I'm new in the neighborhood.,

OOC First Name
madelaine force
:p Hi, I'm Madelaine Force,the only daughter of Force family,It was a hot afternoon when everyone was so busy in arranging the stuff of our new house,We came from France,my dad was designated here so I don't have choice. My mom looking at the wall of the house where to put those huge frames while my Dad was busy talking to someone over the phone.I'm really bored and hungry too, so I decided to go out and look for food.when I was roaming, I saw vintage church where it has a tower. I hurriedly go up while no one was there, I'm surprise because of the breathtaking scenery, mountains,rice fields,tall trees very romantic place. ;) But suddenly I feel hungry so I go down from the tower, go out from the church and see a hamburger house, at the side there is a playing area,green field.I go there and eat the yummy burger but still I'm alone.hmm :(
Hi there Madelaine. :)
Just so you know, this forum is out-of-character. This means that we break the personas we type through in our roleplays and just be ourselves. ^_^ In this case, the function of that is to welcome new people, new roleplayers, in to our community and offer them any help they might need.

So hello there, and welcome to HNZ! I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I hope you enjoy your time on this website.
I would strongly encourage you to take a look over our Site Documentation. We have guides on how to roleplay on this board, as well board rules and FAQ to get you started. :)
If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to send me a personal message. ;)

See you around!
Thanks, Nicolas I appreciate your concern,well I'm a little bit confuse about some things in this site.
Hey Madelaine!

It's always awesome to see new members on HNZ, I hope you enjoy all the site has to offer.

HNZ has a sort of.. mentoring programme for looking after our new members, and I wondered if you wanted me to be your guide to the site? I'm here to help, anyway.

Have an awesome time here! ^_^

Hi Madelaine. If you have any questions about this site, you can ask me and pm me too. Feel free in using this site. I'm sure you'll enjoy a lot here.
I'm Maite anyway, we can have rp if you want. :)

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