Closed Holding Court

Gwen Goodwin

🌸Two-Faced | Calculating | Model 🌸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (René)
Straight 10 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2043 (18)
Gwen had been looking forward to hanging out with her friends all break, so she had sent Molly and Renata a note on one of the first days of term to meet her in the student lounge after classes were done. She wanted to hang out and just have some girl talk while doing their nails. She had brought her extensive nail polish collection and stalled it out in front of her at the table she was sitting at, waiting for the Hufflepuffs to show up. She had already scared away a couple of firsties with just a look, keeping the table reserved for herself and her friends. She really wanted to gossip and she was curious if she could get the girls to indulge in it with her, even if they didn't really do that on their own. She was sure she could talk them into it. Gwen smiled to herself as she arranged her bottles of nail polish in rainbow order.
Molly was grateful to be back at school. She was always excited to see and meet up with her friends. The Hufflepuff was excited when Gwen had sent her a note to hang out, which Molly was never gonna turn down. She considered Gwen to be one of her close friends, and she thought that Gwen was cool. Molly would never turn down the offer to hang out. The Hufflepuff girl hurriedly made her way to the student lounge. She smiled excitedly when she saw Gwen at one of the tables and skipped happily towards her friend and sat down at one of the chairs. "Hi, Gwen! What are we doing?- Oh! Nail polish?! That's so fun!" Molly says with a giggle as she looked a the nail polish bottles that were displayed on the table. Maybe she should've brought Gumdrop and painted Gumdrops claws.
Renata was a little relieved as much as she was excited to get a note from Gwen asking her to hang out. She knew she wasn't exactly the coolest - and Gwen was especially stylish - and fear of not being good enough often clawed at her chest and gave rise to panic that she would be at the bottom of the social ladder again. The easiest target. Renata was never going to be the queen of the school, but she was very much okay with that. She just wanted to be accepted. "Hi Gwen! Hi Molly!" she greeted with enthusiasm, although not terribly loudly, seeing the two other girls already seated. She wasn't too surprised to see Molly, as she knew that she and Gwen were friends. "How are you both?" she asked as she took a seat at the table, subconsciously fidgeting and checking whether her nails were at all acceptable at the moment.
Gwen smiled at the sight of Molly, glad to hear she was enthusiastic about her idea. "Hi Molly, I thought it was a good idea." She said humbly, smiling shyly. "I have a lot, and it'd be nice to share." She said, gesturing to the rainbow of colors. Gwen's smile widened when Renata followed and also joined them. It was nice, how well they listened. "Hi Renata, you look cute today." Gwen said sweetly. "I'm good! I'm glad to be hanging out with you two." She sighed. "The girls in Slytherin aren't nearly as much fun. Half of them are just grumpy." She complained with a slight frown.
Molly giggled as Gwen spoke about what they were doing. She thought doing nail polish was quite fun, she hadn't really done it with anyone else before, mostly herself. Molly always seemed to have nail polish on, though they were always different shades of pink. The Hufflepuff currently had some pink pastel nail polish on her nails, though, they were starting to peel off a little. "Wow! So many options!" Molly says with a giggle, as she started to pick a few up to get a closer look. "Really? Grumpy? How sad is that" Molly said with a wee bit of a frown. She couldn't imagine living with grumpy roommates. Grumpy roommates sounded boring.
Renata didn't wear nailpolish that often - she usually had to keep her nails short for work and now for Quidditch too. But she liked wearing it anyway. She was flattered by the compliment, and certainly smart enough to return it. "Thank you, you look great," she said, earnestly. Gwen was incredibly stylish, and Molly always seemed to look good too. Pink really suited her. Renata felt a little dowdy in comparison, not necessarily being able to afford a wide variety of outfits, but she tried to make the best of what she had and be a bit clever with styling. "Oh no! Did something happen?" She asked, innocently enough. Renata did enjoy gossip, though. Especially when she got to be in on it.
Gwen laughed and shook her head a bit at Molly's reaction to her grumpy roommates. "The downside of being in Slytherin, I don't think the dungeons help much." She admitted with a small shrug. She smiled at Renata, appreciating the way she angled for gossip. "Not really, I don't talk to them much." She said, tossing her hair back over her shoulder. "You should wear this color." She added, picking up a dark blue bottle and showing it to Renata. "I think it'd suit you." She said with a smile. Then she glanced at Molly. "I'm so jealous you two are roommates, how are the rest of the girls in your dorm?"
"The dungeons don't seem fun at all" Molly says with a shake of her head. She could never imagine sleeping in a dark, cold place at all. It seemed a bit scary. Molly tilted her head to the side a bit as Gwen had mentioned about her roommates. "Did they do something for you not to talk to them? Or you just don't talk to them?" Molly said with curiosity. She was interested to hear if there was any sort of drama between the fourth year Slytherin girls that she was unaware of. Molly giggled and nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah! Gwen's right! That colour totally suits you!" Molly says happily. The Hufflepuff girl continued to look at the other options of nail polish. She looked up at Gwen again, as she glanced between her roommate and Gwen. She shrugged a little. "I think our roommates are nice! They're a bit quiet. Some of them are closer to each other than others" Molly says with a small shrug and smile. She knew Renata and Sky were close friends, which Molly was a little jealous of sometimes, but she was also glad that they were friends.
Renata couldn't help but agree, the dungeons didn't seem very nice. Maybe the dorms were cozy, but when she went down there for Potions or snuck into the kitchens they didn't exactly seem warm and inviting. Though Hufflepuff's dorms just seemed to be in a nice spot, near the lounge and library. Good for socializing. "Oh, really? Thank you," she said, earnestly, trying it out on her thumb. She usually seemed to stick to reds and pinks, as her mama called them, 'the classics'. Blue was different, but she actually really liked it. "Both of you have, good eyes for this." Sometimes the English idioms could be confusing, but she was getting better. Renata felt a pang of guilt over Molly's comment, trying not to let it show. She knew she'd gotten closer to Sky and it was a bit uneven. The arts club probably didn't help. But she wanted to be a better friend to Molly, and wanted to be friends with Gwen too. "Sky is very good at art, but she doesn't know as much about fashion." Renata wasn't quite sure what she meant by it, she supposed she just wanted to bolster the other two without exactly putting her friend down. But if she thought about it, she suppose she had in a way. Sky had a unique style that Renata did appreciate, though it wasn't exactly fashionable. And Renata wanted to be sure she fit in.
sorry for taking forever
Gwen shrugged a bit at Molly’s questions. She didn’t mind that the girl was asking them, but she hadn’t wanted to focus on her own roommates. Truth was, they were just boring. “I just don’t think we have much in common.” She said dismissively. She wasn’t the source of interesting gossip here. Molly was a bit generic, but Renata gave her the opening she had been hoping for. Gwen laughed softly, just the slightest bit unkindly. “Oh, I noticed.” She said. “Her wardrobe must be… interesting.” She said, a slight smirk on her face.

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