Open Identically Dressed

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Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus was waiting for Hamish, he knew his twin was struggling. He could see how tired he was in the few classes they had together and in all the occasions they had together. But he wasn’t sure what he could do to help. It was difficult to sleep without him in the same room, he knew that, but eventually he got so tired he just slept, and he had never slept much. He knew that in general Hamish was struggling with the distance but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He knew he could ask Hamish for the password and he doubted anyone would notice that he was the wrong twin in the wrong house, but Seamus didn’t exactly want to get expelled and end up having to be at home with his parents. This place was better. He glanced towards the stairs and hoped that Hamish would be there soon.
Hamish was running late. He'd accidentally fallen asleep in front of the fire, and now he was rushing. Why did he have to be at the very top top of the highest tower in the castle? Grumbling, he half ran down the stairs. He spotted Seamus easily, and ran over to the boy. Hamish stopped there, putting his hands on his knees and wheezing as he tried to catch his breath. "I hate.... these damn stairs," He gasped out. "Sorry.... I'm late... fell asleep," He explained.
Seamus watched as Hamish arrived, having apparantly run. He frowned, "Maybe you should come running with me every so often," Seamus didn't think it would help too much but it might make him more tired and sleep better and make those stairs easier. "Shall we then? I hear this has great snacks," Seamus didn't want to linger too much on what he thought Hamish should attempt to do to help sleep better. This wasn't the place for it.
Hamish snorted at the words. "I suppose maybe we could run a bit more," He told his brother, following Seamus into the hall. "Let's go take a look at least," He agreed, walking towards the tables. The selection looked alright, and eventually he settled on a pink frosted biscuit. He bit into it. It was almost overly sweet, but just enough to still be good. He offered one to Seamus.
Seamus hoped Hamish would actually listen to him but he wouldn't press it, he wouldn't force him to go running if he didn't want to. He was content to just follow him into the hall and looked to the snacks table. He glanced at a few different things before picking up an inoffense looking muffin. He was biting into it as Hamish offered him a pink frosted biscuit. he took one and would eat it after he'd finished his thing. "All this love stuff is rubbish," he complained.
Hamish snorted at his brothers comment. "Do you expect me to argue?" He asked dryly, pouring a few glasses of punch and offering one to his brother before sipping on his own and watching the crowd. "Look at all these people." He surveyed the crowd. "Anyone that doesn't look dopey looks pissed," Hamish rolled his eyes.
Seamus rolled his eyes, "I dunno sometimes you like some of this stuff," mostly he'd meant events, sometimes he felt Hamish liked events and participating in things more, but he could admit he knew that at Hogwarts he'd done quite a bit of the suggesting. He did look around at the people and they all looked dopey, just....gross. "It's gross," he said. "I'm never going to fall in love," Seamus declared.
Hamish shrugged. "The last event was a lot prettier," he replied. "Less... gooey," He grimaced. When the other boy spoke of never falling in love, Hamish couldn't help but laugh. "As long as you don't, I won't either," he agreed, looking around and grimacing again. "It seems like it's more trouble than its worth," He commented. "I say we skip the valentines dances and do something better with our time," he offered.
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