I'm going to miss you big brother

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Nadia Kaster

mugglelink communications director
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Dragon Heartstring Core
Nadia clapped aong with the rest of the Graduates as the last of the names was called. She was happy that everyone had graduated and that they were all going to have a great adventure in the magical world, but she had to admitt that she was also alittle scared about the fact that it also meant that she too was one year closer to her graduation. But she was glad when the ceremony was over. She was starting to think that maybe she was going to be stuck in the hall all day. Though she wouldn't have minded so much. She did like the hall. But she wanted to talk to Justin. She wanted to say goodbye properly. She was going to miss him very much.

Nadia made her way through the crowd to where she had last seen Justin and smiled when she saw the Headboy. She walked up to him and pulled on his sleeve. She wasn't that much shorter than he was, but she couldn't be bothered to lift her hand above her shoulder. "Hey Justin. I liked your speech today." She told him as she tuckered her hair behind her ear. "I have to say though I was alittle surprised that you mentioned our conversation." She laughed.
Honestly, Justin had been scared out of his mind while he had been deliviering his speech and it hadn't helped having everyone staring at him, and even having to feel the eyes that would have been pouring into the back of his head. He didn't like having all the attention in the Great Hall on him, and there was a huge chance that he would fail under all of the pressure that he had felt at that time, and honestly he just hated public speaking. Nobody could be good at public speaking, it just became bearable and therefore it got sort-of easier. But Justin wasn't the kind of person who would ever be good at public speaking, and ever after he became an Auror or Ministry employee or something, he didn't know if he was even qualified to be an Auror. Justin sighed to himself, he hadn't been good enough to become what he wanted to be, and it was going to come back and bite him in the ass when he went to take the test to be an Auror.

Justin smiled when he saw Nadia wade her way through the crowd of people to find him, she looked so cute, like all the time, and that was something that he loved about her. She was definitely like a sister to him and he knew that that would be a forever kind of thing. When she had Brightstone Weekends he would visit her and that would be a permanent thing, he would hate to not be able to see her face around. "Hey kiddo, thanks. Why wouldn't I mention you?" Justin said, sticking his tongue out at her.
Nadia smiled and her eyes lit up. She loved having Justin like a big brother. She wasn't even really sure how it happened. Though even when they had first met in the Forbidden Forest when she was looking for her head band and had gotten lost he had been very nice and alittle protective. He had always been there for her, even towards the end of her depression. Their friendship had eventually just grown into the type of relationship you would expect to see in a brother and sister. Anyone looking at them would immediately assume that they were siblings due to the way they interacted. Justin sort of filled the void that losing her family had left. And she was glad. She couldn't imagine her life without Justin in it and she had to admitt that she was alittle sad that she couldn't just see him whenever she wanted now. Though Brightstone weekends were always an option and she could always owl him for things, like if she needed help with homework. Like that would be an issue. She was in Ravenclaw. She really just loved the idea of Justin and not having him here was kind of confronting. She knew she could always count on Justin to be there. Now it was going to be harder. She smiled. She really did love Justin. "Oh, Justin, don't call me kiddo. I'm fifteen you know." She complained as she smacked his arm. He may be seventeen and going out into the big, bad world, but he still wasn't allowed to call her kiddo. It made her sound like she was five, or something. She laughed after the second part of the question. To be honest she wasn't sure why she was surprised, she just was. It was only a silly little conversation they had just over two years ago. Infact she had been going through her depression at the time and Justin was just getting over Trinity. She had been placed under a happy charm by some friends of hers and the conversation had just taken off from there. "Well to be honest, I actually don't really know. I mean, it was just a silly little conversation that we'd had over two years ago. I didn't realise I had that much of an influence on you." She joked as she twisted her hair through her fingers. It was a little habit she had when she spoke to people. It gave her hands something to do when she wasn't moving.

She looked up at him, alitte worried expression on her face. He was going to visit her and write her letters right? She wanted to make sure he would still keep in touch. And she would go and visit him when they were on holidays. She had it all planned. Provided he was going to adhere to them. She knew she would definately be writing to him alot. She would probably need advice on things that only a brother could help with. Afterall, she didn't really have anywhere else to write. Except the Kasters and they weren't always such a good help. She pouted, "Justin... you will visit me wont you? And write to me? And... I don't know other stuff?" She asked as she tilted her head. She always used her cute expressions when she wanted a particular answer. So far it had always worked.​
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