Closed Identifying the plants

Asher Styx-Potter

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 11 Inch Unyielding Wenge Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Sep 3, 2050
The Gryffindor boy had a lot of sisters, and a couple of little brothers now. Asher Styx-Potter loved his life, mothers and father. And of course, his siblings. Asher also enjoyed many of his classes. He did not really have a favorite though. They all seemed to have their merits. He did like the idea of caring for a mandrake this semester. Imogen seemed to hate the idea of it, and complained every chance she got. Asher, on the other hand, loved it. He could not wait to watch it grow up. He walked through the gardens that early afternoon between classes so that he could look at the plants here. Asher wanted to make sure he could identify the potion ingredients that he would be expected to work with this year. They had a little bit of an introduction before, but this year, they were actually using it. Asher looked forward to learning more. He knelt down in front of a daisy. He read that this was a common ingredient, but something so common had suitable, magical uses somehow.
Prim loved the gardens, even though she couldn’t spend as long there as she would have liked. She was looking forward to next year though, where she could do the classes she wanted to do and not have to focus on the one’s she didn’t really care about. It would be one of those great things, because then she could just focus carefully, on her plants on on occasion maybe some potions, but herbology was where her love lay. She really didn’t know why, but she loved how versatile it was, for all sorts of reasons and she really wanted to do something with it as a job in the future if she could figure it out. Today she noted that there was one of her classmates in the area as well, though he seemed to be focused on a daisy, so she thought it might be best to leave him to his own devices, not wanting to get in his way, only she realised the lavender she needed was also over there. “Sorry Asher, do you mind if I just grab a stem of that lavender?”
Asher thought over what sort of ingredients he could use for what. Some might be for cooking, some might be good for just decorating. There were a few that he would not mind taking with him to go to his dorm to care for on his own. He did flinch when he heard his name from near him. He glanced in the direction of who owned the voice. Oh, right, that was Primrose Kaster. He always liked her name since it had the word 'rose' in it. In the future, he might have said something corny and flirtatious about her name, but for now, it did not even occur to him. "Of course not, let me scoot over." Asher moved a bit to the side. He reached out and picked a stem of it too, not caring how strong the smell was, and how it would rub off on his fingers. Lavender was great for aromatherapy so he did not mind it. "Are you a big fan of plants too?"
Prim smiled at Asher as he moved to the side abit, giving her the space to kneel beside him as she dug around the base of the lavender. It was a volatile plant, unfortunately, and had a tendency to wither too fast for an ingredient if it wasn’t removed and prepared properly. This wasn’t for a potion ingredient, but it was for an herb bag she was making to brighten the dorm a little. It wasn’t that it wasn’t bright necessarily, but plants by themselves didn’t give off a very strong fragrence and required a helping hand, especially situated on the fourth floor with their high open windows. It just didn’t feel right not to have more scents. It was why she liked to have the window closed, Eury didn’t seem to mind the windows closed, but she preferred the curtains to be open and that was where she differed to Prim. They didn’t fight over it, but she did often try to make them both comfortable. “Yes I am,” she said when he asked her if she was a fan of plants. “Sam raises them, so I see a lot of them and I have a lot of love for working with them.”

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