🌹 Rose Giving How Lovely Yellow Is

Hunter Robinson

Cheerful| Talkative| Funny| Helpful
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hunter was enjoying the hunt for people all around the Hogwarts grounds, it was extremely fun as he could not only walk around the castle grounds but also interact with new people. He had looked for one girl in particular all over the place and he couldn't find her anywhere, he was honestly thinking the the girl must have evaporated. His last try was the lawn "Iris van Houten, are you here?" he said shouting hoping she would hear.

@Iris van Houten
All the roses were inspiring Iris to get back into floromancy. Now that she had Divination, maybe she would be able to ask Professor Le Fey for help. The girl was outside, gathering different types of flowers, when someone called her name. She looked up to see a younger boy, and she waved over at him. "I'm Iris!" She called back.
Hunter jogged towards the girl "You certainly are a hard person to find Iris" he said teasing her, little did she knew that he had looking for her for fourty minutes now "Happy Valentine's Day! Got a yellow rose for ya" he said handing the girl her rose.

You're the greatest! Thanks for being my BFF

xoxo, Nicole
Iris laughed softly as the boy said she had been difficult to find, before giving him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, it wasn't on purpose." She told him. She took the rose from him, then looked at the note. It was from Nicole, and it was very sweet. "Thank you for delivering this to me." She told the younger boy.
Hunter smiled at the girl "That's my job! At least for today" he said with a chuckle. "What you doing with so many flowers? Some kind of Herbology assignment?" he asked before leaving, he did really love Herbology so he was curious to know what he was getting into.
Iris smiled. "How are you enjoying it? I delivered last year." She told him. "It was fun." But this time Iris had chosen not to, but it wasn't because she hadn't enjoyed it. "Oh, I'm collecting them to try using them for divination." She said with a slight smile. "I'm going to ask the professor about it."
"It's being fun! I don't want it to end to be honest" he said with a chuckle. At first he signed up because it seemed a good thing to keep him busy but he didn't count on liking it so much "You get to meet a bunch of new people". Hunter was a bit surprised that she told him it was for divination "I don't know a lot about divination but isn't that supposed to be cristal balls and palm readings?" he asked a bit confused.
Iris couldn't quite remember being as enthusiastic about this event even when she had been delivering herself, but it was nice that the boy liked it so much. He reminded her a bit of Emma. "That's true." she said with a smile. His assumption made her smile too, and she shook her head. "Well, not entirely. Those are part of it." She told him. "There are many different ways to tell the future."

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