
OOC First Name
Hi little boys and girls,

When I'm bored I always ask my friends, 'What should I do, do you know some random game I could play?' And now, I'm here because of the sweet Tamara and Milan.

So, hello everyone. My name is Isa, I am 18 years old, and I am also from The Netherlands. I'm going to study pedagogic, so I'm really excited about that.

It's really hard for me to write everything in English, so Tamara, the future English teacher, tries to help me. But of course it would be fun if you guys could give me some tips and tricks.

Well, that's my boring life story for today!

Lots of love,
Hey hun'

Welcome to HNZ, I missed being away from you!

Lots of kissies and huggies,

Tamzie. *Giggles*


No, I'm not translating the last bit and you can not google translate it either, because I spelled it wrong in Dutch! :)
Hey there, Isa!
Our influence in the Netherlands is spreading! Soon enough, we'll take it over... something. :DE:

Welkom to HNZ! :)
I'm glad Milan and Tamara showed you our site and hope that you enjoy your time on the board.
I'm Nick - one of the admin here - and I'm from Canada!
If you ever need any help that your friends are unable to give you, feel free to send me a PM and I'll do my best to help you out. ^_^

Also: I'm quite sure your English is 10,000 times better than my Dutch. Plenty of people use this site to refine their language skills and we're all very patient. :D
Haha thank you!

And we can teach you some Dutch words if you would like to! Talking Dutch to some friends, they will never understand you haha!

Tamara, liefde!

Liefde = Love ,but I think that's quite obvious.
Welcome Isa! ^_^

So my name is Tenile and it's great to meet you. I hope you find HNZ fun. I'm from Australia and don't worry about your English, it's absolutely fine, possibly even better than my own and it's my native language. :tut:
If you ever want to roleplay, ask a question or just chat or something, feel free to shoot me a PM on this character or one of my others.

^^ Tenile up there is my sister. My name is Teigan. So obviously I too am from Australia. You know the only thing that told me that English was not your native language was your grammar and even that is perfect, if you haven't been studying English at university. (Which is the only reason I can tell. Last year, I wouldn't even have known) It's great to see new faces. I would love to learn some dutch personally because languages are awesome. The only words I know are Hallo and Vaarwel. (I'm not even sure if I spelled those right :tut: ) Lol So that would be great for a conversation right? xD Anyway, great to see new members on the board. Hope you stick around!

P.S. I also know Chocolade and Banaan :r

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