Hot or Not

Animagus / 10

Wow, that's kind of...really cool. I imagine it would've been very difficult to become one.
The high priestess/10
You sound like you have a lot of secrets mima. In some ways I see a lot of similarities between us. I just hope that you manage your secrets better than I.
I don't want to be in love either it sucks.
Heartbroken / Ten

Man, that's awful to have to deal with. Still, you're only 15. You'll meet the right person someday, even if that day's not now.
Clumsy // Outoften​
<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50">Uh thanks, but not interested. Maybe if you try to be not so clumsy, you can do actually something good, or try to. I don't get it why you are in the quidditch team, you can't even fly!
Mean / 10

Hey, I can respect the need to be mean. Prevents yourself from getting hurt, am I right? But I guess sometimes you just have to open your heart and let things happen, both good and bad, or else you'll never feel truly alive.

Man, that was way more philosophical than I expected. Sorry, kid! You just remind me of my little sister.
Emperor // Out of Ten

What exactly are you the emperor of exactly? I mean that is a rather bold statement coming from a seventeen year old in my opinion.
<COLOR color="#000">muggle schooled/outoften
hey me too. but I'm only a kid so I have years to go yet​
Aren't you the Sweetest, I Plan on sending my Daughter to Muggle School before Magical school, My Half Brother had some bad experiences in Muggle School, but not everyone has a bad experience.​
((@Brandon: tarot cards yooooooo, I'm giving all my characters cards of the major arcana to correspond to them. Too much Persona, I guess!))

Busy Mother / Ten

Just make sure you give your daughter enough love and attention, and don't you dare ever hold her back from where she needs to be in life.
Hey man, I really don't get why you're in your fifth year right now.​
"Supremacist"? / 10

Something along the lines of "Why do you even need to go to a wizarding school, son? You can't have nearly as good an education as you would at a muggle school." It took them a long time to rectify that mistake. But hey, kid, no need to judge. We're all housemates here.
Slytherin // Outoften​
You don't look so bad, i must say. But muggles are just not ok, so that is something i have a different opinion about.​
You're a bit young to know the troubles that come with being mean to people and being in love, Enjoy like while you're young and carefree, its when people learn how to judge you when the problems happen​
<SIZE size="150">Achievementsoutoften

It seems like you've achieved quite some great things in life!
Trustworthy // Outoften​
<COLOR color="#000">I can understand, but you should enjoy your life, we are still young. And be adults can later, you find people who you can trust. Trust me :D
Starting a little young, aren't you?
<SIZE size="50">CuteFace./OutofTen
Too bad your blood is so dirty.
</i><COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50">
It's Okay Sweetie, There will be a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. Being Vain and Selfish will get you not where, Times have changed and Muggleborns have a place among the Wizarding world. Accept it or stop looking in mirrors because you won't like what you see.​
After everything you do and what you just said, you still aren't the least bit interesting.
Secret // Outoften
Wow that is kinda a thing, i think everyone has a secret and you must keep it that way.​
Don't ever lose that way of thinking, its Perfect.​

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