I get by with a little help from my friends...

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Giselle Varius

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hey everyone.

Say hello to Giselle. ^_^ Well basically Giselle's a happy go lucky kind of girl, bubbly, always smiling and always up for making friends. You know, your typical bubbly like 10 year old girl. She is also very confident (border-line cocky), competitive (mainly in running and quidditch), warm and street smart.

During the holidays her father, Gaspard, dies and she gets adopted. Giselle's going to become really quiet and her darker side is going to maybe start coming out a bit. Before the change I want her to have enemies and friends then after the change I want her enemies to start bringing the darker side out and become her friends and her friends to help keep her the way she is and possibly become her enemies. Ultimitely, she comes back to her good side but she needs help in the form of friends to provide this much needed help xD

So yes I'm looking for:

Friends: Any gender, preferably starting HNZ in Y11. They need to have a fairly similar attitude to Giselle but as long as they are generally nice they should get on well! ^_^

Enemies: Well, not too many of these but a good few that torment her due to her bubbli-ness, she's fairly small too, anything really as long as they keep at it and make her cry every so often. I need them to help bring out her darker side and when she becomes slightly darker herself perhaps befriend her more than torment her and teach her in the ways of bad xD Preferably females for this one and starting HNZ in Y11

Mentor(s): Maybe one or two of the people in upper years could help her when she starts HNZ and other st00f that mentors do. Not too sure about this one but I'll see.

Loves/Final/Crush etc etc: Clearly Giselle is faaaaar too young for anything like this yet but she may be naive enough develop a crush on someone but nothing would ever come of it. I would prefer someone in her year to be something more than a crush but as I said it won't be for way later but we can hack out a few things beforehand if you like ^_^

If you can think of anything else, let me know and I'll think about it! :)

- Pat
I can offer Sirius Snape to be a mentor for her if you like. Good mentor or a dark mentor, it's up to you. :p He is currently a 5th Year Ravenclaw, so by the time Gaselle comes in, he will be a 6th Year student.
Pattycakes! Since Giselle is that adorable I can't really resist! I've probably already mentioned this on Skype and whatnot but I figure if I post here it'll be easier to remember or something plus maybe more ideas could be cooked up ssoooo I have the following charries that may be of some use to you:

Ostensia Romanes - She'll be a second year by the time Giselle starts but she's very confident about herself and won't let anyone badmouth or anything to her or her friends. She's a bright girl and generally a hug sweetie pie. She could probably work as a mentor or as a friend.

Romaine Snow - He's being sorted this year too. He can be a little quiet and sometimes a bit sarcastic until you get to know him but once he's used to a person he's actually a bit on the flirty side. I can offer him up as a friend as well.
I have two people I can offer.

Amanda Pike: Amanda is shy around people she doesn't know very well, and is often picked on. She longs for everyone to see she's not a quiet nerd. With her friends, she can be hyper, random, and lots of fun. She likes to help out when she can.

Ebony Payne: [singing]Come over to the dark side 'cuz we have some fresh cookies, COOKIES![/singing]
Ebony is a prankster, who is pretty mean to people who aren't her type. By her type, she means the people with all the cookies. But she wants everyone to move over to the side with cookies. Get it?
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