Hogwarts Monthly!

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We could have an advice column as well.. People could Pm sending a problem to who ever is the columnist IC and then the columnist could respond to that, OR they could make up things.. which ever works// Just an idea *shrug*
An advice column hasn't worked out so well in the past - we still have the Ask Molly forum lurking around for that.
The Hogwarts Monthly is now a subforum of the Fifth Floor Corridor.
It has a subforum for submissions which is password protected - Isabella has the password.
Any RPing should be done in the main Hogwarts Monthly forum. OOC meetings and official final copy submissions can be put in the subforum.
Isabella: Please post a list in the Hogwarts Monthly forum of who is part of the staff.
I'm glad to see there is a fair bit of enthusiasm for this - keep it rolling and I'll be even more impressed. :) I'd really like to see this thing happen.
Ooh, I'd love to some music and arts articles if you decide to include some of those. It could be an update of all the events that happen in the school like performances and such :D
The following people have received PMs from me:
Violet Bellamy
Joceline Richarde
Taylor Mercer
Vivienne Esquire
Andrew Bruke
Lemina Troque
Andromeda Fiorelli
Ellie Sparks
Hoshi Koshiba

The following people have NOT received PMs from me because I'm not sure which character they want to use and/or if they still want their character to be involved:
Patricia - Pat or Thomas?
Mike - Mike or Tom?
Lexi - Aurora?
Aurora please she can right a column on horoscopes :D No wait thats divination how about... what things are going on in the night sky :)
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