Hot or Not

Really struggling//out of ten.

It'll be okay, trust me, whatever it is will work out in the end.
what a fantastic shade of hair colour. It is a bit of a bold statement but it looks good on you.
It's a really good trait that I wish I had sometimes.​
<FONT font="Times New Roman"><COLOR color="Black">
Giant plans// Out of ten
Always keep those plans with you. You can do it, just believe in yourself.​
Muggle Doctor // Out Of Ten
Amazing! I bet you use very different methods than Doctors at st. Mungo's!
sweetheart/ out of ten

you're so pretty! i'm gonna be pretty just like you!
free/ out of ten
Enjoy it while it lasts because freedom never seems to last long.
motherless/ out of ten

who needs a mother?
dancer OutOfTen
Wow, that must be hard.
ravenclaw. /out of ten
Hope that was fun for you....

I hope you can catch that Snitch for us!
Cute // Out of ten

You're kind of cute for a youngin'; but in a few years you may not be anymore

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