I'm new... Ish!

Elijah Whitelock

Active Member
OOC First Name
Hello all :D ,

My name's Robyn and I've been on the site before but it's been quite awhile.

Would be nice to get back into role playing again :)
Hey Robyn! (I like the spelling of your name!)

Its good to hear that you've come back! Everything you could know about the changes and such are listed under the Information/Site Documentation button at the top of every page.

If you ever need someone to chat with you can pm me I can't bite people over the internet, tehe :r
Hey Steph,

Thank you :)

I shall take a look but probably tomorrow as it's 1:24am...

Tehe, likewise ^_^
Welcome Robyn.

You can call me Tenilee. It's really cool when people come back, hopefully you'll get to know that place again, a lot has changed. Anyway, I hope you'll have a lot of fun, and if you ever want to chat, I'm always up for it!

Welcome (back) to HNZ, Robyn! :)

Hopefully we'll see you around the board plenty. ^_^
Welcome back, Robyn! ^_^
I'm glad that you didn't forget about us and have decided to come back.
See you around!
Welcome back Robyn ^_^

I'm Johanna. If you ever want to rp or have the chat just PM me.

Thanks everyone :hug:

Would be great to RP with you all :)

Btw could anyone tell me the difference between a Character Development and a Biography because I'm really confused? :unsure:
Elijah Whitelock said:
Btw could anyone tell me the difference between a Character Development and a Biography because I'm really confused? :unsure:
Character development is when you're working on your character and would appreciate feedback. The form tries to help you think about your character differently, and other members are welcome to reply and ask you questions about your character or their past to try to help you make them more cohesive.

Biographies are just what your character is - how you've defined them, without looking for feedback or a way of developing them further.

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