I'm so loneleeeeeee

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Ashlynn Lee

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Dis is Ashlynn Lee. She's a fun-loving, carefree, laid-back girl that lives in the moment. She loves art of any sort, as well as music and dance. But mostly art as of now. She is outgoing and makes the most of what she has. Her exterior is almost always, if not always, bright and fun-loving. She's a bit sassy/smart-alecky as well and can even get a bit mean at times, but it's all part of enjoying her time; she doesn't really mean it (unless she does hate you). Ashlynn sometimes ends up being the center of attention, not because she wants to, but usually because she does crazy things. She's a bit lazy when it comes to work, and she tries to get around doing things she thinks she won't enjoy doing. Which ended up in her failing school before. She isn't dumb; she's actually quite intelligent; she just doesn't care enough to use it on things she doesn't like. On the inside, Ashlynn is very thoughtful although she has trouble expressing her thoughts, and it's only her very closest friends that get to hear about her troubles (most of which involve her family/parents). She's always willing to listen and help out if she can; she is a loyal friend although she doesn't trust others so easily herself.

On the other hand, Ashlynn is ruthless toward her enemies/people she hates, and can be a real a b***ch to them. She's usually very tolerant, but when she reaches her breaking point, she doesn't forgive. There's not many things that can get to her; simple ridicule and bullying don't affect her much. It's things like insults to her family, her future, and her friends and occasionally herself that get her pissed to the point of holding a grudge.

So she needs:
Friends - pretty much anyone, except if they piss her off. She doesn't discriminate or anything. Gryffindors are welcome as well since she has no clue about the house divisions.
Close/Best Friends - she has very few friends who she considers close even though she makes friends easily. These are the people she feels she can fully trust and can talk to openly.
Enemies - not a whole lot. People might hate her for her personality. She rarely hates other people herself though.
Mentors - someone older, and preferably a Slytherin although it doesn't have to be. She gets lost a lot and doesn't even know the basics about Hogwarts, so someone to watch her a bit/help her around would be nice.
Crushes - just small ones, since she's too young to care for anything serious. She's actually a bit afraid of love, even at her age, after seeing her parents get divorced.

Sooo...post here with any ideas. I'm up for anything :]
Hello, I'm willing to give out Elouise as your Friend ...

Elouise is shy at first but if she knew you better and accepts her, she's very talkative to you. Everyone loves her and never even got into fights. She's very kind, mischievous and sweet.
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