Open Hop Along

Isaiah Thompson

bold • free • tagging along 🎪
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
Isaiah had been planning on what to do with the frog spawn soap he bought at the joke shop ever since he arrived back at school. No, who was he kidding; he had been thinking about it from the second he had loaded the soap into his basket at the shop. He had kept the suggestion of throwing them into the bathroom in mind but it still sounded like the easy way out. He wanted to make sure it was fun. Thinking things through wasn't his strong suit though and he was sure that if he had gotten his friends involved at least one of them would've come up with a brighter plan. Most of them were smarter than he was anyways. And perhaps less impulsive. Having been eyeing the soap in his trunk Zay had decided that today was the day, even if he hadn't actually figured out the whole 'how not to get caught' part of his plan in full detail yet. It was just a risk he had to take.

He had managed to grab a hold of a bucket that had been left outside of some sort of supply closet and had snuck it away to the fourth floor. With the end of the term coming up it had seemed like the perfect place to execute his prank. Between being home to a common room, the library ánd the student lounge the hallway would be filled with students when classes were done for the day. There wasn't much time before that happened though so Zay knew he had to be quick about things. He hid away around one of the hallway's corners and looked around to make sure no one was nearby before dumping the pieces of frog-spawn soap into the bucket and shoving it to make it slide into the hallway. He watched amusedly as frogs started to hop out, even when the bucket was still sliding across the floor, and soon the creatures were pretty much everywhere, hopping in all directions. He tried to stiffle a laugh as he watched while more and more frogs started to spawn from the bucket and some even managed to hop straight into the student lounge when a student came walked out of the door. Making use of an unsuspecting group of students coming from class Zay followed them into the hallway, acting like he was as surprised by the sudden wave of frogs hopping around as everyone else was so he could stick around to watch people's reactions. This was going to be great.
Sully had been laying around the Student Lounge most of the day, pretending very hard that his NEWT assignments didn't exist when a commotion near the doorway caught his attention. A few students were hurried stepping away as a small wave of frogs began pouring into the room. Interest piqued, Sully lept off the couch, careful not to squash any frogs as he went, and stuck his head into the corridor, cackling at the frog army he saw slowly filling the hallway. It didn't take an expert to guess frog spawn soap was involved, but since Sully did consider himself an expert, he was pretty sure. Sully hung there for a moment, enjoying the chaos as the frogs began leaping into classrooms and other students bags, wondering how long before they made it into the library or downstairs. Unable to resist, Sully shot a few engorgios as some nearby frogs, enjoying the extra chaos as they doubled in size mid hop.
Isaiah found himself a spot against the wall as he watched how the frogs slowly flooded the hallway and started to cause chaos. With frogs hopping in all directions and a good number he couldn't help but to be a little proud of himself. He tried not to show it though as he was still going for the embodiment of innocence. Now that some frogs had already found their way into the student lounge and others happily hopping away he was sure it wouldn't take long before they somehow managed to get into the library and perhaps eventually even the hufflepuff common room. All it took was, quite literally, an open door. It was as simple as that. Zay didn't need to fake his surprise when he noticed some of the frogs suddenly growing in size though and he was quick to look around for the culprit. He tried to casually stroll over to Sully when he noticed him but with the floor covered in frogs jumping over each other that proved to be a bit of a struggle. When he had finally made his way across without squashing the frogs he took a stand next to the older boy and looked up to him. "Nice touch." Zay gave a little nod of approvement at the enlargement of some of the frogs which, hilariously, made things more chaotic.
Aisa had been heading towards the library, hoping to return some books before dinner, when the commotion started. She heard a few people yell for no apparent reason before she realized what was happening, as the corridor slowly filled with frogs. Aisa groaned as she tried her best to avoid them, realizing at once that this was the frog spawn soap from Gambol and Jape’s. Aisa grabbed her wand and started blasting frogs out of her way with the banishing charm, making it somewhat easier to move through the corridor. As she saw a huge frog, Aisa looked up and saw Sully nearby. “Did you do this?!” She called to him, frowning in annoyance. She then nearly slipped, as the soap also made things rather slippery alongside the frogs.

@Solomon Tofilau
The couch Lysander had been lazing on was perhaps too comfortable to really get into the study material he was unenthusiastically pouring over. This legilimency thing was hard, and it was an effort not to doze off in the midst of a page full of jargon he didn't quite understand. Doze off he almost did, until a commotion from the corridor roused his attention. He raised his head, noticing first Sully in the doorway, and then an army of frogs hopping their way inside. He got to his feet, running over to find out what was going on, and very intentionally covering his prefect badge before anyone got too nervous about getting into any trouble. Sully didn't seem to be the only one there, though he could only assume this was his doing. "What are you up to this time?" He asked as he stepped past and into the corridor to get a better look. Instead, he got a face full of frog, as a quaffle-sized amphibian leapt into his arms and almost knocked him off his feet. "Oof." He wheezed in surprise, wrangling it so that its webbed feet flailed uselessly in the air. He held it up, simba style. "Well hello, buddy." He chuckled. This was, by far, the biggest frog he'd ever seen in his life. And he'd seen some weird frogs.​
Natalia saw a frog hop by when she walked through the corridor and frowned. Had someone's pet escaped? But then a whole horde of frogs appeared, and Natalia realized it was a prank. She froze in place, staring at the chaos as it unfolded in the corridor. She grit her teeth. Whoever had done this was awful, and Natalia hoped they would get punished for this. She looked around for the perpetrator, but could barely see anything in the corridor as more and more chaos spread. Frogs just kept on coming. Natalia yelped when a huge frog jumped at her, stumbling back and bumping into someone. "Oof- Sorry." She said automatically, trying to find a safe spot to stand without standing on a frog. Annoying as they were, she didn't want to stand on one.
Sully grinned as he watched the chaos unfold, grin widening when Isaiah came to join him, finally putting the pieces together of who must be behind the mess. "I won't tell if you won't," he sing-songed, laughing as a few of the frogs made it to the stairs.

He flinched when he heard Aisa's voice, trying not to laugh when she nearly slipped and simply pursed his lips, mutely shaking his head to keep his laughter in check. It was a fruitless effort, especially when Lysander also appeared, taking a frog to the face as he stepped from the student lounge. "Why does everyone always assume it's me?!" He managed after choking back his laughter. "I'm innocent, I swear," he said, crossing a hand over his heart, though the gesture was somewhat interrupted as he stumbled to avoid one his mega-frogs as it made its confused way past.
Estella was quite tired. She was making her way to her dormitory in hopes that she could have a bit of a rest when she spotted some commotion up ahead in the corridor. There were frogs coming her way. This whole semester seemed to just be about frogs and the girl couldn't take it anymore. Estella's face turned a shade of bright red. "What the hell is going on!?" she exclaimed. She then squealed as she dodged a frog that tried lunging at her. "I'm sick and tired of seeing bloody frogs everywhere that I go! Who is pranking me?" She looked around at everyone, raising an eyebrow as she realised that she didn't know anyone that was there. That ruled out it being aimed at her, unless of course the perpetrator had run off to hide.
With more people finding their way into the corridor Isaiah didn't think he would have to hide his grin anymore. There were now plenty of people for him not to look suspicious anymore if he laughed at the hilarity of what was happening. For all anyone knew he was just another student that had found his way into the corridor after hearing a commotion. One that found the whole ordeal to be especially funny. "Deal." He nodded in response to Sully. He still wasn't keen on getting into trouble when someone figured out he was the one who had set it all off, but at the same time it was good to know there was at least one person who understood that this was his doing. Just in case anyone else would try to claim his prank as their own. In that case he'd proudly take the blame and the punishment that came with it.

Zay tried his best to contain his laughter when not one but two older students appeared and seemed to be thinking Sully was behind it all, snickering when Lysander managed to catch one of the enlarged frogs that had jumped his way. He looked around for a second to see how other students responded to the frogs. Some tried their best to avoid them and seemed to think it was at least a little funny, others looked completely unamused. He couldn't help but to burst out in laughter when he noticed one of the larger frogs jumping at Natalia though, quickly covering his mouth with his hand in the hopes she hadn't noticed. If there was one thing he wasn't looking for at the moment it was being the victim of the girl's glare.

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