I have too many characters

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Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Okay so after a lot of contemplation I have decided to make my own PD! Every single one of my character's need plots so don't hesitate to ask to plot with one that isn't listed here (even though this is basically the majority of them :r )


Charlotte Owens

If you don't know who Charlotte is by now where have you been? :r
This is Charlotte Owens, a third year Slytherin at Hogwarts New Zealand. She was born and raised in New Zealand alongside her younger brother Spencer Owens. Despite being in Slytherin house, she is a very talkative and energetic 13-year-old. When you first meet her she never keeps her mouth closed and can say things that might hurt another person's feelings without realising it. Her favourite thing to do is get up to mischief and play pranks on people. She loves to explore large places and make a whole lot of friends that will be able to accompany her. Looking at the bright side of things is one of her talents and she will always try her best to cheer people up no matter the situation.
For Charlotte I'm looking for love interests and I really need a final for her. Some more enemies will be good too and possibly some new friends or acquaintances.</FONT></FONT>


Lilyanna Hope

This here is Lilyanna Hope, a second year Slytherin at Hogwarts New Zealand. She isn't the nicest person to be around and has little sympathy for anything. She is the older identical twin sister to Eleanor Hope and, because of that, she believes that she will forever be the more dominant one. Lilyanna's favourite thing to do is read and she spends most of her time at the library where it is nice and quiet as she really hates noise and distractions. She considers that everyone is an idiot and can get fed up with people quite quickly. She loves to debate which has made her very articulate and is always the one to start fights, usually with a very good point to her argument.
For Lilyanna I really need some friends for her. Just some people who will be able to put up with her quick-temper and someone who is able to brighten her up whenever she is angry or sad. She tends to get along with older people but any age is fine. Some more enemies will be very fun too. As for love interests, I don't really see Lilyanna wanting to date anyone throughout Hogwarts. I'm not sure about her sexual orientation yet but it would most likely be Bisexual or Homosexual. She isn't one to fall in love very quickly either so if you do want to plan some type of love-relationship with her then let me know.


Eleanor Hope

This is Eleanor Hope, a second year Hufflepuff at Hogwarts New Zealand. Her most favourite thing is food and she absolutely loves plants and animals, especially plants. Some might call her the 'Crazy Twin' as she is always acting immature. She loves to overreact as well which some people might consider annoying. One thing Eleanor absolutely hates is violence or any sort of physical activity that could hurt another. She is all about keeping peace in the world and will always stand up for someone if they are being hurt which makes her very selfless. She is also quite a gullible person and will believe anything anyone says to her which can be quite dangerous at times as she is also very impulsive. Apart from that, she can also be reserved and does not like telling people how she feels, especially when she is upset about something.
Eleanor needs some more friends and some enemies that could perhaps bully her if they're up for it. I definitely need a final for her as well, someone that could hopefully have the same love for plants and animals as she does and who has enough energy to keep up with her. She gets along with basically anyone so I'm not really fussed about who she RPs with.</FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT>
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Isabelle Vernier

This is Isabelle Vernier. Being home schooled all the way up to 13 years old until she attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Isabelle is naturally shy and socially awkward. She is quite a nice person but has little to no friends and stutters when she talks. Isabelle's mother died when she was 9 years old which has made her very reserved and she doesn't like to talk to anyone about her feelings, especially when she is quite obviously feeling down. She is a very polite person and has proper manners compared to her siblings. Whenever she sees someone that is using bad manners she will, with a lot of effort, speak up and tell them that what they are doing is wrong. Being the older child in her family, she tries to set an example to many people no matter how much older or younger they are.
For Isabelle I need heaps and heaps of friends and definitely a final. I feel like as soon as she falls in love she will start to be a bit more open with herself. She just needs someone to support her through everything and someone who will be able to empathize with her feelings whenever she is feeling down. She is quite an intelligent person once you get to meet her so someone who she could have intelligent conversations with would be ideal as well.


Calum Lloyd

And finally we have Calum! He goes to Hogwarts Scotland and is much more introverted than any of my characters and extremely stubborn. The only time Calum will ever happily acknowledge you is when he is showing off his duelling skills or if you're cute. Other than that, he doesn't really care at all what you think and would much rather stay away from anyone that looks as if they could easily get on his nerves. Calum thinks he is better than everyone and will not listen to people when they talk about themselves as he would much rather talk about himself more than anything. He is very good with witty comebacks which are usually said under his breath, not that he would be scared of an argument with someone.
What I'm looking for is enemies as I think he would be very prone to bullying people who are smaller than him simply because he knows he has more authority than them and maybe friends if they're able to stand him. Also, I definitely would like to get some girls that he could flirt with and a final even though I'm pretty sure he is just going to bounce from girl to girl once he breaks up after his first relationship after school.
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That's it! Hopefully there is something there for everyone, and thank you for reading :wub:


So I might have Isaac here for Isabelle! He's a very friendly and kind boy who will always try to stay positive about anything really, but he's also very aware of other people's feelings. Isaac will always try to cheer someone up when they're feeling down and often won't go for "I'm fine". He's always trying to make sure that everyone is happy and because of that he's a bit protective over the people he cares about. It won't do well for anyone to make one of his friends or loved ones feel bad because he'll be up and after them in no time. I think he could be a great friend for her (or perhaps a bit more later on who knows) , he would be someone who could keep telling stories and talking if she were to be quiet, yet he would still make sure that she's not finding him annoying. Isaac would also be someone to listen to what she were to say and to keep listening, not even really caring as to that she is stuttering, but being focussed on what she were to say. How does that sound? ^_^
Hey Kaye! ^_^
I feel the same way for having too many characters. Four third years, and that's not even it.

I have two characters for Eleanor. Leo Benivieni is my second year Gryffindor and he's always smiling, laughing, exploring, he's not very studious and I really think he'd get along with her because he's a good listener (although I have to admit he talks a lot at first meeting). He's very sociable and loves meeting new people and potentially be friends with the people he meets. We could throw them in an RP together and see how that goes?
I also have Amy Rosemary who's my third year and in Hufflepuff too like Eleanor, so maybe we could say they've seen each other around? Amy'll also be joining the Wild Patch Club with her twin brother so they will be able to interact there as well if we make them friends - that is, if Eleanor's okay with being friends with somebody a little older than her. Amy is mostly cheerful and bubbly and gets just as excited so I think put together there would be a lot of energy if other people were to see them together xD

For Charlotte I can suggest Daniel Rosemary as well as Amy (his twin). They're in the same year, same house. The twins love exploring so I'd be more than happy for the three of them to be looking for passages or something, or even having fun outside in the gardens, on the grounds, wherever.

Also, last thing, I have a suggestion for a final for Charlotte so if you want I can PM you and we can discuss it :hug:
- Clara -
Isabelle & Isaac: Yes, Isabelle definitely would need someone like that! Better yet, he is a year above Isabelle which is good so he can be a kind of role model to her. Did you want to start something at the school or do you want me to start it?

Eleanor & Leo: Sounds good to me! Eleanor isn't very studios either unless it's her favourite subject like Herbology or something so I think they'd get along too! Did you want to start something or shall I?

Eleanor & Amy: Eleanor definitely needs an older friend that she could look up to. I can definitely see the pair of them getting up to a lot of fun. I'll see if I can start something for this.

Charlotte & Amy/Daniel: The three of them could get up to a lot of mischief! They've already met each other before but I still think it's a great idea to get them to meet again as I think they could be really great friends. Did you want to start something with both of the twins or do one separately?

As for a final for Charlotte, please PM me. I would really appreciate that :wub:
Eleanor x Leo: Awesome! Please could you start it? I'm really busy studying at the moment ^_^
Eleanor x Amy: So much excitement! Thank you!
Charlotte x Amy/Daniel: I was thinking the three of them in one rp, considering my twins are together as often as they're able to be :) I can start something for this one.
Hey Kaye!

I really want to roleplay Cairo and Charlotte again! I really enjoyed their last roleplay and their overall dynamic. I like that he's opened up to her a little and I think that if we rped them more (as in a lot more because Cairo doesn't trust easily/he has a low tolerance for other humans) they could eventually become good friends! Let me know what you think!
Clara: I'll get on to starting the RPs for you soon and I'll PM you the links when I do.

Charlotte and Cairo: Yes! Charlotte really likes Cairo, despite him not really liking her so much himself, so I definitely think we should have another RP going on with them so they could hopefully become fairly good friends! Did you want to start something or shall I?

Isabelle and Isaac: Thank you very much :wub:
It would be awesome if you could start the thread for Cairo please :hug:
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