I should be doing a lab writeup

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Ford Harkonnen

Well-Known Member
It's made of wood, I suppose
Alright since Ford's coming back, I figured I'd post something here.

Ford will be coming back halfway through the site's / his sixth year. He's seventeen (his birthday being November 1[sup]st[/sup]), and quite proficient at quidditch, although he is quite apathetic towards most things. In fact, something needs to pique his interest quickly to get him involved. While not a troublemaker per se, he has been known to participate and take joy in adventures of questionable legality. His aforementioned apathy has only grown since he came of age and could, amongst other things, apparate.

And I seemingly forgot to write it down, he's also a Slytherin. If you've RPed with I before or not, lemme know.
I haven't roleplayed with you before, but if you'd like to roleplay with me I'd like to have Nina get out there more, she seems to be quite the hermit lately,, sort of pathetic :p

If you need to know anything about Nina please let me know..

I'm not opposed to her doing something that might get her in trouble.. but it really depends on what.. as she is sort of a wet blanket. Actually I think it would be pretty interesting to rp that with her; but I'm fine with what ever
Hey Ford. I wouldn't mind rp'ing with you (as Mike) as Nina posted before, I dont mind if Mike gets in some trouble, but no too much :p
Sweet, RPs to plan. :D

It occurs to me that we could have a random thread with Mike, Nina, and Ford somewhere (after he gets back, of course) in which they get into some sort of questionable activity. Perhaps they accidentally find themselves somewhere on the school grounds where students aren't technically supposed to be or some such craziness?
Hmm were aren't they supposed to be?

But..umm if possible can we avoid the Forest? I'm kinda bored of it..
Nina Patrokov said:
Hmm were aren't they supposed to be?

But..umm if possible can we avoid the Forest? I'm kinda bored of it..
Agreed on the ixnay on the orestfay, last time Ford was in there someone got lit on fire.

Hmm...no places are coming to mind. Perhaps instead they find an abandoned classroom or room of vague classification somewhere in the castle which has some absurd magical item in it. Like...uh...some sort of sentient dinner plate that has a penchant for flying around and causing chaos...

That was random. :mellow:
Do you think we would have to ask Nickles about that?

Ooo we could PM one of the Professors for permission to have the password to the restricted section of the library and rp there if you want..

What do you think?
Hrm, permission couldn't hurt, but the restricted section has potential. :-? Hadn't thought of that one before, I'd have to put some thought into what exactly would be a good hook for the thread.

I think I've got one for Nina

I don't know.. though
Tee hee Mike knows it :p /
Mike Goulding said:
Tee hee Mike knows it :p /
Tee hee..

That's because you have a professor.. you silly little Death Eater boy :p
Nina Patrokov said:
Mike Goulding said:
Tee hee Mike knows it :p /
Tee hee..

That's because you have a professor.. you silly little Death Eater boy :p
I'd really never of guessed I was a Professor. ;)
Angus could use a bad idea friend and mentor - if you're willing to RP with a second year, that is. He's too nice for a Slytherin and he needs someone badass to hang out with, thus making him less of a goody-goody. :lol:
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