I wave goodbye

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Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

So its time for the year for which I waited from one year. It's winter but it doesn't snow here(tropical area) so we can have a nice camp by the beach for a week. Yes, from sunday 28th-Friday 3rd July I will be away enjoying my camp which I know will be awesome but not like Nick of course. I will miss HNZ dearly and there is no way I can come on as I dont have a laptop. My lessons are almost done so that wont be a problem and I will be back before exams.
Just RP things need to freeze for a week. Yes and 2moro or today if it's 12.00am for you, I wont be on because I need to pack, I can sneak when my mom isn't looking.

Miss me guys *I know you will ^_^ *
Andrew/Mallory/Lizzy/Winter/Victor and many more
Andrew Bruke said:
I know will be awesome but not like Nick of course.
We'll miss you around here too, Andrew. :) [Though now that you've confused me with all those names I wish I knew definitively what to call you out of character] Have a very awesome time at camp. ^_^
And D'awww :wub: I'm sure your camp will be just as awesome as me. [Ok, maybe a little bit less awesome.]
Thanks guys.
Andy how did you know that I was going
Anyway I have done my packing after fighting for the best bag with my younger sister*i won of course*
Now I have butterflies in my stomach

You can call me SilverSnake OCC cuz apparently I like that name and use it for my msn nickname too*Luxen don't kill me but I allow you to torture if you wish*

Toodles(sp?) :-h
Latersh AB!!

I didn't know you where Victor. Victor Crimson right? Wow. Anyway will say hi when you get back ^_^
I am back!!
It was an amazing camp wid loads of fun.
I got a few cuts on my foot because we had a game of swimming and getting strings of our team colour(pepsi-blue in my case) but that didnt matter on the whole
I am back ready to do the lessons
Missed HNZ a bit no,...so much
because of HNZ one of my piece of writing was selected to be read on the talent night in creative writing. I didnt win in that
BUT my friends and I did a skit of imitating the leaders and we got 3rd prize
it was fun and I miss it now but i have school to look forward to from monday

P.S Zuka it's not Victor Crimson, its Victor Rooper :p
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