🌹 Rose Giving I apologise in advance

Ruto Vernier-Raison

'Roo' | seventh year | queen of flowers 💐
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Roo had never been to the Quidditch pitch before, because she frankly had no interest in the sport. Not because she thought it was stupid, but because there were a lot more interesting things about life that she thought needed more time dedicated to. The only reason why she was there was because she really wanted to find the next person on her list, and whilst she was told not to read the note before delivering it, she couldn't help but do so, because how else was she going to get a hint as to where she could find him? She looked up at the sky to see if anyone was flying above her before she shouted. "Rene Tofilau! I have something for you!"
Too worked up over worrying about roses and Gwen today, Rene had escaped out the pitch the first chance he got, glad to be up in the air for a bit to clear his mind. It didn't entirely work however, as it seemed one of the deliverers had found him out here anyway and Rene had to focus hard to keep his cool as he landed quickly as possible. "A rose right? Do you uh, know what colour it is I mean obviously you do, I mean hi yeah I'm Rene," he managed, straightening from his broom and trying to regain his cool.
As the older boy landed in front of her, Roo had to look up at him as he towered over her. Were Quidditch players usually abnormally tall? "You seem anxious." she said, wondering if that would embarrass him a little. She smirked as she realised she had him on the tip of her fingers. "Yes, a rose. Maybe you should try and guess what colour it is. What do you think?"
"Me? Anxious? Nah that's just... Post flying adrenaline," Rene said quickly, trying not to fidget, especially when the girl didn't immediately tell him what colour the rose was. He glanced at the ones she still had to hand out, eyebrows furrowed. "Is it... Pink? Maybe? Not that I'd be upset if it wasn't just. Is it?"
Ruto had never felt so much pleasure in the whole time she had been at Hogwarts. She really had the older boy on edge, and it was rather entertaining. He didn't have to lie to her. Roo was always good at figuring out where the lie was. "Pink... isn't that the one you get when someone has a crush on you?" she asked, quite sure that was how it worked. Did the boy think someone had a crush on him? That was laughable, but Roo also shouldn't be too quick to judge. "We'd all love the pink one in that case, wouldn't we? But nope, it's not pink, it's..." She rummaged around in her basket until she found the right one, with the note hanging off its stem. She then held it out to him. "Yellow! For a Hufflepuff. Just like you."

Happy Valentine's Day to the best quidditch player I know.
Don't tell Louis.
"Yesss?" Rene said, drawing out his answer awkwardly, suddenly concerned that a 12 year old might be making fun of him and yet feeling powerless to do anything about it. He fidgeted with his broom as the girl dragged the wait out before producing a yellow rose and Rene's shoulders sank. "Oh. I mean, cool, thanks. Any rose is good, right? Not like I was expecting anything specific," He said with false bravado, though he did feel some genuine cheer when he read the note from Caleb. "Yep uh, just like me..." He said absentmindedly, folding away the note. "Do you have any more people to torture- I mean deliveries to make?"
"Yes, any rose is good. I personally didn't get a single one, as far as I know." Roo replied with a small frown. She was sure that Max was just busy with school work. As the older Hufflepuff asked if she had more people to torture, she giggled. "Torture is a horrible word. I was just trying to spice it up. If all becomes certain, then life will become boring. But to answer your question, yeah, I have a couple left. How's your practice been going?" She gestured towards the sky, pretending to show some interest in the sport despite it never really catching her eye.

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