Hot or Not

FirstYearGryffie/ OutOfTen

Definitely! I need to make more friends anyways. :)
I love your name/outoften

It's really cool ^_^
You make me nervous / Out of Ten

It is because you are a boy and I do not do well around boys as a whole!​

Seriously, is it just me or is there something oceany in your pupils?
you're really cute and so, so adorable. I'm being sarcastic. But you do have a little swag.
Superman is never mean! /Out of Ten

Samuel their is a good friend, my personal superman, and practically Bestfriend and so he is not that mean!
I'm perfect, and thank you for pointing it out. You're my spiderman.

My brother is in Gryffindor.
my firstie friend/10
though you wont be a firstie for much longer.

You're a very cool person you know. But how come I won't be a firstie anymore? Does that mean that the school year will end any day now?
you're totally adorable! and you're blonde too! the fact you're so polite and sweet makes you even more wonderful!

You look pretty sweet too. And your hair looks perfect on you, I have no doubt about that.
you're pretty intelligent too, let's differ from the stereotypes!

You look very attractive and very nice too. I bet you'd be a nice mentor or something like that.
Your maturity seems incredibly fake for a ten year old. You should learn to act your age.
you are actually much cooler than i gave you credit for.

I hate the world right now. And that includes you Werewolf girl.

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