I Have Something To Tell You...

Noemi Costello

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Noemi took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Ryans' house in Carlisle. She had already been to his home in New Zealand, he hadn't been there. She hoped he was here, she didn't know where his home in Ireland was and this news was pretty important and if she didn't say it now she knew she would wimp out.

Noemi looked up when the door opened and smiled when she saw Ryans' face. She still liked him, even with the thing he put inside her, According to Robyn she would start getting fat soon, in about three weeks apparently. After she had heard that news she had gone out and, at the end of the night, returned with a tramp stamp. Of course her mother had disapproved but the disapproval left once Robyn had told her that she was pregnant. er mother was thrilled to be having another grandchild, the only person in the house that was happy with the situation.

Noemi looked up at Ryan. "Hi." She had no idea what she was going to say. She couldn't exactly blurt it out like she had to her brother and sister. He would probably be annoyed like Mitchell was. She was honestly scared of telling him.
Ryan was sat in the living room with a book in his hands. There was a t.v in his house but he never turned it on as it was a muggle device that Caysi had brought into his house. He hated some of the things that she had but seeing as they were a married couple now he had no choice but to put up with her and her ways that were so not of a wizarding way that Ryan was used to.

Ryan looked up when he heard a knock at the door he shut his book and picked up his wand, just in case. You could never be too careful in this day and age, as Ryan had found out the hard way. He slid it into his back pocket as he made his way through the hall way and towards the front door where the knock had come from.

Once he reached the door he reached out and opened it. He frowned slightly as he saw Noemi saying hi but he soon replaced it with a slight smile. He didnt know why she was here but Caysi was out for a while so what ever he had in mind they had time to do it. "Hello." He said standing aside to give her room to enter his house. "What brings you here?" He asked as he shut the door behind her
Noemi walked into the house and smiled shyly. She didn't have a clue how to say this sort of thing. It's not like she had done this before. "Um, well, I needed to see you." She sighed and sat on the sofa in his living room. She waited for him to talk first, thinking over how she was going to tell him.

Noemi could smell his usual scent. Slightly musky with a hint of something she couldn't quite place. She loved the smell of it. For some reason she was suddenly very tired. She could barely keep her eyes open, the past few weeks were catching up with her. Noemi felt unstable and rested a hand on Ryans' leg so she wouldn't fall. Her touch was soft but it kept her upright.
Ryan followed her to the living and watched her sit. Telling him she needed to see him. He studied her carefully before taking a seat next to her. She seemed unlike her usual flirty teasing self which he was happy for that but also slightly confused by it though. He bit his lip and opened his mouth to ask her why she needed to talk to him.

When he felt her hand on his leg he put two and two together but got five. He thought that because of her usual behavior that she was here for some 'fun.' He rested his hand on her own and grinned at her, deciding to play her game. Well what he thought was her game but he really didnt even ave a clue about the real reason. " Well by all means, you can see me when ever." He said to her
Noemi didn't understand what he was doing. She didn't get why he was being flirty. She didn't mean to give off any wrong signals, she didn't even know she could. "Wha..?" She turned to Ryan, looking up at him with her sleepy eyes.

Noemi's cheeks were pink, from crying though it looked like she was blushing, her eyes were wide and she was biting her lip. All she seemed to be doing the past week or so was crying, she couldn't even drink away her sorrows because that was bad for the baby or so her mother and sister kept telling her.

Noemi couldn't speak. She was scared to tell him, scared he would be angry or worse, kick her out. She couldn't lose Ryan like this. She only knew his surname from the sign outside the church at his wedding. She knew nothing about him but she couldn't bear to lose him.
Ryans head tilted to the side at her reaction. Why would she say what like that? Was this another one of her games to try and mess with his mind? He couldn't quite figure her out yet and he needed time to get inside of her head to figure her out better and found out what made her tick.

He lent forward and decided to end this little game of hers. He placed his lips on her and kissed her. His tongue sliding over her lip. After a few seconds her pulled away slightly so that he could talk. "Shh no more talking." He said before continuing to kiss her passionately.
Noemi was taken by surprise when he kissed her. She wasn't really expecting this sort of behaviour today, it was that sort of thing that caused the situation she was in. When he broke away she wanted to protest but he cut her off and kissed her again.

Noemi melted into the kiss. Everything else in the world just floated from her mind as she felt his lips press against her own. She leant against Ryan, pushing further into the kiss. In the back of her mind she could almost see where this would lead but she ignored it. Ryan always made her insides flutter and her knees melt but never had it been this bad before.
Ryan was pleased that she kissed him back. Not surprised as he though as he had expected she as here for this. This was all they ever did in their meetings, it was just a bad habit now for him. Although this was what had made him fall for her in the first place. If he had been a loyal husband then he wouldn't be doing this now but Noemi was the only girl he cheated with Caysi on.

Ryan moved his hands up her back, taking her clothes up with them and sliding them over her head. He was being more gentle than he usual boyish self. He didn't know if he was better this way but it was worth a shot

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