Closed if three is a crowd, what's five?

Eoghan Blyth

resident tarot reader
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (11)
For the last fifty minutes, Eoghan had been sat at one of the tables beside the large bookcases, immersed in the Divination book that was currently open in front of him. Beside him was Lilith, who'd come with him as they'd gone in search of the library with the hope it would be everything they were looking for. As expected, it was quieter than the student lounge and their common room, and the amount of knowledge in there was vast. He couldn't lie, he was probably going to be spending more time in the library than in any other room around the castle.

Perhaps he should have spent more time reading the classes he was already in, instead of jumping ahead two years and reading books that currently wouldn't help him pass his exams, but the more he read on the subject the more he was interested in it, and maybe he could find a way to use it in his day to day life before they'd even come to their third year. His eyes flicked over to the book his friend was reading, occasionally asking a question about it's content as though he couldn't quite let go off the guilt that came with not reading it for himself. "Do you think they let us take books out of here?" he'd asked at one point, figuring that was what most libraries did but whether or not they trusted their students to take books to their dorms or not would be another matter.
Lilith was sat at the library with Eoghan, it was by far her favourite place in the castle. Nothing like the smell of books and rows of them as far as the eye could see. She was reading more about Transfiguration, the subject having taken her full interest. She was itching to know about the history and famous cases in the subject of misuse. She made sure to answer every question the boy threw her way, she wasn't sure if he was actually interested or just feeling guilty about reading of subjects they weren't even studying yet. Nevertheless she remembered one of her first promises to the boy and was going to keep to it and help him with whatever, if it was to answer questions he had about these subjects then so be it.

Her current read was A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration when Eoghan asked another question. Raising her head from the worn out pages she looked at her friend. "Well, I suppose it is a library and as long as you return the books without causing harm on them it should be fine. At least that's what I assume and I haven't seen or heard anyone opposing on it yet on the times I have visited." If she was wrong it'd be a honest mistake, but wouldn't be the end of their world. "Is your book interesting?" She asked in return, genuinely interested.
Cal was awestruck when he entered the library. Towering bookcases with an endless supply of knowledge that any wizard could need, he felt a little silly for coming here to try to find a book about the stories and adventures of Merlin. His history of magic class had prompted an interest in revisiting some of these old stories. Cal decided to browse around, no longer looking for anything particular, but taking in all the dusty tomes. A thought occurred to Cal that he was joining the dueling club and he should probably study something useful. He grabbed a book titled 'Self-Defensive Spellwork' and looked for a place to sit. Cal spotted a familiar face, Eoghan. He had met the ravenclaw boy outside after a stink bomb went off during the school tour and showed him and a girl named Ondine some muggle magic tricks that paled in comparison to the actual divination magic shown to him by the boy.

Cal walked over to the table that Eoghan and another ravenclaw girl were sitting at, "Hey Eoghan!" Cal shuttered at the over excited volume he had initially in the library and lowered his tone. He turned to the ravenclaw girl and introduced himself, "I'm Cal," his hand stretched out, "Would you two mind if I joined you?"
William had never planned on being in the library so early in the school year but he was determined to read up on charms in preparation for his next lesson. He refused to do badly in his own mothers class, he didn’t want to look foolish in front of her. He made his way into the library and was a little surprised by how grand it was, it had been described to him before but he hadn’t really pictured it before, it was a pretty impressive space but the it had to be to house all the students of Hogwarts and it was probably one of the biggest centres of magical knowledge in the country.

He took his book out of his bag and started looking for a table to sit at and saw one with a couple of familiar faces. “Eoghan buddy, mind if I sit?” He noticed another boy and a girl there, he hadn’t seen the girl before that he know of but he somewhat recognised the boy. “Cal right? I saw you at the first year tour, I’m Will, nice to meet you both,” He said directing the last part to both Cal and the girl at the table with Eoghan.
Why was Tori in the library again? Oh right, because she was researching some things for the gobstones club she and Jasper were the President and Vice President of, she wasn't about to let the fact there was already sort of an unofficial one stop her. She would come up with more things, and if Emery was the President, then Jasper was the Vice President - but that made her the Secretary and honestly that was the most important position anyway, anyone who knew anything about Secretaries knew that they were the most imortant people in any job. She picked up a couple of the books she was intending to read and headed out into the main section of the library, she needed to keep out of trouble for the moment, since Professor Cade was probably sick of seeing her face at this point. She had spent far too much time in his office of late.

She grinned as she headed past a table, recognising a couple of people specifically, and two others from classes. "Oh, Eo, hi! And Will, hello! You're Cal right? From Defence against the dark arts, and... Lily? From potions?" She didn't bother to ask if she could sit with them, instead just taking a seat wherever was available, "glad I could find someone to sit with, I didn't want to have to read all of these books on my own," she said, holding up a history of gobstones so that everyone could see. "I'm Tori, nice to meet you both."
Eoghan nodded at Lilith's question, "It is," It was why he hoped the library would let him take it out of there so he could read it at his own leisure, too. He was about to ask her more about her own topic of interest when a voice made him shoot out of his chair. What was it with students startling him these days? It was like they were trying to creep up behind him and scare him. Apparently, Eoghan didn't need to introduce Cal to Lilith, given he'd already done it himself. Instead, Eoghan could provide Lilith with some information about him that might help her to slot him into the narrative he may have mentioned to her before now. "Cal practices.. muggle magic," he said, choosing the leave out the word fake in case the Slytherin took offense. Eoghan knew the illusion was real if it was only that, but it still didn't make sense to him why he would bother in a school where they'd learn real magic.

Peering over Cal's shoulder, Eoghan spotted William coming over to them too. "Do we have a beacon over our heads?" he asked Lilith in their own language, watching as the Gryffindor sat down beside them, even going as far as calling Eoghan buddy. "I met William on the train. I think he was waiting to use the bathroom," he said, making very little effort to make him feel included. Apparently, that didn't matter, given how quick the Gryffindor was to introduce himself to Cal and Lilith. The only thing that could have gone worse for him now was if Susie popped up behind them too, armed with a bucket load of her laxative gummy worms, again.

"Be my guests," he said to both the boys with a fake smile, clearly thrilled at the prospect of being joined. He glanced to Lilith in an attempt to see what she was making of the other students, given he'd only seen her interacting with other Ravenclaw's until now. Eoghan had clearly thought incorrectly when he considered things couldn't get worse, given that Victoria de Lacey was now sideling herself up to the group too. Eoghan had to resist the urge to roll his eyes, "It's Lilith, not Lily," he interrupted bluntly. He didn't actually know if she used that nickname, but given that this was their first meeting, the more respectful thing to do was at least call her by her proper name. "Gobstones?" he asked, eyebrows raised as though he couldn't believe that that was what some of the students were wasting their time with around here. Was he really one of the only students that cared about learning magic?
Lilith raised her head from the book when a boy joined their table, loudly making his arrival known. "Ah, Lilith, sure go on I suppose." She reached her hand out to shake Cal's, he had introduced himself, hand with a small smile. She gave a short nod of her head to Eoghan, letting him know she had heard and noted his explanation of Cal.

Lilith couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her lips at his comment. "Not as far as I can see." She whispered, as discreetly as she could manage, not wanting to exclude anyone. "Hi, I'm Lilith, nice to meet you." She said politely to the other boy joining them who had just introduced himself as Will. Apparently the boys full name was William, since that is what her friend chose to address him by, again she just nodded.

The Ravenclaw could practically sense the irritation waving out of Eoghan's body when finally a girl also joined them. Her grimace was obvious when the girl had gotten her name wrong and Eoghan was quick to correct her. "It is quite alright, but yes my name is Lilith and yes we are on the same potions class. Though I suppose if you prefer shorter versions you can also call me Lili." She explained moving her hand to pat the blond boys arm, in comfort maybe or to let him know it was alright. "Nice to meet you too." She added to Tori's introduction with a smile, honestly she wasn't opposed to making friends, but it was quite a lot at once. Refusing to let her social battery to run out Lilith reminded herself she was not alone in this situation, she had her friend next to her so it would be alright.

"Gobstones? What exactly are those?" Lilith asked with her eyebrows scrunching together, she had a faint idea, but not enough to share the Gryffindors passion for it, if she had one of course. Besides it was as good of a conversation starter as any.
Cal's face reddened at the mention of his muggle magic he showed off earlier, it wasn't all he knew how to do magically but he thought it would make an impression, at the time he didn't know what kind of impression he wanted to make but was understanding that he was about to be known as the muggle magic kid until he did something else extraordinary. He shook Lilith's hand "Very nice to meet you too!" He watched as some other students came forward as well. One by one he introduced himself hopefully making a solid impression. "Yeah! We have defense against the dark arts together," then turning to Will "Nice to see you again too!" Hearing Tori say something about it he also chimed in about the gobstones, he wasn't that familiar, "I'm also unsure about what Gobstones are," Cal chimed in after Lilith. Cal was genuinely curious about the game.

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