Hogwarts Name Generator

I got Alice Parkinson..The poster above me is my other account
I put Chases'

Charlie Dumbledore. Rofl.
Chase Blade said:
I put Chases'

Charlie Dumbledore. Rofl.
You and I could be related.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Florence and Charlie Dumbledore
I got..

My Name : Daphne Clearwater
Libby: Bertha Prewett
Lykke: Olympe Mulciber

They get stranger and stranger xD
I got Alice Pennifold and I love it!
One of my best friends' name is Alice, and I keep imagining her trying to fold a penny :p
My real name becomes Demelza Lockhart
Jessame Rose becomes Amelia Frobisher
Beau becomes Aberforth Shunpike
Ekky is Barnabus Flitwick
Ksaafa is Salazar Lockhart
and Emer is Merope Cadwallader

Wow! I like Salazar and Cadwalladar! (Don't let me create another character!)
I also like that I got the same last name as one of my characters. But does anyone know how you're supposed to pronounce "Merope" (I'm thinking MERR-uh-pee or Muh-ROPE)
For my real name I got Melania Wood
For Alyss Summers I got Cassandra Dumbledore
For Rosemarie Wilkinson I got Marietta Parkinson
For my real name, I got:
Hannah Granger (I'm related to Hermione! Yay!)

Sidda's name: Alice Parkinson.

I feel sorry for Sidda. Is that like parkinson's disease?
My RL and character name are the same, I got: Miriam Finch? It sounds odd. For my friend Grace's name I got Tracey Branstone. (I don't know if that's cooler or not) For my friend Christina's name I got Catriona Carmichael. That sounds ok-ish,and for my friend Ailsa's name I got Matilda Edgecombe? I'm not sure wether she'd be flattered, or insulted.
i put my real name

my hogwarts name: Alice Weasley

I put Cloe

my hogwarts name :Carlotta Lovegood
I love bringing old games back! Whoot!
My Real Name - Nichole Vann: Violet Parkinson
Barbie Tectra:Marietta Lestrange
Angela Marion: Angelina Parkinson (So I'd be related to her :p )
Saria Kuang:Marietta Granger (I'm not a fan of surname or first name)
Sanctuari Ellison: Beatrix Parkinson (Another relative! :p )
Tracy Daniels:CAridoc Davies (What?)
Tawny Lao:Tracy Parkinson (So i'd be related to almost all of my characters?)
Nobody Marsters: Molly Clearwater
And I think that's all!

Wow! Those are some... different names
I already did this, but I've made more characters since then so..
Penelope Fournier: Penelope Frobisher
Katie Kain: Katie Parkinson
Cherie Jin: Hermione Jorkins

Amanda Pike: Cassandra Shunpike
Ebony Payne: Hermione Parkinson

Vanessa Parker: Angelina Parkinson
Sasha Hayden: Cassandra Ogden
Hillary Crespo: Bellatrix Parkinson
Ella Palmer: Arabella Cadwallader

Jeeyan: Eleanor Lestrange
Kiara Hart: Marietta Lockhart
Bree Devine: Gabrielle Davies
Me: Melania Shunpike
Lily Hayden: Lily Ogden
I made it pretty.
Looks like you and me are long lost siblings with as many characters that share the same last names xD
Summer Wherry - Merope Dearborn :/

Sydney Caine - Daphne Carmichael :)

Teddy Cameron - Ptolemy Parkinson :/
How did I not see this before? xD

My real name -- Alice Lestrange
My real name (maiden name) -- Alice Carmichael
Lily Potter -- Lily Potter xD
Lily Drage -- Lily Granger
Hilde Lindstrom -- Matilda Longbottom
My daughter's name -- Melania Lestrange
Real name: Cassandra Granger
Character :Alice Dursley
I entered Penelope's name and I got: Penelope Parkinson
I entered my real name and i got: Rose Mcgonnagall
My name: Marietta Clearwater :wub: Gotta be the best name here rofl.

Zehava's name: Melania Carmichael Hmm, not bad either xD

Rue's name: Druella Dursley ! Eww! Good streak failed..

And finally, Jennifer's name: Lavender Dumbledore ... WTF?
I got Wendelin Dursley. o_O

And Maria got: Marietta Trelawny
My real name gave Minerva Parkinson

My characters got: Melania Mulciber, Demelza Mulciber, Bartemius Rookwood.

Wow. I like Demelza.

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