I am so out of here

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Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
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Half Blood
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Single (Looking)
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Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Blah, I don't know when I'll be back because I have to take a GED exam and I need to review. Maybe I won't be back or maybe I will, at the right time when my anger personality will lie low that gets me in to trouble. And another reason is that I want to get out of here, Nah, just kidding I love HNZ. But the other reason is that I need to have a full time with my siblings because I can feel that they want me with them whenever they go, that's why I'm always going at the park with them whenever they see me on my laptop.

So this affects ALL my characters that has my name on it.
See you around, Joyce. ^_^
Bye, Joyce! :hug:
I'm back from being suspended and as for this day, I promise that I will behave myself and will not torture the admins and the global mods ...

I miss you all
Torture. Nice xD awesome to have you back Joyce :hug: we need to have another Mikkie and Aroha thread!
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