used to people not liking him after all. They walked into the house and looked around. It definitely looked lived in. Lot's of toys around and such. He looked to the man in the house. He seemed tired, frustrated. But he had a toddler in his arms, so that wasn't surprising. Zane didn't have any kids himself, but some of his boys had children and he had met them before. He nodded to the man. "A pleasure." He figured that in this situation, he would be better to speak as little as possible. He smiled slightly at Declan's description of the guy. The corners of his mouth turning up into a smirk. "An idiot? I would have said that about you a year ago. In fact, if memory serves, I did." He said, taking a seat next to Declan on the lounge and subconsciously curling his hand into the loop on Declan's jeans. It was something he did to keep Declan near him. He was always paranoid that the Veela would leave him. After all, Zane was a terrible boy friend. He turned his nose up at the sight of the tea. It was just so British. He didn't drink tea. It was only when he was with Buddy and only because Buddy loved tea. He cringed. It was exactly what Zane had dreaded. He leaned into Declan to whisper in his ear."I don't suppose they also have crumpets in the kitchen do they?" He asked, rolling his eyes.
Danika stepped further into the house and moved over to the lounge, where the tea was sitting steaming on the coffee table and the crumpets were in the kitchen. They hadn't quite finished yet. Danika's eyes ran over Zane again. She didn't trust the man. He looked shifty and just oozed 'i want to kill you all'. She didn't really think he would hurt them, but the fact that he oozed it did not make her feel better. She supposed she was happy that her brother was still alive, but the fact that he was here and looking happier then she had ever seen him, really pissed her off. She would have sat down, but she would have to grab the crumpets in a minute and she wouldn't be able to get back up without some effort on her part and she didn't want to look like a helpless fool right now. She nodded as her brother introduced Zane and gestured to Jack and Benjamin. It is nice to finally meet you. This is my fiancé Jack, our son Benjamin and this," she rubbed her stomach with her hand. "This is Aleksandra. She is due in October, only three months to go now." She said, speaking more to Declan then to Zane. She really could care less whether Zane was still around for the birth to be honest. In fact, she was rather hoping she wouldn't be. She had noticed that they had said something in French, but not being able to speak French, she had no idea what they said. Even Jack was speaking French. Sometimes she wished she was better at languages. As it was she'd had a trying time trying to learn English. Damita and Davina as well as Dexter and Declan had all learned it much faster then she had. She wasn't even aware of whether or not Diego could speak it, but seeing as he was attending Durmstrang, at the moment, he had no need of learning it. She needed to calm herself down, so she walked over to Jack and clapped her hands to her fourteen month old. He was a late bloomer and had still refused to walk. Danika figured it was probably because he liked to be high up to see around the furniture. When he was on the ground, he was too short. Benjamin pulled himself eagerly into his mothers awaiting arms and Danika immediately hugged him to her chest. He had a calming effect. She was definitely glad for that too.

She turned to look at Declan from where she was standing in front of Jack and raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you not drink tea?" She asked, accidently turning back to her native language. She shook her head. This happened when she was upset. She looked at Zane and then back at Jack when they whispered again in French. She didn't appreciate being left out of a conversation in her own home. She looked over to the kitchen and then back at her brother again. "I will make you coffee if you agree to stop speaking French in my presence. The both of you speak English. Jack and myself also speak English, so there is no excuse. I do not want secret conversations occurring in my house, if you want to continue, you can leave now. The door is over there." She gestured to the door with her chin and made her way into the kitchen, Benjamin still in one arm, with her wand in the other.
Declan rolled his eyes also. Sometimes, he really wanted to throw something at Zane - like a shoe or something. But he knew that if he did that he could expect something ten times bigger and far more dangerous to be hurled right back. Maybe a small rhino or something. He was not sure where Zane would get a miniature rhino, but if anyone could on short notice... I'd definitely be Zane. Declan shrugged at his logic. He was probably right. He smiled slightly when Zane nudged him with his head. It was odd that he did that. When he first did that, Declan had thought he was sniffing him or something - which really creeped him out. But then he realised that he was just nudging him with his lie - like a normal person would poke someone, except Zane did it with his head. Declan wasn't entirely sure why - but he decided not to question it. He was quite sure he had some weird habits of his own. However, when he same the mischievous glint in Zane's eyes, he visibly sighed. Dear Merlin. Declan quickly kissed him, mostly in order to shut Zane up - and because it was fun. However, he broke apart as Danika opened the door. He smiled slightly upon hearing that Danika was having a girl. She had always wanted a girl, he remembered staying up late at night planning families together when they were younger. Many things had changed since then, but he was sure her desire to have a girl was still with her. He smiled slightly at Benjamin. He was a cute little boy - it was such a shame his father was a Neanderthal. Hopefully he would be a Lesley boy, not a Kaster one.

Declan was relieved that Zane was being nice. He had seen Zane in bad moods and they were certainly concerning. However, he seemed pleasant now. Thank Merlin. If he had of shared Danika's current mood, Declan would have had to apparate them both back home. Declan pouted and flicked Zane's ear as he remembered. Yes, he was quite sure Zane called him an idiot, and he had many ties since. It was almost a nickname - like Blondie. Merlin Declan hated that nickname. He sat forward to look at Danika properly. "Sestra, I have never drunk tea - it's disgusting and tastes similar to what I think death would taste like. I drink hot chocolate only." He perked up slightly at the thought of hot chocolate. "Speaking of which, you don't happen to have some, do you?" His attention was then taken by Zane. He snorted - but quickly turned it into a cough and looked at Zane with the ghost of a grin. "Probably-" he paused as Danika interrupted him. He frowned slightly. "Sorry, English is still difficult." He admitted. "Sometimes I actually slip into some weird mix of French and Bulgarian." He added, shaking his head. It was a rather nasty habit.
Jack supressed the need to smirk as his guests began insulting him in French - which happened to be one of the three languages he speak rather fluently. However, he remained silent on this subject and remained pleasant. He knew that if they did not like him much they would continue, whether it be when Danika was busy or even right in front of her. It'd be interesting to eavesdrop without even having to try. He doubted he would like either Declan or Zane. Declan because he was so obviously a spoiled little troll that acted pleasant and nice, and Zane because by association, but Jack was confident that he'd find a thing that he would grow to dislike about Zane. Maybe he lack of appreciation for tea. Jack personally loved tea, and he wasn't British so it wasn't some ridiculous stereotype deal. it was because tea was nice, and he had perfectly functioning tastebuds that new their s*!t. He looked at Danika gently. She was really riled and he wanted her to calm down, at least a little bit before she cursed someone.

"Danika, could you please get some coffee? I think Parker and Tess stuffed some in the kitchen somewhere and I'm uber lazy." And 'uber' honest. He also hoped that she would take a hint and go cool herself down with a face-washer or at least some fresh air and space. It wasn't good for anyone to be riled up. What was done was done and his main priority was making sure Danika did not kill her brother in their lounge room. He'd never get the blood out of the sofa's. Once he managed to get her to leave, he looked at Declan and Zane calmly. "Can I ask why you two were so late? We even had crumpets and everything." Jack was a convincing liar, having done it virtually professionally throughout his life. His lies often got him from being put on detention because he was so convincing. He and Danika had no idea how to make crumpets. He wasn't even sure if Danika ate crumpets. However, he wanted to see Declan and Zane's reactions to the thought of crumpets. It would at least be interesting, at most... downright hilarious.
Just realised I screwed up the order. my bad. xD
Zane smirked at Declan and leaned closer to bite at his neck. He didn't really have any particular sense of decency, he was being extremely good today, he figured he deserved a reward, if that pissed off Danika and Jack, good, if it pissed off Declan, even better. Zane liked it when Declan was angry. He was way more susceptible to Zane's advances then. He moved away from his boyfriends neck, ignoring the dirty looks from around the room and rolled his eye at Declan. "You are such a suck up to them. You should suck up to me." He told him, in no uncertain terms. If anyone deserved to be sucked up too, it was Zane, he was the one that had to put up with Declan the entire time he was adjusting to living with him. Granted, he had allowed it, but what did he get out of this, a willing partner? Sure, but Declan was stubborn, Zane hated stubborn people and yet he had to put up with it with Declan, it simply wasn't fair.

Zane, tugged Declan closer, he craved the attention he was not receiving. Even though he was told to behave, it was lunch time, he never behaved at lunchtime. He looked towards Danika as she spoke. Though he was not paying much attention. He did however, wave towards the young boy named Benjamin. He was cute; it was obvious he had veela blood. Even though boys did not possess the same charms as a girl, they were still attractive and it occurred to Zane that he had absolutely no attraction to Danika at all. It surprised him a little, though it was not a shocking discovery. He had been attracted to women before, but maybe not to the extent he had originally thought. Well, you really did learn something new every day. He shook his head and laughed. Sometimes he had to wonder how in Merlin's name Declan was able to drag him in to stuff.

Zane nuzzled his face into Declan's neck, effectively cutting off whatever anyone was going to say to him. He was already bored of this place. He wasn't comfortable here and they didn't accept him. He could tell. He could always tell. Though he was glad when he heard Danika wander into the kitchen to retrieve them some coffee. He could really do with some coffee, he needed coffee. He didn't like tea unless he was drinking it with Buddy. He hadn't seen Buddy in a rather long time. At least long enough for him not to know about Declan. However, when Zane heard the word 'crumpets' he immediately stopped what he had been doing. He hated crumpets with a passion. They were the single worst food stuff associated with the English. He shook his head and flicked his hand at Jack. He didn't want crumpets. He turned to Declan and leaned closer to the boys ear. "You were not wrong with that one. He is a bonehead of the worst kind."
Declan refused to allow himself to be riled up by Zane. If he allowed that to happen, Zane would win, and Declan hated Zane winning. It wasn't that Declan hated losing, it was just that Zane was an insufferable winner. Declan tucked his hands into his sleeves to avoid hitting Zane, otherwise not only would he feel terrible, but they would probably wind up having some sort of fight and it really wasn't the place to have a fight. Definitely not in Danika's home. At least Benjamin was gone now, that was the only comfort. He'd hate to think how annoyed Danika and Jack would be if Zane was behaving like this in front of their son. Danika would probably be the one to throw things then. Declan shot him a mildly irritated look, trying to get him to cool it. The blonde doubted it would work, but it was worth a shot. "No." replied Declan stubbornly. He then reverted to French. "Keep being annoying, and I promise you will regret it." He relented his tough standpoint slightly, and leant closer to Zane, to assure the man that he still cared. Even if at the moment Declan could throw him off a bridge, he still cared enough to only consider it and not attempt it. He glanced at where Danika was gone, wondering when she would come back. He knew that if she were back, and they did all that 'catch up' stuff, he could get Zane out of here and find something nicer to do. He loved his sister, but he really wish it was just her and him sitting together and talking, without Jack or Zane there. It would be like old times again, and no where near as weird.

Declan leant his head against Zane's as he nuzzled his neck. Hopefully this would be quick, because he was bored, Zane was restless, Danika was stressed and Jack was just being Jack. "I promise we'll go soon, okay?" He was sure they would either be kicked out or run out of things to say. He was sure Danika would understand, and hopefully they would be able to catch up privately later. He began to wonder whether Danika would overly mind if they left sooner than first planned. It wasn't like anyone was getting anything out of this. He smiled slightly. "Quite burly." Probably one too many bludgers. He rubbed his hands together slowly and looked towards where Danika had gone. "Sestra, would you mind if Zane and I left soon? We have other things that need to be done." Declan wanted to go home, right now.​
Danika stood in the kitchen listening to her brother and her fiance talking. Zane put a few words in every now and then and Danika found herself continually rolling her eyes. She loved her brother, but that was the problem. She sighed and waved her wand as she made more tea. She was pointedly ignoring her brother. He wanted Hot Chocolate, well she would get him some. However, when her brother called out to her from his place asking to leave, she threw the cup onto the ground and it shattered. She had to control her breathing, she was heavily pregnant, a part veela and a protective older sister, she couldn't lose it now. She walked into the living room, her eyes blazing. One more, just say one more thing and she was gone. "Declan, so help me if you don't get your arse out of this house, right now, I will seriously lose it." Danika didn't understand. How could her brother be so different then what she remembered. She turned on her heel and headed back into the kitchen, moving to clean up the mess, when Jack came to attend her, she glared at him and he left the room. She eventually returned to the living room to find that Declan and Zane were still there. She had to close her eyes and calm herself, before gripping her wand. "I. AM. NOT. KIDDING. If you want to leave so badly. THEN DO IT!" She didn't even have to raise her wand because the glass in the windows cracked at her words and they got the message. She couldn't believe this, she just couldn't believe it. She waved her wand to fix the windows before slumping onto the couch. This was the worst fight she had ever had with her brother. What was she supposed to do now?
Zane leaned against Declan more. He was completely ignoring any conversation going on around him. It was not important right now. He smirked and pressed a kiss on Declan's neck when he was warned away. He didn't know why Declan bothered to be honest, he knew Zane wouldn't listen, so why mention it? Yawning he kept his face hidden as Jack and Declan spoke for a bit. Danika was taking an awful long time as it was, Zane noted, even though he actually didn't know what time it was or anything like that, he just knew that the time between Danika having last spoken, and now, was quite a while. Zane moved his face away from Declan and looked up in slight shock when he heard something break in the kitchen. He turned to Declan. "Is she-" He was about to ask after her health, but he was unable to finish his question, because Danika standing there, glaring at them. He gulped slightly, she was bloody scary. Zane tugged on Declan's shirt. "She looks kind of um..." Before he got to finish, Danika was well on her way to yelling at them to get out of her house. Zane was not an easy to scare person, but an angry, mother who was also an angry sister and a part-veela did not bode well for him in his future. He had to be careful. He cringed and was fully prepared to leave, but it seemed that Declan was not.

As Jack headed in there to talk to his wife, Zane turned on Declan. "Why aren't we leaving. She is totally going to shoot us with a curse or something." Zane told his boyfriend. "I know that look, Dec, I have seen it many times. I've had it myself!" Zane did not want to die by veela, that was not his ultimate goal in life, not at all. This definitely could have gone better, and Zane was going to mention that to Declan when suddenly, Danika was back and this time she looked even angrier then she had been before. This time when she yelled, the windows shook and the glass in them broke. Zane pulled on Declan's arm. "Come on! We better get out of here." Getting out of the house before Danika managed to destroy him, Zane leaned against the wall and sighed, pulling a cigarette out of thin air. He lit it with a snap of his fingers and put it to his lips. He had quite a few months back, but after what happened in there, he definitely needed one. "Merlin, next time you drag me here, or anywhere with her, I'm bringing bird-seed." That was too bloody close.

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