Open Hogwarts Run Club

Alicia was enjoying talking to Enoch. He was no-nonsense and kind of cute. She nodded. "I agree, it's not a bad thing. I'm impressed honestly, I wouldn't have been that composed at eleven." She said with a smile, showing she hadn't meant it as a dig. "That does kind of stink." She agreed when Enoch said there weren't other sports. "I love anything active, it's a shame we're kind of stuck with Quidditch, even though I love it."

@Enoch Goldewyn
Winnie expected the question back and just gave a little shrug, she hadn't really thought about whether she would or not in the end. She knew it would absolutely depend on the amount of other people trying out, and how much she desired to go against what her parents wanted, especially when she had already joined the monthly. "Depends," she replied, "But I'll keep up this club regardless,"
@Vikram Bakshi
Enoch was finding that he didn't mind talking to Alicia in the same way he did mind talking to everyne else. She wasn't as annoying as others. Though really that probably wasn't too hard for her to be. "What would you play other than quidditch?" he asked her.
@Alicia Richelieu
Alicia had to think about the boy's question for a bit, smiling. 'Well, I'd love to do something in the water. Like swimming." She said, glancing over at the lake. "Or climbing, anything you can do outside really." She told him, reaching up to pull her hair away as it started to stick to her neck. "What about you?"

@Enoch Goldewyn
Enoch wasn't sure what was stopping her from doing the swimming, given that the lake was just there. He was sure his mother would've said it dangerous and dirty, but that would've just been for him. "Cricket maybe," he replied. "My brothers are obsessed with it," he said. It hadn't been something he enjoyed watching really, but perhaps if he played that things would be easier with them, he'd understand it, have something to discuss with them.
@Alicia Richelieu
Vikram chuckled. "I think a club like this is good for everyone. I'm glad you'll continue it," He told her. "Are you interested in Quidditch?" He asked. "Even if you don't play, perhaps we could attend games together," He suggested, thinking that would be a nice break from things. @Winnie Calida
Alicia was surprised to hear Enoch say he'd try cricket and that his brothers were obsessed with it. "Oh wow, I barely know anything about that sport." She admitted. "It'd be cool to watch though. If you do ever find a way to play, I'll cheer you on." She joked, smiling at him.

@Enoch Goldewyn

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