🌹 Rose Giving How about some sun after a dark lesson?

Mania Athanasiou

Out here on my own, living life to the fullest 🌪️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A mystery
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/2052 (12)
Mania had the last rose with her for class as she sat all through the dark depths of History of Magic and as soon as the lesson was over she pounced at her fellow classmate. "Huw Carew! Wait DO NOT LEAVE YET HUW!" The Gryffindor yelled scrambling to her feet and after the boy, Merlin she should have just been stood up.

@Huw Carew
Huw was about to leave class when Mania shouted his name, he turned and smiled shyly at her. "Oh-okay." He said, stopping to see why she wanted to speak to him. Given the day he suspected she had a rose for him.
Giving a small smile to the boy as she reached him Nia got the yellow rose out. "I have a rose for you! Sorry for ambushing you after the lesson I just figured it'd be easiest this way since some of the people I delivered to are older than me so required some hunting down, but this was easy since we are in the same class, you know? Anyways here you go here's the rose sorry for the babble." Honestly maybe she should learn to shut up soon. Giving the yellow rose to Huw she smiled even more. "Happy Valentine's day Huw!" Nia added in.

Hey! Happy Valentine's Day!

Maybe we can jam some time soon!


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