Closed Holiday Hangouts

Jasper Night

Auror | Funny | Chaotic | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Nell)
12/2035 (26)
It had pleasantly surprised Jasper to get invited over to Lily's house over break. He felt like he hadn't seen as much of his friend over the past year. He blamed it on her boyfriend, a bit. As well as the OWLs and him being busy with Quidditch. But with how Jasper was feeling lately, it was easiest to blame it on Lily's relationship. Jasper was starting to feel like he was the only kid in their year who hadn't dated anyone yet, and it was making him feel like he was behind. Maybe he should ask Lily about some advice, though it might be strange to ask her. After all, he had liked her in the past and they had kissed once. He wished this stuff wasn't so complicated.

Maybe he would ask, maybe he wouldn't. He'd see how the day would go. Jasper headed up to the door, double checking he had the right address before knocking. He hoped they could have a fun time together like they used to. He really had been missing quality friendship time with Lily lately. He also wondered what her house was like, what her room was like. He didn't think he'd ever been in a girl's room before. Besides his cousins, but that hardly counted. He hoped it wouldn't be awkward, but maybe it would be now that he was thinking about it so much. Jasper sighed and waited by the door, glancing around a little awkwardly.
Lily was very pleased Jasper had agreed to come over, it seemed like it had been so long since they'd spent any real amount of time together. She had spent most of last night cleaning her room, and after making her bed early that morning, she had spent the rest of the morning making all of his favorite treats. She had just pulled the last of them from the oven when she heard the door. Giggling, she set aside her potholders and skipped to the door.

"Jasper!" She greeted brightly, skipping out and pulling the boy in for a hug before turning and going back inside, trying to hold his hand and pull him along with her. "I hope you found the house okay," She fretted, humming a bit as she led him through the foyer. Their house was really like a giant version of the hufflepuff common room. Books everywhere, lots of places to sit and twice as many pillows, a lot of earthy and warm colors. She went into the kitchen, gathering her basket full of treats. "Do you want to sit outside or would you like to go up to my room?" She asked, turning to him with a bright smile.
Jasper smiled as Lily opened the door and then hugged her a little awkwardly. He still never quite felt as comfortable around her as he did around his other friends, after he had such a big crush on her before. He nodded. "It was easy to find." He said with a shrug, following her around. It was a really nice house, a lot bigger than the place he lived in with his dad. He guessed just him and his dad didn't need much space, though. Lily had a huge family. Jasper hesitated at her question, then shrugged. "I'd be curious to see your room." He said, hoping that didn't sound strange. "let me guess, it's all pastel and full of stuffed animals." He grinned, poking a bit of fun at her gentle nature. "Or just full of cupcakes." He added a little wistfully.
Lily laughed, leading him up the stairs and past Rose and Ren's rooms to hers at the end of the hall. "Well, there are certainly cupcakes," She reassured him, opening the door. Lily's room was full of books, soft colors, and lots of pillows. She had a large window seat instead of a bed, but there were so many cushions, comforters, and pillows on it that it was just as comfortable as her bed in the dorm. She also had several hanging swing seats, also overflowing with pillows. A shorter oak bookcase held a tv and gaming system, already open to Netflix where Lily had been watching Scrubs earlier that morning. And, of course, on the dresser by her window sat a basket overflowing with all of Jasper's favorite snacks.
Jasper was looking around curiously as Lily led him up to her room. It really was a different sort of house than his own, which was really an apartment. He suddenly felt a little sad, like he was missing out on something. Usually Jasper didn't think much about being an only child, but right now it was bothering him a bit. "Are Rose and Ren home too?" He asked as he followed her. He paused in the doorway of her room, looking around curiously. "Oh, you have muggle stuff?" He asked curiously, looking over at the TV. His own dad was from a wizarding family, and while his mother had been muggleborn, Jasper couldn't remember if she had put any muggle influences in his life when he was young. "Oh, snacks!" He then said, losing his train of thoughts at the sight of cupcakes. He headed over to the basket with a grin. "Did you make these for me?"
Lily shook her head when Jasper asked about Rose and Ren. "Ren is at an arts class and Rosie went out to the store. She should be back later this afternoon but Ren won't be home until mama picks him up for dinner," She replied easily. She smiled as he asked about her things. "Yeah, my dad is muggle. He didn't know about magic until I went to school," She told him, but it seemed she had already lost him. She laughed, moving to go sit in her window. "Of course I did, silly. All your favorites. We didn't spend much time together this last year," She pouted a little. "I was so happy at the thought of hanging out with you again I just had to make all your favorites," She told him with a smile.
Jasper nodded when Lily said where her siblings were, though he then started to wonder about her parents. Were they out too? Was it just the two of them here? The thought made him strangely nervous. Jasper nodded when Lily said her dad was a muggle, but then frowned when she said she didn't know about magic until Hogwarts. "What about your mother? Why didn't she tell you?" He asked, a little confused by that. He grabbed a pastry and took a bite, smiling at the wonderful taste. Nothing was quite like Lily's baking. "I know, you were always with your boyfriend." He said when Lily complained about not spending a lot of time together last year. "And the OWLs were in the way, I guess." He said, mostly to soften his harsh words. "But if it makes you bake stuff for me I guess I can't complain." He said with a shrug.
Lily sighed a little at Jasper's question. "Oh, my mom and my uncle had a falling out right after graduation. Their parent's died and he left her alone." Lily shook her head. "My mom was left by herself, and it wasn't until she met dad while going through medical school that she really found family. He left his family, they were really bad people, so they only had each other. She got used to living like a muggle, I guess, and never thought that we might be magical until we were older. My magic was always more subtle," She chuckled. "I've been baking since I was little, I don't think anyone ever really noticed how my treats were always so good," she teased.

She laughed a little at his comment, knowing he was partly right. She had been spending a lot of time with Clifton. "Oh, I don't know. You were pretty caught up yourself, mr Quidditch star," She teased, settling down in one of her swinging chairs. "I'm glad you agreed to come by, Jas," She told him, a warm smile on her face. "How have you been?" She asked, pulling a pillow into her lap.
Jasper was a little shocked to hear so much about Lily's family background so suddenly, and he listened quietly. "Oh." He said after a moment. "I see..." He felt a little bit awkward, like he suddenly knew information he shouldn't. But if Lily opened up, maybe he could do that a bit as well. "I can get that. I grew up as a wizard because my dad is from a wizarding family. But my mother was muggleborn, and I think she would have taught me more about the muggle world if she had uh," he scratched his neck awkwardly. "Well, she died. So she couldn't." He said, his voice strangely high for a moment. He winced slightly at the awkwardness of the words and how they sounded. He never talked about this. He was glad that he could then laugh about Lily's baking being magical, it sounded silly and fun. "So your magic came out in you being good at baking? Really? I just kept making things fly around or explode."

Jasper had expected Lily to maybe look a little bit guilty when he brought up Clifton, but instead she laughed it off and said he had been busy too. "Not that busy." He muttered. He had been playing on the team since his second year, it wasn't like much had changed for him. But he didn't want to get into an argument, so he let it go. He took a seat in one of Lily's cool swing-y chairs too, which was pretty cool. "I've been alright. Holidays are always kind of the same." He said, taking another bite of the pastry he'd been eating.
Lily was surprised as Jasper admitted his mom had died. "Oh, I didn't know that," she murmured softly. He looked a little put out by her answer and she couldn't help but smile. She moved from her chair and over to his, patting his legs and scooting him over a bit so she could sit with him. She smiled once she was settled, pulling another pillow into her lap. "Hey, I'm sorry," She apologized softly. "I got caught up with Clifton because he was always close by, and you always seemed busy when I wanted to look for you so I didn't try as hard as I should have to get your attention." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "I have an idea though. What if you and I eat lunch together at least four or five days a week?" She asked, giving him a warm smile. "Then we can make sure to make time for each other," She proposed.

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