Closed Iced Hot Chocolate

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie loved summer, she loves spring most of all, but summer was just so good. The weather was warm, her plants and herbs grew so well and the sun felt warm and soft on her skin. She always lathered up in plenty of suncream, but tried to spend as much of her days outside as she could. The school year was over and she wouldn't be doing much for the next half year until Hogwarts, but she knew she wouldn't mind, since for now the sun was high and she had plenty that she needed to do. Plenty she wanted to do and plenty that would take up her time. But today she'd come to the park, Aurora wanted soemthing from the village and Branson was taking her to go get it, but it was too nice out to do anything but be outside. So Rosie had gotten some iced hot chocolate and was sat on some grass in the park, with the sun beaming down on her. It was busy and noisey but she was easily in her own little world.
Xinyi was enjoying being away from school and back home. It was just so busy at school. He'd even resumed his martial arts training over the breaks. It was a relief to be able to train properly again, even if only for a little while. He was walking home from his lesson, feeling tired and sore, when he spotted a familiar face. He turned and jogged over. "Rosie! Hi!" He greeted, smiling softly as he got closer.
Rosie smiled at Xinyi approached her, "Hi Xinyi!" she greeted warmly. She was calm and content to see him. it was cool to have an older friend that was at school, one that wasn't her brother. "How are you? How was school?" she was obviously very keen to know about it, though she had a friendly tone, clearly keen to hear about it because she wanted to catch up with a friend first and foremost.
Xinyi smiled, and sat next to Rosie. "I'm okay," He told her. "School is- different. The castle is really big- there are so many kids. It can be a little overwhelming sometimes," he confided in her. "What about you, how are you?" He asked, smiling at her. She was easy to talk to, he didn't feel like he had to pretend with her all the time.
Rosie nodded, that wasn't exactly new to her, her brother had said something similar enough when she'd first asked him about how school was. She knew she'd probably just take refuge with her dad in the library if she got overwhelmed. "I'm good, enjoying the summer, we're done with school until Hogwarts, so I'm going to use the time to get my plants growing good," she told him, using the collective to talk about her and her twin.
Xinyi smiled, making himself comfortable next to her. He sat with his knees up, arms wrapped around them. He smiled shyly at her. "You grow plants? That's really neat. What kind?" He asked, wanting to know more about her. "They have a wildpatch club at school, maybe you would like it," he offered, thinking if she liked plants it would be good for her.
Rosie nodded, "All kinds, lots of vegetables and some strawberries," she said with a smile. "A lot of the strawberries get eaten by bugs before I can harvest them, but I don't mind," she had heard about the wild patch but she wasn't sure she'd like it. She was mostly just worried about having to grow things in a way that wasn't how she wanted to. "I probably will...did you join any clubs?" she was certain in her tone about joining the club but there was time to decide.
Xinyi smiled softly. He liked strawberries. He was too shy to ask if he could have some, though. He nodded as she asked if he joined any clubs. "I joined the wild patch. The club is pretty fun," He told her, brushing his hair back. "What house do you think you'll be in?" He asked her softly. "If you want I could help show you around?" He offered with a shy smile. He thought it would be nice to spend more time with her. She was nice, and she understood what it was like as the elder twin.
Rosie nodded, if she knew someone in the club that would probably make it easier for her to know if it was for her. She was sure that Bran was perhaps in other clubs that he could show her, she'd never asked if he was in this club, perhaps he was. At the question she gave a little shrug, "I think I'll be a hufflepuff like my mum was," she didn't sound bothered by this, almost proud that she might take after her mother in that regard. She was sure, she and Aurora would be split up but maybe not. "Where did you end up in the end?"
Xinyi nodded, smiling softly. She would make a good Hufflepuff. "I'm in Gryffindor," he told her. "I was a bit surprised by it. I never thought I was much of a Gryffindor." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "I've never really been very brave," He looked out over the park.

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