I think I need a mentor or something

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Clyde Sumiragi

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Clyde is supposed to be a smart guy or something. He's stubborn and he doesn't respect anyone that easily. He looks down to almost everyone even though he's still a first year. That's why he needs a mentor. :D
He would need someone to look up to, because I think I'm making Clyde too hated by the people around him.
And I think I would also need someone to give me tips about my RPs since I'm new here.
Male or female, I don't mind. Though of course he or she should be older than Clyde. :)
I think Larissa was having the same idea I was
What idea?? lol.
Clyde met Hoshi awhile back. She's cool. :D Larissa and Hoshi are part of the goth gang, right?
I have quite a few characters? Ive been here (HNZ) a year now. (Yeah.. this is pheebz. im also Lykke but trust me.. im not actually that horrible xD) i could help with someone else? I have so any accounts i have one in every year/house etc :p
(She is actually that horrible xD - Beth, her neighbor)
lol. you're neighbors? that's nice. hmmm.. maybe Hoshi could be Clyde's mentor. If it's okay with her. :D
Acutally I had been thinking that Clyde could be taken under the wing of the Goth Gang but a one on one kind of thing wouldn't be something too bad. That and the Dark Elite sound like a younger version of the Gang.
Awesomeness but I do think we should keep him away from dear Adira because she doesn't seem like the type to help first years.
Cool! I think Adira was the girl from the poison ater thread. I didn't read the sign, and Adira shooed Clyde away from the shop. lol
Yeah that would be dear Adira. We like her but she's not the nicest person to strangers.
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