Open I Can Be Alone

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Leia Hume

girly | self-conscious | hnz duelling champion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
06/2039 (22)
Leia had been taking somewhat to heart what Chrissy had said and had come to the valentines day dance alone. It helped that no one had an interest in her. The boys were all dumb and she didn’t have the same friends others did to come to this with someone. But she didn’t need anyone, and she didn’t need any boys. She was immediately ill-at-ease when she stepped into the hall, spotting all the couples and friends. She was involved no where in those and felt like she was the only person to be there alone, though she objectively knew she wasn’t. She went to get a drink and was trying to ease her nervousness at being alone. Maybe she could’ve just found anyone to be a date to this.
Nick wasn't sure why he let cousins pull him out, he didn't have any reasons to go as the only people he talked to had dates, but it was already too late. He was already dressed up, they even made him smell like some perfume and he wasn't sure that he liked it. And he was just with his glass of punch as he saw someone close to him without company too. He let out a light sight, trying to finally find the encouragement to talk with the girl, he didn't even have any experience in that. His only experience was girls from his family and he surely wasn't going to talk with the older girl like he talked with his sister or cousins. "Hey! Is a company required?" he finally decided to go with the most common method, offering his company, hoping that this time theory won't make him look like a simp or something like that.
Leia wasn’t entirely alone for long when a boy, a little younger than her appear beside her. She titled her head a little at him, and shrugged. ”Are you offering company?” Leia asked a little sharply, she was sure he meant that rather an a company which she wasn’t sure he’d be able to provide. She gave a little shake of her head and then held out her hand, ”Leia,” she introduced. The tone was nicer when she introduced herself than the first thing she said.
Nick couldn't help but chuckle at her tone, it wasn't offensive, it was more pissing him off. "And I thought that I made it clear, that I was offering it," he didn't sound as sharp as the girl did but he sounded a bit cold anyway. And he would chuckle again when she introduced herself anyway and accepted her hand. "Niklaus," he shook her hand and gave a light smile. "Did you have any particular plans for evening o,r if you want to, we can go to the dance floor?" He wasn't sure he was doing everything right, especially when his voice still didn't sound like he was over the moon about this day but he wasn't even sure what he was doing at this point, so he offered to do something he wasn't going to mess up that fast.
Leia rolled her eyes and shook her head, ”it wasn’t,” she said. She knew that it had been the implication of what he’d meant but she thought that saying or agreeing that she required company went against how she was trying to show she could do this alone, that she didn’t need someone else around her, with her at this celebration. She nodded at his name and then thought about his question. She did want to dance and he was offering so what would be the harm in it. ”Okay, let’s dance,” she held out a hand to him, expecting him to take it and to lead them to the dancefloor. It seemed he wanted to be in control and she didn’t mind that at all.
Nick lightly chuckled, "well, then next time I will be even more clearer," he just hoped that it didn't sound like he was making fun of her or anything, he actually was just a bit hoping that he will meet her again. Even he had to admit that she was cute and she wasn't all that sweet what made it a bit harder but even more enjoyable communication. Not too much and yet, still enough, at least for him. As she agreed, he had a little inner yay feeling but he showed it only with a light smile and not even exactly at her, more at the floor to not show that. However, he was pretty fast to take her hand, and even if he was all that cold or at least he was trying he grabbed her hand gently and lead her to the dancefloor. "Is it okay or?" he lightly pointed at her waist, he wanted to put his hands there to make it more look like dancing but he decided to ask her before doing that. He loved when his personal space was respected and he wasn't going to break someone else just because he wanted to do so.
Leia nodded, she was sure that next time he would but even if he wasn’t she was already assuming that he wouldn’t bothered to do it with her. He would find someone more agreeable than she was. It seemed anyone she talked to was much better at making friends that she was and that would be fine. She didn’t need anyone. She let him guide them to the dancefloor and gave a little smile. ”Yeah,” she replied, her tone a little surprised, it wasn’t like she expected him to ask but she didn’t expect him to even want to. But she was quite content it was like dancing with any boy at this sort of event. She placed her hands tentatively on his shoulders. ”So are you a slytherin or…,” she asked, she was almost sure he wasn’t, she’d never seen him in the house but she also didn’t associate much with younger students so maybe she’d be wrong about that.
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