I might not be your hero but I'd like to try

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Isla MacNiall

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Hi, Isla MacNiall would like someone in her life and as of right now, she doesn't have any.

A little bit about her ... Isla graduated HNZ five years ago, she didn't pursue a career in the Ministry of Magic because she's not really into magic and the wizarding world. Now, Isla is studying for her Master's Degree at Massey University and will eventually attend Yale University for her DVM Degree. She's a dreamer and a hopeless romantic. She's easily distracted when nervous. Despite not using magic, Isla still visit Obsidian Harbour and Brighstone Village from time to time just to get out of studying. She hates failing; either from her courses or from people she care about.

Now, all she needs are friends, best friend (The one that she can count on. A guy or a woman would be alright) and possibly a short term love interest until she moves to Connecticut or he can be her final whichever is fine with me. If there's any questions just PM or y'all can reply here.
I have someone I can offer. Daniel Wilde is currently a freshman at Yale, so they could meet when she moves over to Connecticut or they could meet in New Zealand as he spends time there while visiting his family. Now he can be whatever you want him to be, a close friend, best friend, romance, final. Whatever you want. Let me know what you think.
Can I suggest them be best friends and later on her final? They'll be pretty much seeing each other quite often when she moves. And probably meeting in New Zealand would be better as well.
That works for me. Do you want me to start something say in Obsidian harbour?
I have Honoria here, they're the same age and they both went to Hogwarts Scotland so there is the potential that they already know of each other. She is a Slytherin alumni so I don't know what their relationship would have been like at the school but I am up for them being friends now and potentially best friends? Honoria took a break from the wizarding world also and ended up becoming a police officer. She got a little bored and then decided to travel half way across the world to NZ where she is thinking about joining magical law enforcement there.

Honoria and Isla are a little different but opposites attract sometimes right? :r Honoria is very confident and self assured, she's quite a realist and very socially aware (there's more in her bio WIP!).

So yeah, let me know if you're interested ^_^
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