Open Ilvermorny Quidditch Tryouts Y48

Kathryne Andrews

5th Year Pukwudgie | "Kit" | Chaser & Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
15 (10/2047)
Kit had been nervous all summer, but she was putting on a confident face as she stood in front of a small but seemingly "brimming with potential" group. The position had fallen into her lap, and she must have shown the now graduates and her professors something to prove she could lead the team. She wasn't the youngest captain out there, but being a fifth year with only one year of on team experience had shown her she had a lot to live up to. Her mom was friends with some of the quidditch staff at MACUSA, and thankfully, Kit had been able to sit on a few practices to get an idea about how to get started. The blonde stepped forward and held onto her broom. "Hey everyone, I'm Kit. If you call me Kathryne, I will kick you out of here," she joked, but at the same time, she was dead on because no one called her by her full name except her mother. "I'm going to be Captain this year, and tryouts are not just about what you can do on a broom but also how much effort you put into things. So, we're going to do a group warm-up before anyone is allowed up there. Safety first, right?" she added, before leading the group in a few running laps around the field, stretches, and intervals. She had learned from her favorite coach that it wasn't just about what people could do in the air. All the members of the team were physically fit and had the stamina to play Quidditch without a broom, if it were possible.

Once they had finished the intervals, she grabbed her broom and headed out to the middle of the field. "Alright, we have a few positions open this year. If you were an alternate last year, except for myself, you'll have to try out again, too. The rest of the team will help out as people tryout, and they shouldn't take it easy on anyone, got it?" she finished, before heading up in the air and blowing a sparkley gold whistle that she had acquired over the summer, waiting to see what each person brought.

BeaterLarissa Baros
BeaterOcean Keeley
Chaser & CaptainKathryne "Kit" Andrews
ChaserHadrian Murphy
ChaserMelrose Miller

OOCOut of Character:
If you were on the team last year, a post will do to keep your space. If you're trying out, just do a post playing the position you'd like to try out for. If your student is still at Ilvermorny and I have mistakenly removed them, please let me know! I was doing my best :D Please make sure that you'll be active for practice and games with this character, even if it's only one of each - thanks!
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Mason had been determined to try out for the quidditch team, even if it was an alternate position, he was going to be happy that he at least tried. Mason made his way to the quidditch pitch along with the others who were going to try-out. He listened as the quidditch captain started off with the tryouts, though while he understood that warm ups were good, he would’ve much rather get the try outs out of the way.

He did laps around the quidditch pitch amongst the others, as well as stretches and what not. It wasn’t long before the warm ups were done and they were finally able to go up in the air and try out. Mason smiled happily at the captain. “Mason Phillips, beater” Masons simply states his name and position he’s trying out for and then he was up in the air. The boy immediately got into action and looked for bludgers to hit. He also flew around with a few different players to practice his defense and to protect players by the bludgers. Mason had managed to hit a few bludgers, some hits better than others.

It wasn’t long before tryouts had come to an end. He gave the captain a quick thanks and nod before heading back to the castle. He thought that he did pretty well, but he had to see…
March Chase didn't just like Quidditch - he lived and breathed it. Growing up, his father never missed a match, and his dad's encouragement from a young age had inspired him to take to the skies as soon as he was able to fly. He'd grabbed hold of a broom and then never let go. Having been alternate seeker last year, March was determined to prove he was ready to be on the main team for this season. He practically jogged to the pitch, broomstick slung over his shoulder, excitement barely contained. He gave a nod of recognition to a few teammates from the previous year and exchanged quick smiles with some of the new faces. As the team Captian - he'd been surprised to see Kathryne - gathered everyone together, March stood attentively, absorbing every word out of her mouth. No surprises really, just fly well and show what you could do - he could do that!

March stepped forward confidently, "I'm March Chase trying for seeker again," he said, his voice steady as he mounted his broom. He kicked off into the air, the wind rushing through his hair and his ears and he ascended into the sky. Steadying himself, he scanned the air for the telltale glint of gold. It didn't take long for the snitch to catch his eye, and he darted off after it near the opposite end of the pitch. His focus sharp as he tried to chase it down. Weaving through the air, he executed a tight corkscrew to avoid a fellow flyer and pulled into a dive when the snitch veered downward. His broom responded perfectly to his commands, and March felt a thrill as he closed the distance. He dodged a bludger by inches, zigzagging to throw off its path, all the while keeping his eyes locked on the golden target. He reached out, fingers brushing the wings of the snitch, but a sudden gust of wind sent it spiralling sideways. Undeterred, March adjusted his course, angling sharply and pressing his broom to its limits. His persistence paid off as he stretched out again and closed his hand firmly around the snitch.

Triumphant, March circled back to the ground, the snitch still fluttering weakly in his grip. He released it with a grin once Kathryne gave an approving nod. "Thanks for the chance," March said as he dismounted, his cheeks slightly flushed from exertion and excitement. Though he was proud of his performance, March knew there was always room for improvement. Still, he felt confident he had shown enough skill and determination to secure his spot.
Summer had enjoyed her year on the team as an alternate, more than she thought given she hadn't originally planned on being a keeper, but she had taken to the position better than she'd expected, enough that she decided to return to try-outs in the new year and go for the open keeper spot, it made the most sense for her and she was sure she would be a good keeper. She made her way to the pitch and was delighted to see her friend Kit standing and waiting to conduct the try-outs, ignoring the rest of the people there she bounded over to her. "Kit omg you got captain? That's amazing I'm so happy for you," She hugged her friend before going back to the others to try out.

When it was her turn Summer stepped forward and cleared her throat, "Summer Halliwell, trying out for keeper," Summer climbed onto her broom and fly in front of one set of the hoops so she could begin. She waited as chasers came up to try and scored past her and she saved them over and over again, saving four shots in a row before some eventually scored past her. There were a couple of more successful shots but for the most part, she was pretty happy with how many saves she made. She returned to the ground to wait and see if she made it.
Larissa Baros could hardly believe that it was her last year on the team! She was a good beater she felt. She arrived and smiled at the new captain, though a little confused on the selection. Oh well, Larissa did not covet that spot at all. She mounted her broom to help the others try out though.
Marcellus Vetrov was glad now that his sister managed to join the same school as him. He had a broom though and he was going to try out for the Quidditch spot. He thought many times over which position that he should try out for, and then decided on it. He was going for the gold, which was the seeker position. He arrived to the Quidditch Pitch and smiled at the captain. He didn't know her or the other team, but he was going to after today. He was that confident in his abilities. His dad was a Quidditch player after all, and he practically was riding a broom since he could walk.

"Marcel Vetrov, trying out for seeker!" Marcel greeted Kathryne and mounted his broom to get to work. He looked and looked around the sky for the snitch. It was a lot harder than he thought that it would be. It took the fourth year a while to even find the snitch the first time. He managed though after doing a barrel roll to catch it when it swerved below him. He let it go and then went on to search for it again. He wondered if the snitches were slowed down or something, or many of them, for him to get lucky and catch it more than once. Marcel knew that try outs were wrapping up, so he landed and smiled at the captain. He hoped he did a good job.
Hadrian was back for another year of Quidditch, he knew he might not have been the greatest of players but he was there, at least, which had to count for something. Kit was slightly less scary than the previous captains had been, but her threat still made Hadrian swallow nervously and just focus on trying to actually get the quaffle through the hoop. He even succeeded a couple of times.
Melrose had come back into the Quidditch season this year with a fire. Meeting Lucy had been eye opening and he knew if he wanted even a chance to see her again, see her and really impress her this time, they needed to do well in the international competition.

He was ready to work hard, but he maybe hadn't been quite as ready to work as hard as their new captain wanted them too. Melrose was already exhausted when Kit finally called an end to their 'warm ups' and he was able to swing himself onto a broom, sweating and still catching his breath. Whoever came up with intervals was pure evil, he thought weakly, trying to get his focus back and onto the quaffle as the rest of the team practiced or tried out.
Tryouts will close in about 48 hours so please get your tryouts in!

Sport Quidditch GIF by Xbox
Marcellus had suggested trying out for the Quidditch team now they were both at the same school again and she had to admit he had certainly had worse ideas in his life. She made her way down to the pitch which was a lot more impressive than the one at Hogwarts, at least in her opinion, but then she’d soured on Hogwarts by the time she left the school. She waited her turn to introduce herself to the captain and when it was time she stepped forward. “Minerva Vetrova, trying out for beater,”

Minerva got to work, her main priority was protecting her brother while he was trying out for seeker, which would probably work out for the best as protecting seekers would be one of the most important jobs she would have as a beater. She spent the try out mostly beating away bludgers from Mercellus and anyone else she noticed getting a little too close to one. She hit a few, away from chasers and beaters mostly but Marcellus did have a knack of attracting the black balls of death so protecting him took up most of her time.

She was exhausted but satisfied when she returned to the ground and returned her school broom to the shed. She was committed to buying a new one if she made the team, but not before.
Extending tryouts for a few more hours!
BeaterLarissa Baros
BeaterMason Phillips
Chaser & CaptainKathryne "Kit" Andrews
ChaserHadrian Murphy
ChaserMelrose Miller
KeeperSummer Halliwell
SeekerMarch Chase
Alt BeaterMinerva Vetrova
Alt SeekerMarcellus Vetrov

OOCOut of Character:
Thank you to everyone for trying out! I will reach out shortly via PM with games and info about practice.

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