Hogwarts Name Generator

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
discovered this the other day and meant to post it then but am doing it now..
to put your name in ;)

I used my real name and got...

My Hogwarts Name is : Angelina Jorkins

for Andromeda's name: Cassandra Finch-Fletchley

not bad actually could see myself using that for a character at some point =))
I put in my real name and got...

My Hogwarts Name is: Eloise Lestrange.

Eep! Sure as heck I don't have the danglies to use that as a character!
For Artemis, her names is: Harmonia Ackerley. Lols!
Real Name: Matilda Macmillan.

Violet got Violet Bell. I feel cheated.
Real Name: Melania Shunpike

Vanessa's Name: Angelina Parkinson

Sasha's Name: Cassandra Ogden

Hillary's Name: Bellatrix Parkinson

Ella's Name: Arabella Cadwallader

Katie's Name: Katie Parkinson

Delilah's Name: Druella Davies

Lily's Name: Lily Ogden

Penelope's Name: Penelope Frobisher

Bree's Name: Gabrielle Davies

Jeeyan's Name: Eleanor Lestrange

My bff and I both got the same first name and two of my other friends got the same last name. Weird! The other two are special. :p
I entered in the name it gave me, and it said the same exact thing as what I entered. It failed.
I might use the first names in something, but the last names are not so great. At least the ones I get.
For real name I got Wendelin Weasley so not using that one and for Tohoru I got Theodore Lockhart. Not going to use that one. Bad names.
Violet Bellamy said:
Real Name: Matilda Macmillan.

Violet got Violet Bell. I feel cheated.
xD Hell yeah you should

Seeing as my RL name is the same as this one it was simple for me xD
Patricia Brocklehurst. Meh :lol:
For my real name I got Cassandra Riddle o_O
I like it, but I dont think I could use it

For Valen its Alicia Parkinson

And Cecily got Tracey Parkinson.... apparently my characters should have been sisters
Jesse Maxwell - James Macmillan :erm:
Aeon Summers - Algernon Dumbledore :woot:
So with my real name I got: Katie Finch-Fletchley
With Kat's name I got: Angelina Granger

The first one makes me giggle, but I'm not really sure why. Could have something to do with the fact that it's practically 1am and I'm still working on homework...LOL!!
Ooooh Kat's banner! :o Grey's Anatomy quote! :D
And it tells me I've got a whole lot of lurking to catch up on! :o

Abigail Hernandez - Gabrielle Lestrange
I quite like that. :)

Isabella Chaos - Arabella Lockhart
Eh. I like the name I chose better. :cool:
elvera= Eleanor Mulciber dont like
briar= Marietta Brown dont like
rl= Amelia Lovegood like
For my real name I got Catriona Dumbledore, and Jade, Jane McGonagall. Thats funny how they are both Professors!
My name is Marietta Whitby, ha.
And Siobhan's is Morgana McGonagall, bahaha ^_^
I got Marietta Parkinson...
For my real name: Bertha Branstone
Wow, I feel so cheated..

For Larissa: Narcissa Edgecombe

I had great fun putting all my random names in. :D

Gee, Thanks Linda.

My real name: Morgana Parkinson

:lol: Never of dreamed that. (V.scary name actually )

Alex's name: Charlie Dumbledore

:p As if my character has even a slight of intelligence in him.
Arianna Tipley said:
My real name: Alicia Johnson

Arianna's name: Catriona Finch-Fletchley

Arianna, Kiera and Andromeda are Finch- Fletchley sisters :lol:
And Kat is the fourth
feel a bizarre rp coming on =))

Alex you are so welcome *pinches cheeks*

Oh my gosh! Wow! This is like the coolest thing ever. They also give you reasonable names, unlike some. For my real name I got Alice Macmillan, I thought that was quite a nice name. Also, for Aurora I got Carlotta Crouch. Hmm. I'm not to keen on that name.
Real name:Gabrielle Carmichael

Love it!Gonna make her my character

Irene Meredith=Florence Dumbledore
Rhianne Delle Clivey=Hannah Diggle
Kienne Granger=Minerva Granger
Kay-lanie Lemmon=Alice Gudgeon
Included my mermaid:
Jeeyan=Eleanor Lestrange

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