I'm sorry, was I expecting you?

Peyton Davidson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
What's that?
Peyton Davidson was rarely one to get giddy even at the best of times. With her demeanor as of late one would think that the young woman had never been on a date before. She'd dipped into her savings jar and purchased a new dress just for the occasion. Zander was supposed to be there in an hour to pick her up and she was flitting about the house with a towel on her head and an old pair of sweats. She figured that the best line of attack would be to try and tackle her unruly head of blonde curls. Peyton pulled the towel from her head and frowned as she looked in the mirror. "This mess is going to take forever," she sighed as she combed through it before grabbing a bottle of styling product from the cabinet and running over the tendrils. "Air drying it is," she muttered, knowing full and well if she attempted to use a blow dyer she'd have a poofy mess on her hands and she wanted to look nice tonight. The petite blonde scurried around trying to find her makeup satchel. When she finally located it she dumped it's contents on the bathroom counter and sorted through it. Peyton had never been one to wear much makeup and with the time constraints being as tight as they were at the moment she decided to go with her normal routine of a little powder and blush with some mascara and lip gloss. She'd always heard that less was more and she really hoped that saying stuck true.

Fifty five minutes later Peyton twirled in front of the mirror. She finally felt ready to go out with Zander tonight. She let out a small girly squeal that made her laugh in spite of herself. It had been almost a year since she'd been out on a date or had even wanted to go on a date, but for some reason she'd been looking forward to tonight ever since he'd asked her. Cleaning up the small mess she'd made the blonde grabbed her jacket and her purse and looked out the small window by the door. He wasn't there yet, but she didn't figure him to be the 'right on the dot' kind of guy so she didn't worry. Turning on the television she flipped through channels before landing on some documentary about twins or something of that nature. It wasn't that it was particularly interesting, but it would be enough to kill the time.</FONT></COLOR>
*An hour and ten minutes later*
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Peyton was a mixing bowl of emotions right now, but the two most dominate were anger and hurt. She'd really thought that Zander was a nice guy, but apparently it seemed like he was just like every other guy she'd ever shown any interest in. A real jerk who merely stood girls up just for sh1ts and giggles. Sighing heavily she pulled her jacket off and went to the bathroom where she washed her face clean and pulled her curls back in a clip away from her face. The blonde headed back through her home to the kitchen where she pulled open the door to her freezer. "Perfect. The one time I need a pint of ice cream and I have none," she said shaking her head slowly. Deciding the only way to salvage this entire evening was to eat loads of junk food while vegging out in front of the television the blonde grabbed her jacket, pulling it back on and slid her bag on her shoulder. Peyton locked her door behind her and headed up the road to the local grocery market with a dour look upon her face and fuming mad.
Today was the big day. A day that the boy had been looking forward to for a long while. Not because it was particularly interesting, or because it meant much to most, but because for the first time in a long while, the eldest valentine was going to take a day for himself and go on a date, with a girl he'd met at a coffee shop, Peyton. A beautiful blonde. An odd air of excitement was inside him as he got dressed for the date. A smart pair of dark jeans and shirt with a simple belt and a dark blue blazer jacket. His smartest outfit. It was suffice to say that he'd worked twice as hard that week so he could have money for the date, and so he had no work to do on that day. Zander was going out of his way to make sure that nothing would stop him getting to his date. He didn't want to not be able to go. And in any case, Zander knew that he would have to show her that he wasn't just some jerk. What the eldest hadn't factored in was his family. He'd mentioned that he was going out and that he needed either Mara or Robin to take care of the younger ones. But, it seemed that even though he'd asked that, Neither Mara or Robin were in. He trusted that they would be back soon enough so that he could go on his date. But as time ticked, Zander became increasingly worried that people had completely ignored what he'd said, and his request. He cared for Mara and Robin, but they weren't that as reliable as he really wanted them to be. Zander was making the two dinner, while watching Tyler play with his toys on the ground. Despite being the only one to really cook in the house, the twenty three year old still wasn't very good at it. His fingers were constantly getting burned. But he'd managed to make, some fairly simple, but nice pasta with tomato sauce. It wasn't much, but the eldest knew it would suffice for the younger ones. It wasn't like they were too fussy. It was just when there were all of them around in the house. All eight siblings, that Zander felt like he was basically the slave of the family. But, Zander knew it was his duty. He had twenty minutes left. And now, Zander was really worried. He took his phone and called Robin, but was sent straight to voice mail. The eldest quickly hung up and called Mara. Again he was directed straight to voice mail. Zander had to keep himself from swearing. Instead he just watched the two youngest eat their food, and wondered whether or not to call his date.

It wasn't something that Zander chose to do often. He hadn't been on a date, since he'd left school. And he didn't really know how to act. He didn't know whether or not to text her. He hadn't exactly said that he was the guardian for his siblings. He'd just said, he'd come from a rather large family, not in the slightest had Alezander mentioned the death of his parents. It wasn't like it was something that could be just mentioned just in passing. he didn't want to have to bring that up when meeting someone. He feared that any move he'd make would be met with a yes, through pity the girl may have felt towards him. And while a rather large part of him, knew that he should call or text to let her know he'd be late, there was no easy way of ever saying why he'd been late. Instead, Zander just resorted to taking care of his siblings. Helping Tyler and Jamie with their homework. Making sure they were still top of the class. getting a little paper work done, and every few minutes calling both Robin and Mara. it wasn't until an hour and ten minutes later, when Zander had been putting Tyler to bed, that, he'd heard someone put a key in the door. Zander walked down and was greeted by both. "Why were you here an hour ago?" which was meet with a incorrect time knowledge. Zander, was quick to mention the amount of messages he'd left them, before on the spot, turning and apparating to a back alley way, carefully hidden. He walked onto the street and bought a rather large bouquet of flowers. He knew they could hardly make up for the fact that he was so late. He didn't know what else to do. Zander walked into a dark area, and then with the flowers apparate to a line near where the girl lived. He quickly jogged to where she lived and stood outside the door for a few moments. Glancing at his watch, an hour and a half late. It had to be a new record. The eldest Valentine felt awful. But, he rang the doorbell anyway. No one answered. However instead of leaving, leaving the flowers, Zander walked back to the main street and just stood looking back and forth, the green eyes of the boy, desperately trying to spot the blonde. Glancing at his watch, he would wait all night for her. Zander was tired of never doing anything for himself, tonight he was not giving up on having a slightly more normal life. Not so fast. A Valentine trait. Stubbornness.​
Peyton thanked the cashier and gathered her purchase. Two pints of ice cream, cookies, potato chips, and candy. It seemed like a perfect way to spend the remainder of her evening seeing as she'd been stood up. The blonde had only ever been stood up once before and that had been the result of a cruel prank. She'd been fourteen. Scrawny chicken legs with braces, glasses, and her curls had been quite a frizzy mess. The boy she'd had a crush on for over a year came up to her and had asked her to go to get pizza and a go see a movie with him and of course she'd said yes, though looking back on it now she knew she probably should have suspected something was up when he'd gone back to his friends laughing. Peyton had forgotten how bad she'd felt at that point in her life up until now. Right this moment on this night she felt like that shy awkward fourteen year old and that really pissed her off. She had worked hard to grow out of that phase of her life and one guy easily sent her right back into it.

The blonde was several yards from her home when she spotted him. Zander was standing there with flowers. Most girls would have probably been happy that he'd at least shown up even it was almost two hours late, but not Peyton. Her nostrils were flared and her fist clenched tight, knuckles showing white. She walked up the pathway to her front door, keys in hand and stopped. "Oh, I'm sorry was I expecting you?" She walked right past him and then turned to face him saying, "You know instead of flowers, you probably should have spent some money on a watch. It might help you keep track of the time a little better." Peyton bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from crying because she was so upset with him right now. She stood there waiting to hear what sort of outlandish story he had come up with to get him off the hook.
Zander Valentine, knew he'd f##ked up. It was clear to him, that even a text would have been better than not appearing at all. But, Zander hadn't known what to do. He'd pretty much just been preoccupied with the youngest two, and trying to reach the eldest set of twins, that actually contacting Peyton hadn't crossed his mind. He didn't know if maybe she just wasn't answering her door, and he had no idea how long he would have to wait until she took him to clear off, but in any and every case, the eldest Valentine would just stay where he was and not say anything. He knew that he would have to go back to the house before Mara had to head for work. He also was sure that Robin was doing something, or just that he wouldn't want to look after the youngest two. Which meant as much as Zander wanted to say until she had to speak to him, or let him inside. The dark green eyes glanced upwards to the dark and overcast sky, traditional London weather. He was just hoping it wouldn't rain. Because rain wouldn't be good news for him. Although if he got sick, there was enough potion for him to be able to cure himself without anyone noticing, which was an advantage. Zander didn't know what to do, he just stood in the middle of the pavement, glancing all around him with the flowers in hand. What would he say, how would he explain, would she ever want to speak to him again. How could he ever explain it to her, without mention the fact he was twenty three and a parent of his siblings. He could hardly claim that Tyler or Jamie were his own. That wasn't right. And it would be lying. How could he explain his sister and her twin being an hour late, and Zander still having managed the trip to her house, in less time than normal, and since he didn't have a car. As much as he liked being around her, and her muggle ways, he didn't actually think them was as good an idea was he wanted it to be. He wanted Peyton to know about the magic. But, he couldn't. What if things ended badly, what if she freaked out and told everyone. He would expose everything just because of one failed date. He could hardly make her believe any form of story. No lies. He couldn't lie to her. Zander didn't want that. Zander was glanced around him, and then noticed her. He felt his heart skip a beat from his nerves. The blonde girl was walking towards. He tried to smile slightly, as if hoping that she hadn't noticed how late he'd been. But, by the fact she spoke, he could tell she was not happy to see him, so his smiled faded.

Not sure what to do, Zander let her speak. He knew somewhat how to deal with anger. Angry outbursts, were the thing Kailey did. And while at times it was fairly easy to control, there were times when Zander just felt like using magic on her. Something he could never do. He couldn't give her a reason to cry the house down until the social workers came and took them away from him. It was why, despite how much he trusted Jamie, he couldn't leave her. He wasn't irresponsible. He couldn't leave them alone, and he couldn't lose them. Despite how much his family, and parenthood dominated his life he didn't know what he would do without them. "You're right. The flowers were a bad idea." Zander said, keeping his voice calm, but only meeting her eyes for a brief second before looking down at the flowers. It had been a silly idea. He figured that she probably wanted an answer for why he was late. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I'm late for our date. And you probably won't believe if I tell you why I was late." Zander just stood there. "It's complicated. I had no choice I couldn't leave. I should've called or texted as soon as I knew I was going to be late. I'm sorry." He repeated, wondering if he should just leave and call this a lost battle, or stay and see if she at least tried to accept what he said. Zander didn't want to leave. Not really. He wanted to stay with her, make her see that he was sorry and that he wanted to try again. Make it up to her. A part of Zander was naive enough to think it would work. They weren't twelve anymore. Things didn't just magically fixed themselves. Zander, looked up and met her eyes, waiting to hear whatever she had to say in response.​
"Complicated? Complicated? How complicated could it have been that you couldn't have taken five seconds to pick up the phone. You didn't even have to call me. A simple text would have sufficed. Just something to let me know that I wasn't being stood up," she said, a few tears streaming down her pink cheeks. She quickly wiped them away with her free hand, refusing to break down over this. Peyton drew in a deep breath quickly through her nose and exhaled slowly through her mouth. "I would have understood if you had just let me know. I'm not the kind of girl who gets her knickers in a knot over her date being late, but you've got to at least tell me," she said, feeling very vulnerable as she crossed her arms over her mid section. Peyton had always been very trusting and understanding, perhaps a little too much too often. The blonde sighed heavily, shaking her head and turned her back to him, heading to the door. She unlocked it and went to step inside, but she had a heavy feeling in her heart. As much as she wanted to she just couldn't be the mean girl in this whole situation, no matter how messed up it seemed to be.

Peyton sat her bag down right inside the doorway and turned and walked back towards Zander. She stopped a few feet away from him, her arms folded across her chest. "They're lovely by the way," she said softly, her head nodding at the flowers in his hand. She looked up at his face and could tell that he was genuinely sorry for what had happened. It was then that it started to rain. Peyton looked up to the sky and knew that if she stayed out here in this for too long her hair would look a right mess. She bit her lip as she looked at Zander. Forever the nice forgiving girl she said, "I bought some junk food for a pity party. I think I have some left over Chinese food in the fridge and probably a frozen pizza in the freezer. It's not exactly a nice sit down dinner, but if you're interested then you're more than welcome to stay." She simply left it at that. The blonde turned and walked back to the door, hoping deep down that he'd come in to stay, for a while at least. She knew if given the chance she could really like him and so she was doing just that, giving herself the chance to see what might happen.
<SIZE size="50">"I'm sorry" Zander Valentine repeated. If his parents had taught him anything during the time they'd been with him, was not a p!ssed off female was not something to meddle with or even touch upon. He knew she had good reason to be angry, which was why he chose to just stand there and accept what she was saying. He knew that telling her would just lead to sympathy actions, actions based off a sense of guilt and wanting to show a sense a compassion. He knew that this wasn't the best thing. He had to focus and listen to what she was saying and just realise that he might have just blown his only chance with the beautiful blonde in front of him. He knew that he would have to give a better excuse than he just forgot, that was not only terrible, but he knew the girl would most likely find him pathetic. Despite the fact he cared for his family, most of the confidence he'd gained while at school, had been shattered when his parents were gone and not matter how hard he tried to keep his family together it was a constant battle. Like no one else apart from him understand what the family meant and what they'd do with out it. There was no other family left. It was just up to eldest of the family, Zander. All the weight rested squarely on his shoulders, something he'd not asked for and had to admit had pretty much destroyed all his aspirations, but this bitterness was not something he usually felt. Just there were some days when everything that he wanted was just pushed aside, and on some of those days, he would realise how unfair it was. But he wouldn't change it for the world. Not for all the money in the world, because Zander was all about family. Family meant more to him, that his dreams, his wishes and even his life. Really all Zander had was his family, and losing them, was not something he wanted to even remotely think about. The girl in front of him had gone silent, as if waiting for a response, but Zander had no idea where to begin. He was close to asking for a second chance to prove he was not just some jerk. He'd been about to leave, when she walked back towards him, something he didn't quite understand, why would she bother with him, if she was clearly so angry. The green eyes of the boy glanced down to the flowers in his hand. He didn't know much about flowers, but they had seemed right considering how late he was. He wanted to apologise again. But it started to rain, and since Zander had just managed to get over a cold, he realised, that either he had to ask for a second chance, or just leave it, and walk away. However he did not need to think too much on the issue, when the girl started speaking talking about food, his stomach rumbled loudly, and his cheeks turned a light pink colour. The green eyes of the eldest Valentine glanced to the floor, and then suddenly up to he.

Zander watched curiously as Peyton walked back to the house. Welcome to stay Zander had to stop himself from smiling. He wondered why she would even bother giving him another chance. He took a deep breath and not wanting to stay in the rain much longer followed the girl up to her house. It was different from his house. Mainly as his house had toys all over the floor. Crayon drawings on the walls and lego blocks a little everywhere, making it somewhat dangerous to walk without shoes. Zander tried his hardest to keep it clean, but Jamie was only 9, and Tyler was only 7. He could hardly ask them to do anything, and they were young. Keeping the house tidy during the holidays months was a completely different battle. It was long and hard, and Zander knew he was always on the losing side. With 4 teenagers in the house, it was practically murder. With teenagers that ate a lot more than anyone else, Zander always found the holidays to be the single most difficult time of year. He worked late into the night, tidied at every chance, and shopped online, the muggle way. Just the way that any parent would do. "It's a nice place you have. A lot tidier than my home." Zander said. "You know to make up for being so late, I could make us something to eat. I'm fairly good in the kitchen. Nothing too big, nice and small. In any case, Have you got a vase for these flowers? I don't want them to die." Zander asked, standing fairly close to the front door, not sure of what else to do. Zander wanted to make up for being so late, but he didn't know how as of yet. A part of him wanted her to give him a chance, to really show that they could maybe be something.​
"Thanks," Peyton said when he complimented on how nice her place was. She worked hard to keep it that way because her brothers had always been such slobs when she'd lived at home. She began to put away the things she'd just purchased in the cabinets and pulled off her jacket, hanging it over the back of the chair. When Zander asked if she had a vase she responded, "Um yeah I think so. Hold on." Peyton pulled one of the chairs over and stood up on it, looking into one of the cupboards over the sink. "Yeah, here it is," she said as she stepped down and turned on the faucet filling the glass vase half full of water. Even though she'd only known him for a very short time she was finding it very hard to stay mad at Zander for very long. She took the flowers from him and held them up to her nose, inhaling deeply. Peyton loved the smell of flowers. The blonde arranged them in the glass holder and then looked at Zander. "These really are quite pretty. Thank you," she said with a half smile before adding, "I have some fresh vegetables in the fridge and I think I bought some pasta that's up in the cabinet. Oh and there's some chicken that I bought at the market on Tuesday. Feel free the roam the cabinets for any other ingredients you might need." Peyton began to rummage through the cupboards and pull out some pots and pans, not really sure what he would need. The blonde walked over and turned on the radio. "Are you okay with the music on? I just tend to keep it on all the time when I'm at home," she asked, wondering if he would have a problem with it.
<SIZE size="50">It was nice to watch Peyton go round her kitchen getting a vase for the flowers. They were nice flowers he'd thought, and while they'd been a snap decision, he knew it had been a good decision. He didn't actually think that the flowers would help in his apology, but they had and he was grateful. It would've been annoying, had he been late and for her to not even partially hear him out. He could understand it, but Zander was that she had taken the side of accepting his small and somewhat lacking apology. Maybe once he'd made her dinner, she would be even more willing to completely forgive him for his lack of good timing. It still was not his fault, he had a perfectly good excuse, it was just if she would believe it or not. That was a completely different matter. But he wouldn't lie. He couldn't lie, not after thefact he was so late. Obviously the whole music side of it was something he couldn't mention. It wasn't something that he could ever mention to her, not unless what they had got very serious. Which he actually doubt. He believed that they would go out a couple of times and that it would be fun, but since he had all his siblings to look after, and a job to hold down that it would be close to impossible to also be dating a girl as amazing as the one in front of him. Peyton was beautiful to him, he wouldn't say it. He'd pretty much long since learned to not put his heart on the line for anything. So that when the time came for them to go seperate ways there wouldn't be many hard feelings. Not like his high school girl friend. She pretty much hated him, and considering the time of their break up it had been another slap to his face. And something else he had to try to deal with. But it was a number of years later now. And while he was over her, his thoughts drifted to what could've been had his parents not passed. Zander nodded slightly as Peyton told him, where some of the food was. He nodded slightly and took a look around. He got straight to work. Setting about making a fairly simple meal. Chicken and rice, with a few vegetables. He knew how to make that pretty well. It was one of Jamie and Mara's favourite thing to eat, as it had been his mother recipe, and while he couldn't get it to be quite like hers, he didn't think he was that far off the mark. "How do you feel about chicken, with rice and an asortment of vegetables?" He asked, but not really looking for an answer. He knew that no matter what she would at least eat the chicken, or just the vegetables. He began cooking, quickly finding whatever he needed. "My mum used to make it all the time, since it's pretty easy to make. And you can't really go wrong." Zander said as he began, he looked up slightly as she turned on the radio.

It wasn't that he didn't like the music, it just surprised him that the girl always had it on. He was different in that sense, as much as he could he liked when the house was quiet, but living with his siblings meant that there was at time constant noise, and the living room tv was almost always on. Zander didn't watch it, and he had barely any time to even sit down in front of it. He just nodded. "It's okay. Who is it?" His musical knowledge somewhat lacked, He used to know more, but when his life became more about children, babies and work, music had kindly left the stage. Which had never been what he'd wanted, but it had been what had happened. "I used to know more about music, but you know, you grow up and responsibilty sets in." Zander said, looking up briefly from his cooking. His eyes meeting hers, while he gave a small smile. "I take it you like music?" Zander asked her, keeping the smile on his face.​
Coming back into the kitchen Peyton couldn't help, but smile as Zander set straight to work in making them dinner. She had to give it to him, he was doing one hell of a job in making up for being late. "I think that sounds like a pretty good meal. And probably really easy to make seeing as there were so many of you to feed," she said as she grabbed some glasses from the cabinet along with some plates to set the table. Peyton remembered him telling her about all of his siblings and it amazed her that there were so many. "Your mother must have tons of patience with all of you...your father too I suppose, but it's nice that you all seem to be so close," she said as she grabbed some silverware and placed them on the table as well.

When Zander asked her who it was on the radio she stopped and listened. "I'm not sure, but hold on a second...I can find out in a jiffy," she said as she grabbed her cell phone and found what she was looking for. She held the small device up to the speakers until she heard the faint little ding. Looking up at Zander with a grin she replied, "The song is called 'Headlights' by Dispatch. Pretty nifty little trick, huh?" Placing her phone back on the couch she headed back to the kitchen where she hopped up on the counter and watched him cook. "Yeah I like music quite a bit. It gets a little too quiet around here by myself most days so I just flip on the stereo and no more silence. All of my brothers love music too so it helps me sometimes feel like they're closer to me," she said, realizing just how pathetic it had sounded. "Sometimes having to grow up and take on adult responsibilities sucks majorly, but I suppose it's a right of passage, right? I just think it's funny that we spend so much time when we're young chomping at the bit to grow up and have freedom, but in all reality we had no idea just how much freedom was going to cost us. If only we knew then what we know now, huh," she said thoughtfully.
A small singluar shrug was all the the eldest Valentine gave in response to Peyton's comment about his parents. If he was honest he didn't really know. Most of the year there were only a few of them around, it was only during the holidays that things had even been busy. But Zander had always attempted to help out. When Jamie had been born around the time that Zander left for his third year at Hogwarts. And at that point three of a possible five children were at hogwarts. He had never really wondered much about the mount of [practice it had given his parents. But it had given Zander plenty. As the guardian of his eight siblings he knew that his practice when it came to cooking for a large amount of people and minimising food lose was actually paying off. That and he had been doing it now for the past 6 or 7 years. A smile crept on his face as he thought of his younger siblings. Jamie and Tyler. Tyler had been just a baby at the time, and Jamie had been only two. With Kailey in the hospital, and his other siblings around, it had pretty much thrown Zander in at the deep end and he'd quickly learned how to deal with it. Things had eased off once their parents had been buried and most of the siblings headed back to school. But, As a high school drop out, Zander had continued his studies from home. He'd become a parent and yet he'd been just sixteen at the time. The green eyes of the boy glanced up at the girl in front of him. This was not the time to blurt out his dark past about how he actually was the one that had to deal with it all. But it was also his reasoning for being so late. Had their been parents around, Zander was sure he would've made it on time for their date, and he would not currently be in her kitchen attempting to make amends for what he'd done. His thoughts so occupied on his parents and cooking, that he only became vaguely aware that she was telling him the name of the song. "It's good." He nodded as he spoke before flashing the girl a small smile and returning to his work. He just nodded along as she spoke. Talking about her brothers interest in music. He loved music. But it had just taken a back seat while he was caring for his siblings. And until Tyler, the youngest was out of school and doing well for himself, he knew he would not be able to follow the dream, Which wasn't until a good ten or eleven years away. Something he didn't entirely mind. Since he was the parent he had to act like it.

Hearing her talk about growing up, he had to smile. He knew that growing up was hard. He'd spent most of his younger years wanting rid of his parent's grasp and of his siblings. But now, he would literally do anything to keep his siblings from harm, and he would do anything to bring back his parents, so they could give him advice on to take care of his siblings. On how to be with them. How to deal with the two twins that merceless bullied Kailey. To know how to make sure Robin got a job soon, so that he could stop his search for extra shifts, or a night job. Supporting a large family like the Valentines was something that Zander felt no one in his family understood how hard it was. Sure he had Robin and Mara to help him out every so often, but that was really not enough. With Mara in University, and the twins probably heading that way too, Zander knew even if Robin got a job that he would have to pull a whole lot of extra shifts to keep the family afloat. How he wished he could return to simpler days. "My family all live under one roof. Hard to believe considering how many of us their are. But with boarding school, for the most part the teenagers are not around. So it's just the eldest and the very youngest." He proceed to then put the finishing touches on what he was making, before getting it to cook. "I know what you mean though, about the music helping you connect with your brothers." He gave a small laugh. He knew he had little shot of a relationship with the pretty girl in front of him. She was pretty out of his league, and it wasn't like she'd be willing to step into a family like his, even if it was just as his girlfriend. "I used to always wear this necklace my mum gave me when I was younger so I could feel close to them, I don't wear it anymore, I gave it to Jamie, but it was good to have that connection to them." Zander explained. Although ommitting the part about his parents being dead. He'd let her either figure it out, or ask. "What kind of music do you listen to? Just any?"

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