Idea-big, big thing.

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Okay, so here we go...

I have Sara here. now, she is very young, but I've got a BIG idea for her-it will take until she has left school to complete.

Now, i need three guys (I know they are short in supply, but this is the idea and I will change it according to who is available.Also i plan them on being the only guys she is ever involved with) One of the guys will be her final-just so you know, but it will take ages as was aforementioned, so he will obviously have other girlfriends etc.

now, at the moment she has a crush on Kayden Night, but he likes Shiloh Denton, i want a guy to turn her head-let's call him Z.

Z: Okay-I want a mean guy, but one who has that whole persona that makes you want him to approve of you. He will begin dating Sara and then dump her-okay, she will be heartbroken, yadda yadda. Just so you know he will eventually become obsessive and posessive. Preferably a Slytherin (Gimicky much?) Also, maybe a year older?-doesn't really matter.

This is where guy two comes in. Let's call him Y

Y: A nice guy, not particularly amazing, or interesting, but someone she could get along with. Now, Sara would start dating him-to get back at Z. Eventually she will have feelings for this guy and will see the true side of Z. Z doesn't like this and he starts rumours about Sara-which makes Y dump her. She in a split decision kisses Z and he decides they are back together, but they aren't and Sara can't convince him.

Then there is X, who is the final. He comes in rescues her from Z, yadda yadda- and eventually they are together, actually they are together a short while after Z finally leaves her alone.

Now, I am quite particular about X.

X should be....

A bit of a girl-magnet, he will have girls flocking to him, but when Sara doesn't that's why they will become friends. I would prefer if he were a gryffindor, because Sara likes someone who could argue with her, who would be brave and passionate. He would have to be smart, and arrogant-in a way, jokingly. Which Sara would desperately try to fix, but never truly would. Also I would like if he came from a family that does not like muggle-borns. A family that wouldn't accept Sara. I would like him to kind of have a lot of pressure on him, but decide to go his own way.

On a more basic level he would have to be funny, smart, and possibly musically talented, but that is not crucial. I would like him to have a certain boyishness about him.

Just so you know-there is a lot more to this plot and some of it may need to be admin approved.
I don't know how well this suggestion will go down with you, but Gil could possibly be the Y position. He's a nice person, even if he isn't a genius, and I think he gets along with Sara. I could see him developing a crush on her, comforting her when Z dumps her and asking her out, only to get upset and jealous and finally break up with her when he hears the rumours (and probably giving Z a much deserved punch). It would also allow for some much needed character development on Gil's part.

Of course, I imagine there are other people you'd prefer to play that part. But still, I thought I'd at least suggest it.
Yeah, Gil would be great as "Y" I have gotten some offers for "X", but I want to wait to see if anyone else comes up-Gil can be "Y" sure. :D Also, the tension with Kate could be good.
Awesome! Yeah, I vaguely thought about suggesting Gil as X', but there is no way in hell he fits your description. The instant I read the words 'girl magnet', I thought 'No. Just No.' Anyway, the conclusion of Y's part will provide a nice step into something I plan on doing, so thanks!
How long do you intend each relationship to be? Weeks, months, years? Obviously X will be years, but what about Z and Y?
I was think Z would be a few months. Then I think Y would be maybe a month and a half, before Z starts rumours. That's when Y will break up with her, but it will be a while before all of this happens. She would be with Z first, obviously.
Well depending on how Kayden grows up he could any of these guys hmm maybe z considering he is into Shiloh...but she hasn't been around much Hhuh? maybe x then i think he should grow up to be a babe-magnet lol idk just an offer though
I'm not sure about Kayden, how about we have them going out, just to see how they relate?
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