Closed Honest Conversations

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Practice this time around had definitely felt a little different than previous practices they had. Maybe it was because of the odd feeling that they started of with the obvious lack of one of their players, let alone one of their co-captains. Or maybe it had been because of whatever it was that had happened when Sully had seemed to ask her to the valentine's dance. Perhaps even a combination of both. The latter didn't bother her too much though as she was sure things would be fun with her friends anyways, but the former did leave some worries in the back of her mind during practice about two of her teammates. One of them was Lysander who had clearly seemed to struggle when he had to tell them the news of Sierra not coming back, the other was Flynn. She didn't know what the younger boy had been feeling and he had caught the snitch pretty on in the practice which had hopefully given him some sort of confidence boost, but she was sure he'd feel at least some sort of pressure about the whole situation and his place on the team. Being their alternate seeker it was clear that he'd likely have to do the job at their upcoming game, but having to carry that responsibility all of a sudden had to be at least a little stressfull. When practice was over and everyone made their way back down onto the ground Chloë noticed the boy lingering on the pitch a bit when most of them were heading off. She slowed her step for a second, considering whether she would head over or not. She didn't know the kid too well but they were all teammates in the end and she felt the urge to just go and check in on him, see how he was doing. "Hey," She shot Flynn a smile as she walked over to him, not even really sure how to ask him if he was doing okay or whether he'd even be honest with her if he did feel stressed out. "How you holding up?"
Flynn didn't really know how he should be feeling after everything. He had been expecting not to play in any games, and that was alright, but now with the news that Sierra was not likely to come back to the team did leave a lot of pressure on his shoulders all of a sudden. He was supposed to be the alternate seeker, which most likely meant he was going to be asked to play in their upcoming match instead. And while catching the snitch in their practice had been a small confidence boost, he had only managed to do it once. And once just wasn't good enough. The thirteen year old was trying to not let it bother him too much, but the truth of the matter was he was feeling pretty stressed about the whole thing. Deciding to hang back a little after practice, he wasn't really expecting anyone to stay behind with him. So he was a little surprised when he heard Chloe, blinking as he turned around to face her. "Oh, um, hey," he returned the greeting with a small smile, but it faltered slightly as she asked how he was doing. That was something he really didn't know how to answer honestly. "I don't know," he admitted with a small shrug, "It's all just... a lot. You know?"
Chloë was glad that at least Flynn seemed to be somewhat willing to answer her question with honesty. He could've easily told her he was fine and brushed her off in which case she probably would've just let it be for now, she wasn't going to pry. But he didn't do that, he gave her an actual answer. One that sounded more than fair. "That makes sense." She responded, feeling like if she, or any of their other teammates, would've been in Flynn's situation they would've all felt exactly the same. Being a seeker was quite a responsibility after all, especially in the championship game. She wasn't going to emphasize that though, not wanting to make the boy feel any more pressured than he probably already did. "It is a lot." Chloë nodded in agreement. "Part of it is something we've all been through tough you know? Playing your first game." She smiled, wondering if she could somehow make the whole situation feel less stressful. She doubted she could but she also didn't think there was any harm in trying, or just talking about it in general. "In a completely different context that's for sure, but still we've all had to get up into the air for our first official game at some point. I definitely had the jitters, don't think I even touched the quaffle once in a game last year." She chuckled, clearly remembering how nervous she had been when she had to walk out on the pitch for that first game.
He didn't want to look like he was as nervous as he was about things. Being scared of playing probably wasn't going to install much confidence in the rest of the team, especially seeing as this was a rivalry match coming up. Not to mention it was for the quidditch cup as well - something he was sure that everyone would quite like to get their hands on. It wouldn't have been as bad if it was their first match of the season, but this was a big deal and now he was suddenly going to be expected to step into the role of seeker and actually play. And he was pretty sure the Slytherin seeker was much older and much more experienced than him as well. Something else he was just going to be worrying about. "I don't think most people played their game with it being such a big deal, though," he did have to add with a rather hollow-sounding laugh. Chloe's story did make him feel just a little better, but only a little. "I guess it was easier, though. You had the other two chasers to help back you up and cover your mistakes. There's just one seeker." And if he made a mistake everyone was going to see it.
Chloë wasn't too surprised by Flynn's reaction to what she said. She knew fully well there hadn't been nearly as much pressure on any of them in their first game as their was on Flynn right now, especially with how badly everyone on their team wanted to win the cup and how vocal they all had been through the year about their will to win. "Yeah, no.. can't argue with that." She responded with a little shrug, feeling like there was very little she could say to make things seem a little better than they were. She didn't really want to do so either, mainly just trying to be honest about the situation without adding any more pressure. Making things look better than they were wasn't going to help anyone after all. "True." Chloë nodded at his mention of the other chasers. No matter how nervous she had been in her first match she had always been confident in knowing Sully and Noel were right there. Flynn didn't have that, didn't even have the security of knowing their would be an alternate if he'd get knocked out of the game, and his mention of making mistakes made it clear that was something he worried about. "No one's going to blame you if you make a mistake though, especially not our teammates." She replied, hoping she could speak for the others to when she said that. "I mean we all know you're pretty much being thrown in at the deep end and I know we've all been pretty loud about wanting to win but no one will blame you if we don't." She continued, before giving a small smile. "And if we do win I'm pretty sure you'll be hailed as a hero."
This whole situation was just more than stressful for Flynn, but he really didn't want to open his mouth and actually admit that out loud. What would his team think? Would they no longer trust him with this job? All he had wanted when he had first tried out was to prove that despite everything and despite his disability, he could still be a good Quidditch player and could still be an asset to the team. But now, that was being pushed forward rather suddenly and the teenager was not all that prepared for it. He had still expected to wait at least another year for that starting spot after Sierra had graduated. But now... now things had rather changed. "I just don't want to let you guys down or anything," he admitted, voice going incredibly small like the scared kid he actually was. He was the youngest on the team by a couple of years and boy did he know that. "But, do you think I have a chance?" He did have to ask, peering up through his brown curls at the older teammate, "Of catching the snitch, I mean."
Chloë felt bad for Flynn, seeing him struggle with the huge responsibility that had suddenly been placed on his shoulders. She could only imagine the weight of it, wished it was something he could share but it really wasn't. Ah, the risks of being a seeker. It's almost always either make or break, pretty much no inbetween. She understood why people would want the position though, how nice it would feel to be the one to actually win a match for the team. "You won't." She shook her head determinantly at the boy's mention of letting the team down, almost physically able to hear her heart break a little at how small his voice suddenly sounded. "I promise you won't. If you go out there and give it everything you've got there's no way any of us would feel like you let us down, no matter if we win or lose." Chloë smiled when he asked her if she thought he'd have any chance of catching the snitch. "I do." She nodded, genuinly meaning it. Sure, the slytherin seeker was way older and obviously had a lot more experience but that wasn't all there was to it. And if her cousin had been able to catch the snitch and steal their win last year when she wasn't even a seeker, then Flynn surely had a chance. "You've caught during practice, right? Which means you've got it in you to catch the sneaky little thing." She continued. "You just, I don't know, got to go for it? Try to not let the other seeker or whatever you feel might be at stake intimidate you. And y'know, just remember that we've all got your back."
While he knew the day he would play his first game as starting seeker would come around eventually (if he happened to keep making the team), he just hadn't expected it so soon. And that was the main issue he was having with the whole ordeal, only added by the fact this was a big game coming up that everyone and their mother wanted to win. The hopes of the quidditch cup more or less rested on his shoulders and he was well aware how much the whole house wanted to see it sitting pride of place in Gryffindor common room. "Even if I don't catch it I'll still feel like I let myself down as well," he couldn't help but add with a small sigh. All he had wanted was to prove himself, and if he failed then no doubt his confidence would take a rather big hit for it. Even if Chloe said the rest of the team wouldn't blame him if he did end up losing the match. "Practice is a bit different than an actual game," though she was right, he had caught the snitch before in practice. A couple of times in their first practice, after all. But this was a proper match, everyone was going to be doing their best and no doubt the Slytherin beaters would have him in their sights. "But thanks. For trying to cheer me up"

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