Open Hogwarts Run Club

Winnie Calida

Queen Bee
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
05/2051 (11)
The lack of sports offerings at Hogwarts was disappointing. She knew that quidditch would be a focus, but she wasn't interested in that. Mostly, her parents had told her no on it. So, she wasn't going to fight them on it, especially when she had joined the Monthly, which her parents had certainly would not be happy with. But she knew that keeping fit was a good idea. So, she'd floated the idea of a run club, both a way to keep exercising and a way to meet people, get her name a little more known. She'd put posters up about in the school, and was waiting at the early pre-breakfast time to get started. She would give people ten minutes to arrive and then she was setting off. As Winnie waited, she took the time to stretch and warm up.

OOCOut of Character:
I'll let folks do some arrivals and then she'll 'set off' anyone can however join at any point
Enoch had heard about the run club, and though this wasn't a scene he was usually a part of, he knew he needed to keep his fitness up. He also knew that he wouldn't do it alone, that his motivation would die if he had to go it alone. So, he decided to check it out, if it sucked, he'd never do it again. Enoch had been up for a while before the timing to start was and he found the young student who'd organised it, thinking that this was going to be terrible if a first year had organised it. But he just gave her an attempt at a smile and then began stretching too. He knew the idea of a club was to be social, but he was not about to be.
Alana had heard about the running club in the common room as it was one of the new Slytherin first years who had come up with the idea. It seemed like a good way to keep up her fitness when she wasn’t at practice so she decided to go along and see what it was all about. She headed to the spot in the grounds where the posters had said to meet up and waited for things to get started.
Run club sounded like a great idea and it didn’t help that the girl who had come up with the idea was pretty cute too, so William was all in on the idea. He changed into comfortable clothes and headed down to the law where the meet up was happening and nodded in greeting to Winnie when he arrived.
Arthur had been relatively sporty when he'd been home, but it was difficult at school, there were the clubs that he needed to be more active. So he had seen the poster and decided to go. He spotted as he got there, a boy from his dorm, Will or Bill something. He could see that others were stretching, and no one was speaking, likely due to how early it was. He mimicked what others were doing, since it just seemed to be what people were doing.
Magne got bored a lot at school. There was just not a whole lot for him to do a lot of the time. He struggled to keep himself occupied. So a run club seemed like a good idea, a place to meet people and to get some exercise, it just sucked that it was so early in the day. He approached the group, knowing very few of them, though one of the girls was in his year. "Morning," he greeted the group.
The biggest problem that Eli could see with the run club for him was that it was down stairs and he was not, so by the time he got there he was already warmed up. He didn't really think he needed to do the same amount of stretching that Winnie seemed to be doing, but he also knew it wasn't a terribly bad idea to make sure he didn't get any stitches whilst they were on the run. He didn't know how long this was going to be, and he didn't really mind. The manor at home in Japan had always provided him a good amount of space to run around in, so this was nothing new and hopefully it would also mean that they were able to keep his stamina up so that running up and down the stairs of Hogwarts would become easier and easier as the years progressed. He didn't want to have to show up to all of his classes with a stitch.
Alicia was part of the Quidditch team now, but she could never exercise enough. When she heard of a run club, she decided to join. She liked to run and it seemed like a good idea to meet some more people. Alicia headed to the spot specified in the posters, wearing running clothes and with her hair pulled up in a high ponytail. She immediately noticed a lot of the students here seemed to be on the younger side, but she didn't mind. "Morning!" She said brightly in general. She then moved over to the only person there around her age and smiled at him. "Hey."
@Enoch Goldewyn
When Jonah first heard of the run club, he'd loved it. He missed training and being active. He'd been thinking of taking his shinai out and finding an abandoned classroom or even a spot at the lake to train. It wouldn't be the same, though. He loved training in the dojo after classes at Mahoutokuro. He wondered how his older siblings could stand it. He's pretty sure Hina-nee told him that she'd sometimes find a spot where she could practice her flips, though he didn't know where else she could do her gymnastics things. And so, the run club sounded great! The only problem he had with it was that it was so early. He didn't get why they couldn't run after classes instead. Like before dinner? Why did it have to be before breakfast? Then again, he'd already decided that he would try. And try he did when the day came. He overslept just a little. But it was only a little! He practically had to rush through getting dressed and going down from the Common Room to the Lawn, and by the time he got there, he was already a bit warmed up. He spotted Eli in the crowd and was about to go to his side, but he wasn't sure if his brother was still mad at him, so Jonah stayed at the outskirts of the group unsure while he did a few more stretches.

@Elijah Edogawa
Winnie waited as people turned up, the students were largely about her age, but there were a couple of older students, which made her smile. She finished her stretching and then smiled at the group. "Right, let's go, we'll go round the whole grounds, though skirt the forest do not go in. You can chat as we run, but lets keep a good pace," she told them, and she set off, setting to begin with a pace that wasn't too bad, one that most people, provided they had run before would be able to keep up with.
Enoch visibly glanced around him as someone, a girl spoke to him. He didn't know her. But she was talked to him. He glanced a second time, as if to double check from the first time and then noticed that the girl was the only one about his age. "Hi," he said in return a little shortly. But then they got started. He set off with others, and glanced at the girl who'd spoken to him, wondering if he should say more. "Ehm...I'm, Enoch," he said, as he was running, having moved to stand with her.
@Alicia Richelieu
Vikram wasn't exactly a devoted runner- he'd gone jogging a few times a week while at home, but mostly just took long walks. Still, this was something that Winnie wanted to do, and he wanted to offer her his support. He was a bit off with his timing, however, knowing he'd lingered too long watching the sunlight through a window on his way down. It had been especially breathtaking. He sighed, but thankfully he could just start running with the others, falling into the back and slowly working his way up until he was close enough to speak to Winnie. "Good morning," He greeted, giving her a gentle smile. @Winnie Calida
Alicia listened as the girl who organized this spoke, she was pretty confident for a first year. She set off, running near the boy she had been standing with. He introduced himself, and Alicia shot him a smile. "Cool, I'm Alicia. You're not a fifth year, right?" She asked. "Or have I just missed you in my classes?"

@Enoch Goldewyn
Winnie was a little surprised to see Vikram join them. She hadn't spotted him in the group of people who'd been warming up, so he had to be a late joiner, but not soo late that he could catch up immediately. She glanced at him and gave a little smile. "Good morning," she said. "I'm glad you could make it," the slytherin said. Meaning it genuinely and not just because he'd been a bit late.
Enoch gave a little nod, and then shook his head. "I'm not, and you've not," he replied. "I'm a fourth year," he then added, though given the way she was speaking, he had to assume that she also was either new or just really hadn't been noticing things. "You're new? Right?"
@Alicia Richelieu
Eli didn't bother looking at Jonah. His dad might have said that he needed to apologise, but he wasn't apologising to his brother when none of it was his fault. He'd got him on the radar of a Professor on their first night in the castle and there was just no way he could forgive that so easily. Rolling his eyes, he set off behind the organiser, Winnie he thought her name was, and kept his pace about mid way in the group. If Jonah wanted to follow him, so be it, but he wasn't being the one to apologise.

@Jonah Edogawa
Jonah listened as a girl who looked to be his age started to order people around on where to run. He didn't care really. It was too early to care. And so he ran silently near the back of the group, yawning all the while. He could spot Eli from where he was every now and then, but he sort of didn't want to come near him. He still looked mad and Jonah didn't know what to do when it's been so long since they'd started school and he hadn't really managed to talk to Eli at all. He could talk to Rose a little in classes, but he hadn't managed to spend that much time with her outside of it. As he ran, lagging at the back of the group, he was starting to wonder if his siblings would ever be not mad at him.

@Elijah Edogawa
Alicia kept pace with Enoch, giving him a friendly smile. “I'm new, yes. Just transferred this year from Beauxbatons," she told him. "What got you into running? I joined because I like being active and I wanted to meet some new people." She looked around and lowered her voice slightly. "I didn't expect almost all of them to be so young." She added a bit more quietly.

@Enoch Goldewyn
Vikram smiled, jogging along by Winnie's side. "I'm glad, as well," He offered easily. "You seemed eager for this, I thought it would be nice to tag along with," He shut his eyes, enjoying the morning air for a moment. "You've got a pretty decent turnout," He gave her a gentle smile. @Winnie Calida
Winnie gave a little shrug, not wanting to tell him how eager she had been for it, or why she had been eager for it. "When the only sport is quidditch, I think people are always looking for something else, and we've got all this space," she said motioning to the grounds as she kept up the pace. "Do you plan playing quidditch?"
Enoch wasn't sure why he was still talking to this girl, Alicia. He was sure there was little point in it when she got more friends in her own year. But for the purposes of here and now, he didn't mind the company. "Wanted to be active and I was thinking about quitting quidditch," Enoch said with a shrug. "It's new, no one has done it before, or like made it a club," since enoch was absolutely sure that people had run before but this was more organised while still not being that organised.
@Alicia Richelieu
Alicia nodded as Enoch spoke about wanting to be active, but she was surprised to hear he might quit Quidditch. "Really, why?" She asked, not quite able to imagine doing that. She loved Quidditch and wouldn't want to give it up for anything, but she supposed the boy would have a good reason. She nodded again when he said it was new. "Makes sense. I think the girl organizing it is a first year." She said, glancing over at the girl. "A frighteningly confident first year." She added in a lower voice.

@Enoch Goldewyn
Enoch shrugged, but didn't give an answer to her question. He had played because his parents thought it was right and it was the last thing that he was still doing for himself, the last thing he would doubtlessly give up. He glanced towards the front of the pack where the girl organising it was leading it. "Yeah, but, it's not a bad thing," he said, "We don't have any other sports,"
@Alicia Richelieu
Maggie had decided to write about clubs for the school paper which meant that, to be a true reporter, she wanted to experience everyone she could. While she couldn't join the Brotherhood, there were some other clubs that maybe weren't official she wanted to see. Unfortunately, one of those was the run club. Maggie hated running. She hated when her teachers had made her run in gym, as if her being able to run a mile and then get some certificate from the president really mattered to her at 10 years old.

Maggie had thrown on some leggings and t-shirt, grabbing a hoodie in case it was chilly outside this morning. She walked down to the lawn and tried to copy stretches others were doing, noticing quite a few students from her class. Realizing one of the Slytherin girls seemed to be leading the event, she reluctantly started moving her body with the rest of the group, not really socializing. She liked playing sports, but man, running sucked. Maggie worked to keep up with the rest of the group but felt herself sinking towards the back.
Vikram nodded, thinking her explanation made perfect sense. "That's very true," He agreed, flashing her an easy smile. He admired the way she took initiative. He considered her question. "I'm not currently planning to," He settled on. He didn't have a big interest in it, really. "Are you?" He asked. @Winnie Calida

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