Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs Y47

Chase Campbell

⚡beater + captain⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2045 (15)
After how his first year as captain had ended Chase had been seriously considering handing over the captain title to someone else. He had thought him becoming captain had been a joke when he was first told the news and this only confirmed that. It had been a joke. Just in a different way. And that was putting it lightly. A disaster was more like it. Between their losses, the hitting benched players and somehow managing to hit himself there wasn't much he could be proud of. Which was exactly why he was reluctant to head to the pitch for try outs today. He wouldn't even be surprised if his players all quit and no one showed up. Nor would he blame them.

Chase scribbled some things down on his paper as he waited for anyone to arrive, mostly to look busy and distract himself from his anxiousness. Needless to say he was relieved when people started showing up. At least they still liked quidditch. "Welcome. I'm going to keep this simple. Any returning players: thanks for coming back, I know we didn't have the best year. I trust you guys know what to do. Alternates will need to try out again. Any new players please state your name and what position you're trying out for. We don't have much available, but we'll see what happens."

SeekerPenelope Marshall
BeaterChase Campbell
BeaterMarley Owens-Lee
ChaserArtemis Vasilakis
ChaserOswald Brambleheart
ChaserDominic Owens-Lee
KeeperCallie Cardoso
Callie was very eager to get back on to the pitch, she wasn't allowed to do it outside of school and her parents weren't always keen to listen to her talk about it. She had her broom, and then listened eagerly to the captain and then shot up into the air eagerly.
Penelope really wanted to win the Quidditch cup this year, it was her final chance. She showed up at tryouts and nodded at Chase, then took to the air to see who would try out and how they would mesh with the rest of the team.
Marley was defiantly ready for anything quidditch. Even though they didn’t do so great in the previous season, Marley was pumped for this year. She had hopes they’d do great this year. The fourth year happily made her way down to the quidditch pitch for the tryouts. She couldn’t wait to see and meet those who would be trying out. Marley listened carefully to Chase, nodding along to what he had to say. It wasn’t long before they were all up in the air. Marley practised her hits when she could as well as defending players too. She then practised and helped those who were trying out.
Sofi arrived for tryouts with her heart pounding and nerves jangling. She had been secretly training all holiday, away from Morrie, who would surely call her a copycat if she knew what she was doing. Sofi took a deep breath, stepped forward, and announced, "Sofi Ayre, trying out for seeker."

With that, she mounted her broom and took to the skies. She circled the pitch, her eyes scanning for the snitch. Then she saw it hovering near the goalposts. Sofi raced forward, her heart pounding as the wind rushed past her. She extended her hand, fingers outstretched, and clutched her hand around the snitch. She held her catch up, then releasing it again and gave chase. She missed the snitch the second time and it was out of sight, but she quickly recalibrated, determined to catch it again.

Sofi flew higher until she spotted the snitch beneath her. She dived, then as the snitch veered sharply to the right, she leaned into the turn, and with a final burst of speed, she reached out and snatched the snitch out of the air for a second time. She pulled up from her dive, holding the snitch aloft for everyone to see. Her heart was racing, but a smile spread across her face. By the end of tryouts, Sofi felt good. It was okay if she didn’t make the team as an alt, but she really hoped that she had done enough to impress the captain.

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