Hot or Not

cliffeton o u t o f t e n
worst. family. ever.
bilingual o u t o f t e n
wow that's pretty cool! what other language do you speak?
Super Cute | outoften
You have a great personality and don't ever be afraid to be yourself!
Coach for the Wollongong Warriors out of ten

That sounds amazing!​

not as amazing as being coach for the Moutohora Macaws :r
LotToLearn /10

Don't knock it 'till you've tried it kid

professor o u t o f t e n
as if seven years of school wasn't enough. how do you deal?

You seem weird. But in a good way.
Loopy | outoften
Must be loopy if you're already interested in guys, eeeww.​

Fantastic. we don't have enough of those at Hogwarts yet
Maybe you could use some of that imagination to be kinder to others?

orphan o u t o f t e n
this country seems to be infested with orphans
aggressive/out of ten
Why so aggressive, hun​
w o w ! //outof10
and here i thought my hair was bright!
wow OutOfTen
You are beautiful! That hair is amazing!
What could you possibly have to be frustrated about??

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