Closed If Only I Had the Power

D'Artagnan Dupont

Patient- P.I.- Sweetheart
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Unyielding Cedar Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
D'artagnan felt sick. He'd gotten a terrible, terrible phone call that morning and he'd had to rush out in the middle of breakfast. He knew Vader must be anxious, must be pacing, but D'artagnan couldn't bear to break the news to Vader until he knew exactly what had happened and what was going on. He regretted that now- he should've brought Vader with him, should've ignored Padmes' wishes and given her location to both of her siblings. He had a million thoughts rushing through his mind, none of them good, and he didn't know what he could do to make any of this better. Heart aching, he lead the children with him back to his and Vaders home that evening- though honestly, he wasn't sure that Vader would ever be able to forgive him for this. He walked the children to the living room, setting their bags down. "Vay?" He called, voice cracking, not ready at all for this to happen.
Vader's life had become pretty settled as of late. He had just managed to get things to go right for a little while. His photography was doing well, his relationship with Ava and the kids was in a really good place, and his relationship with Dart. That was in the best place it could be. Though, the man had left pretty early, and in hurry without telling him where he was going or how long he would be. Vader knew he had no reason to worry, it wasn't like Dart was going to leave him. That wasn't what was happening, but he couldn't help the sliver of fear he felt over that possibly being the case. He had been working on some pictures, as he heard Dart call out to him, and relief filled him. he got up and moved a little quicker than normal to where Dart was in the living room. There were three kids, the eldest one had a toddler in her arms. The oldest looked like Padme. "Dart?" he asked his tone coloured in confusion.
Merrie wasn't quite sure any of it was real. Mama was just gone. She had gone out and just never come back, now they were half way around the world and in some strange man's house. A man whom she knew her mother had trusted. She tightly kept a hold of Eddie in her arms, not wanting to let him go. He didn't quite understand what was happening, and was perfectly content in Merrie's arms. After all mama had been busy, and merrie had often stood in her place. She looked as another man appear and Merrie knew immediately who this was. She had seen pictures of him, admittedly a younger version, mama's brother. "Hi," she said quietly. "I'm Merrie, this is Fletcher and Eddie, we're Padme's kids," she introduced, she figure this man, their uncle would look after them now, so, she had to be polite.
Fletcher wasn't sure why mama wasn't coming back or why a strange man had been allowed to take them half way around the world, but of course that had happened, because it wasn't like anything would change. Mama had been too busy for them, Merrie wasn't really old enough, and Fletcher hated how much Eddie cried, that wouldn't change here because suddenly they had...dads...he looked at his sister, hiding a little behind her, and looked mostly at the floor.
Dart tensed when Vader appeared, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath. He didn't want to do this. He really, really, really didn't want to do this. He looked to the kids. "Why don't you guys settle in the living room for a minute? I need to talk with Vader, and dinner will be out soon," He tried to sound more sure than he felt, holding a hand out but not daring to touch Vader, leaving it hovering over his lower back. He couldn't look the man in the eye. "Vay, can I talk with you in the kitchen for a minute?" He tried, his voice shaking only slightly.
Vader looked between the three kids, to Merrie, Fletcher and Eddie and then back at Dart. Three kids. Padme had had three kids. The oldest one, seemed to likely be about the age of how long Padme had been gone. Had Padme left because of being pregnant. He didn't know why she would've done that. He would've supported her. Would've helped her. His gaze moved to Dart and ice began to form in his heart. "Okay," he said. he moved towards the kitchen, with one last glance at the kids. He wasn't dumb, he could figure out what was going on, what had happened, but he didn't want to believe it.

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