Hogwarts Monthly: Y38 Semester 2

Nell Night

🐇 curious 🐇 annoying 🐇 🐇 prophet journalist 🐇
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jasper) (Pansexual
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
4/2036 (27)

The Closing Of Another Year
By: Nell Wright
Time has once again slipped by much too fast, and here we find ourselves at the end of the year. Here at Hogwarts Monthly we hope everyone has had an excellent semester, and isn't too far behind on their exam revision. We hope we can provide a good break from all the cramming, with all the exciting articles in this semester's issue. While the year is coming to an end, this semester was a new beginning for some, and we'd like to welcome Professor Eleonora Stark, and Professor Manu Romeijnson, who recently took over Care of Magical Creatures and Potions respectively, both in the lower years.

We've got a bumper issue for you this semester, with all the highlights from the thrilling Quidditch and Duelling championships, stats and secrets from the rose deliveries, and all our usual handy hints for life at Hogwarts, and interesting tidbits to keep you entertained in between tearing your hair out over OWLs and NEWTs! It's all here, so you'll never be behind on the news of the castle!
Quidditch Highlights
By: Charlie Helkovaara
Duelling Championship
By: Sydney Townsend
The exciting Quidditch season continues, this time with Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff. The match was rather short lived. Gryffindor fought hard; both chasers Chloe Thompson and Noel Waldgrave scored against Hufflepuff. Their beaters were on fire as well. Lysander Summers hit both seeker Elliot Briar and chaser Jordan Harris.

Hufflepuff, however, didn’t go down without a fight. Beater Tilly Drage hit Flynn North. Chaser Rene Tofilau scored the only goal for Hufflepuff that day; elder brother and Gryffindor Chaser Solomon Tofilau must be proud. Jordan took the quaffle next, managing to keep hold of it despite Lysanders’ valiant effort to take him out as he approached the hoops. Before Jordan could recover to attempt a shot, Seeker Elliot Briar took a sudden turn, most likely following the path of the bludger that had flown past him. He flew after it and secured both the snitch and the win for his team. The match may have been short, but it was exciting.

The next game was Ravenclaw versus Slytherin. The game started off surprising, with a kiss between captains Lars van Houten and Blake Irons. Certainly unexpected, though I personally thought it was a little sweet. Once the teams were in the air, Slytherin Chaser Jasper Night took hold of the quaffle. The skilled chaser took on keeper and captain Lars van Houten and managed to score the only goal of the game.

Ravenclaw wasn’t silent for this match, however, as the Ravenclaw Beater Juniper Zumwalt hit both Jasper Night and the Slytherin Keeper, Mordred Cavanaugh. Of course the reigning champion Blake Irons caught the snitch with ease, ending the game before Ravenclaw could score a single point.

The champions bout between Slytherin and Ilvermorny was definitely exciting! The best chasers on the field today were foreigner Lucas Ames with one more goal than Slytherin Jasper Night. The Ilvermorny beaters dominated the field. Aj Ari especially stole the show. With a total of ten hits, Ari singlehandedly took out star seeker Blake Irons and chaser Indira Khatri.

His co-beater, and one of the co-captains, Eli Carter, proved to be almost as deadly. He scored eight hits, though two were against his own teammates, with one hit to Lucas Ames and one to keeper and co-captain Adam Everett. Everett certainly held quite the personality. He openly mocked chasers that failed to score, despite his poor performance of only catching three of the eight goals thrown at him. Slytherin keeper Mordred Cavanaugh held a better rating, catching 6 of the thirteen shots thrown to him. While Mordred caught just under half of the shots thrown to him, Everett barely blocked his goals, screaming like a petulant child at his seeker and his beaters, once to try and set them onto chaser Jasper Night and again to scold Carter for hitting him.

Despite Ari’s and Ames’ outstanding performances, outmatching both our chasers and beaters, Slytherin took home the cup. After Ari took out star seeker Blake Irons and alternate seeker Ruben Right was taken out, Jasper Night took a hit from both beaters before catching the snitch and securing the win for Slytherin. With a captain like Everett tearing down such a formidable team, is it really any surprise Seeker Hope Thompson didn’t catch the snitch?

Perhaps the Ilvermorny team will return under better leadership to take on the Hogwarts champions. Will Ruben Right be able to uphold the mantle of Blake Irons and secure the Slytherin championship next year? Or will Ravenclaw seeker Minnie Calida take the field by storm in her final year? Will Flynn North emerge as the new champion? Or will Hufflepuff Lucas Fletcher return to take Elliots place and elevate the Puffs to victory? I, for one, can’t wait to find out.

With the end of our second semester here at Hogwarts, our illustrious SDA once again saw host to the school's Duelling Tournament. This year saw the competition of 33 students across 27 matches, spanning a total of four action fill rounds. This year also seemed to dramatically favour the use of the slug-vomiting charm, a useful jinx to be sure, though unpleasant for both the target, and arguably the audience too.

Round one easily cemented itself as the most action packed this year, which isn't hard considering it sees the largest number of matches until the contestants are whittled down. In the sixth year bracket, your stalwart reporter here was able to finally put Michael Newton back in his place for the second year running. Newton clearly doesn't have the brains or spell mastery to survive in the duelling tournament, so one wonders why he keeps bothering. Hopefully his humiliating defeat this year will make him finally give up.

There were also a few upsets early in round one, with both our previous Second year champion Tilly Drage and SDA co-president Tyler Lee being knocked out early. Perhaps they can take some solace in the fact they did each lose to their years' current champion.

Over in the fifth year bracket we saw an impressive display of magic between Lysander Summers and Juniper Zumwalt. Hexes and Jinxes were flying fast and it was a wonder either constant held out as long as they did. Ultimately though, Juniper Zumwalt was able to solidify herself as the victor, knocking Lysander Summers out in time to take on the next round.

Round two was arguably quieter in comparison, though Blair Silver vs Harper Alston was definitely a highlight, both girls not hesitating to give it their all. Juniper Zumwalt went on to defeat Ajaccio Skey for the Fifth Year title, while Leia Hume cemented her title as the returning champion in Fourth year, and Blake Irons defeated Jasper Night to reclaim his champion title for his final year in Seventh.

Our final two rounds saw the crowning of our second year champion, Elara Chatelain against Jordan Harris, Sydney Townsend reclaiming her well deserved title as Sixth year champion over Simon Thorne, and Flynn North, in a impressive display after winning four matches in a row, becoming our Third year champion in round four against Blair Silver.

With all rounds concluded, there's no doubt the SDA is helping harbour in a new caliber of magic within the school, as this years round of duels can attest. We'd like to thank the SDA and school proctors for helping make this tournament a possibility and encourage all students to check out next year's tournament if they'd like to see more impressive displays of magic and fighting spirit.

Second YearElara Chatelain
Third YearFlynn North
Fourth YearLeia Hume
Fifth YearJuniper Zumwalt
Sixth YearSydney Townsend
Seventh YearBlake Irons
Club Events
By: Nell Wright
Interview Spotlight: Professor Lydia Drage
By: Adorah Zumwalt
Clubs are an essential part of Hogwarts life, and once again I'm here to bring you all the news going on around the castle! If you haven't found the club for you, don't fret! Hogwarts has a place for everyone, and you just might find yours in the lines of this article! If you're struggling with who to approach at next year's Club Fair keep reading, and let's see if we can make that decision a little easier!

Up first, the school's two publishing clubs. The Monthly will be finishing the semester off with a farewell party for our graduating members, and of course, the publication of this very issue! Accio, likewise, have been very busy behind the scenes, working on putting together the yearbook we all know and love, ready to be released at the end of the year. I know we're all itching with anticipation to see who won the Superlatives, but let's not forget all the hard work that goes into making a yearbook happen!

Next to the social groups. I'll die on the hill that I just don't understand the point of the Brotherhood and Heta Omega, but they do at least know how to have fun. Heta Omega's study event this semester may not have fit everyone's definition of fun, but I had a good time, and I'm sure those of us approaching OWLs and NEWTs valued the extra catch up time. The Brotherhood took a slightly different approach this semester, taking advantage of the last of the sunshine to enjoy a day out at the lake, which I'm told was a fun time for all.

The Wild Patch took a practical approach this semester too, focusing on protecting the garden against the upcoming frosts, so that hopefully their projects will survive the winter, ready for next year's garden to bloom brighter than ever! The Conglomerated Arts Club were busy too, no doubt working on ideas for their next big project. And of course the Student Defense Association put on a spectacular duelling tournament, which you can read all about elsewhere in this paper. Whether duelling is your thing or not the tournament was thrilling as ever, even for those of us who didn't survive the first round!

All in all Hogwarts has a club for everyone, and hopefully this article has shed some light on everything going on around the castle, for those not in the know. Next semester the clubs will be back and no doubt better than ever, so don't forget to drop by the Club Fair and find your place! For the final time, I'm Nell Wright, and I joined every club so you don't have to!

Professor Lydia Drage is one of Hogwarts' youngest professors. Having taken over the younger section of Defense Against the Dark Arts, I caught up with her in between classes. With the few questions I was able to ask, I feel like we got a little insight into Professor Drage.

What interests you most about DADA?
Defense Against the Dark Arts is hands-on and applicable to the real world. You may never have to use the skills or knowledge you learn in my class, but they’re worth knowing. I also appreciate that the subject is complex and multifaceted. The dark arts and the defense against them is not black and white; there’s so much gray in between.

What do you enjoy most about teaching at Hogwarts?
The students here are curious and eager to learn. They are not afraid to speak up and advocate for themselves. I like being able to teach a subject that I believe can benefit all witches and wizards. And I enjoy working with my colleagues, especially the resident poltergeist, who very kindly updated the sign on my office door without me even asking.

Can you share a little bit about your time in school?
I attended Ilvermorny and was sorted into Wampus. I have to say I was a bit of a boring student- I spent more time on my studies than anything, although I was a member of the duelling club. After I graduated, I was very determined to become an Auror, but life took me in a different direction. I worked at MACUSA in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and did some amateur duelling on the side. When I moved to New Zealand, I was very lucky when this position opened up. It’s hard to believe I’ve been working as a professor for almost three years now.

What would be your biggest advice/takeaway to students who are interested in the dark arts rather than pursuing defense against them?
Interesting question. All the more reason to learn defense, no? I would say, tread carefully- the dark arts are more likely to master you than you are to master them.

Big thanks to Professor Drage for taking time out of her busy schedule to speak with me!

Roses in the Halls
By: Estella Fuentes
To celebrate Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts, roses are delivered to everyone, including professors and staff. I was fortunate enough to help deliver them, and despite it being a lot of hard work, it was definitely fun! The red roses are for love, the yellow roses are for friendship, and the pink roses are for admiration. They are grown in the Hogwarts garden by the lovely Wild Patch Club. The King of Flowers, Elliot Briar, organises the deliveries, and so props to him for how hard he had worked this year!

This year there were an incredible number of roses that were delivered. The stats are as follows:

❦ 27 pink roses
❦ 39 red roses
❦ 231 yellow roses

The amount of yellow roses that were delivered this year beats the entire number of roses that were delivered last year. The Head Boy definitely had a lot of hard work to do, and so congratulations to him and congratulations to all of the other volunteers that helped out! I’m sure I’m not the only one to agree that Elliot will be missed when he graduates at the end of the year.

The most important thing to know about Valentine’s Day is that you don’t even need a significant other to celebrate. There were plenty of sibling love roses that went around, as well as friendship roses, and what a lovely way to spread the spirit! People even went above and beyond to send anonymous roses to themselves. How silly, right?? I totally should have done that.

Rose deliveries additionally gave people a chance to ask others (or force others) to the Valentine’s Dance last minute. People also asked others if they liked each other, and in crayon too! Everyone was really creative this year with their messages and they just seem to get more creative every year!

Thankfully, there were no crushed ants this year in Professor Styx’s office, and in fact there were unfortunately no roses sent to his office at all. Perhaps next year?

Overall, rose deliveries really add a good element of excitement on Valentine’s Day, and I very much appreciate the people that help out in delivering them, so thank you if that was you. If not, you can help deliver roses too if you simply sign up next year. It may be tiring, but it is definitely worthwhile.

Happy Valentine’s Day!
How To:
Do A Cartwheel
By: Elara Chatelain
Top 10:
Places To Study At Hogwarts
By: Emmaline Hopkins-Vance
Have you ever wanted to learn how to do handsprings, flips, or cool gymnastics tricks? Well, look no further! The best way to start your path to being a really cool gymnast is to start with a simple activity - a cartwheel! While a cartwheel can seem scary to a lot of people, it's really not that hard once you get the hang of it. And we're going to break it down together!

Step One: Do a "handstand"

The first step is getting used to putting your hands on the ground and your legs in the air. Try standing with one foot on the ground and both hands in the air, before quickly bending over to place your hands on the ground while kicking your legs up in the air. If you can hold yourself on your hands for a few seconds, great! But we just want to practice kicking ourselves off the ground.

Step Two: Practice changing where your feet end up

Now that you've got the kicking motion down, practice rotating your body a little when your feet are up in the air so they land up on the opposite side. It doesn't have to be pretty!

Step Three: Start straightening your legs and arms

If you have already kept your arms and legs straight this whole time, great! If not, now we want to straighten our arms to have a good supportive base. Straightening the legs (and pointing your toes!) makes your cartwheel pretty and helps you move through the air quickly.

Step Four: Put it all together!

Now that you've got the basics, you can put them all together. I always think of doing a cartwheel like you're kind of making a starfish shape and just rotating through the air. Best of luck!
Although the library seems like the obvious choice, there are plenty of places here at school to review even when you don't want to.

001. Hogwarts Garden

A quiet place, where if you don't mind the windy day, can give you solitude and focus.
002. Divination Tower
This room is comfortable and has good vibes. Perfect for cracking open that textbook you haven't looked at all semester.
003. Abandoned Classroom on the Second Floor
Yes it is abandoned for a reason, but nonetheless can give you some 'me' time to finish those assignments.
004. Hogwarts Lakefront
Nothing like the calming sounds of the lake to get you in the mood to ace those classes.
005. The Kitchens
Where is a better place to study and grab a snack at the same time!
006. Quidditch Pitch
When teams aren't practicing and flying lessons are over, the stands are a great place to get some alone time.
007. The Owlery
If you don't mind a little noise, this place is often empty, giving you time to look over those notes.
008. Dormitory
As long as you aren't one to fall asleep while studying, there is something relaxing about laying in bed and going over your class notes.
009. Common Room
Sometimes you just need to relax on a comfortable couch and work on some homework. Warning: Friends can often interrupt your studies, but sometimes a break is needed.
010. The Library
Of course this is the go-to place. Make sure you arrive early to get a spot!

Ask Aunt Meg
By: Anonymous (OOC: Samantha Jacobs)
By: Poppy Perkins
Hey Meg,
How do you make friends with someone you used to hate?

Dear Anonymous,
I think it’s great that you wanna try and make a positive relationship with someone you used to hate. I think maybe the best way to have them as a friend, is maybe to try and slowly approach them by slowly hanging out with them. This may confuse them for a bit, but they may like it. You could also try and talk to them and see how that goes too. Hope this helps!

Dear Aunt meg.
I have a boyfriend, we have been together for a couple of years. He is the cutest guy in the school (sorry girls) just seeing his smile is enough to make any bad day better. But I don't know if he is into me as much as I am into him. I know he is doing his OWLs and OWL year is hard but that just is starting to feel like I am giving him an excuse. I keep seeing other boys around especially those on the quidditch teams and start to wonder what it would be like to kiss them. I don't want to hurt my boyfriend but I want to see what else is out there. what should I do?

Dear to whom it may concern,
I think maybe the best place to start off is to try and talk to him. Try and see where both your heads are at in the relationship, and taking may help with what you guys want to do for your relationship. Maybe an open relationship could be a possibility? If you guys want to still be in a relationship, yet still wanting to explore what is out there for you? But I think talking would be the best option. Hope this helps!

Dear Aunt Meg,
How long should you wait after breaking up with someone before reaching out to another person you're interested in? Especially if you started liking them while you were dating your ex...
Sincerely, Romantically Confused

Dear Romantically Confused,
Well, I guess It really depends if you’re ready to be in yet another relationship after a relationship being ended. I recommend waiting for a slight while, maybe for a couple of months? That way you can have some time for yourself and also see what else is there for you, as well as seeing if you want or be ready for yet another relationship. Self-care is important too. Hope this helps!
Aries (March 21 - April 19): As a fire sign you usual volatility makes you the life of the party. But it also gets you in trouble so save some money. You never know when you’re going to need a few galleons.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Mondays usually bring most people dread since it’s the start of the school week, but for you they are lucky. Spread that positivity with the people around you who may need it.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Keep an eye out for the color yellow. Change can manifest in many different ways and not always how you expect. Your adaptable nature will serve you well soon.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): The moon is the ruler of your sign and your moods change like the tides. If there is a choice weighing heavily on you, take time to think. New moods will bring new perspectives.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): With the shifting of Jupiter, keep an eye out for Sagittarius. They can’t be trusted and will likely bring you unwanted change to your life. Your lucky number is 35.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Use your analytical nature for good and study hard. With exams around the corner it won’t be hard for you to earn top marks with just a little extra push.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): You might clash with those who are loud and especially those who are loud and wrong. Reflect on why you feel that way and try to be diplomatic, like you usually are.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): For a water sign, you may not be as in touch with your emotions as the other water signs. That is a strength you need right now as you make an important decision.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Gemini is who you are most compatible with when it comes to love and friendship. But be cautious with your heart because things aren’t always how they appear.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): If you are always expecting the worst it is hard to know when the best case scenario is unfolding around you. Keep your head up and it’s ok to breath now and again.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): You are always giving so much to the others around you. It might be time to ask for the same kind of energy and kindness for yourself. Look for light blue things.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Neptune is your ruling planet which is what leads to your intuitive nature. He is also the god of water which is very healing for you. Go for a swim, you need it.
Branson's Bookclub:
On The Beach
By: Branson Archer
Welcome back gang, to this semester’s book. Unfortunately this semester we’ve read a deeply sad novel. On the Beach was written in 1957 by Nevil Shute and features muggle life in the Melbourne area of Australia, one of the last pocket of the world that is not consumed by nuclear fallout and radiation poisoning. The book follows a small group of people within the town and their daily lives as the poisonous nuclear/radiation gas cloud approaches. It was written at a time where people didn’t entirely understand the implications of nuclear bombs or their power.

The books centres around a core few characters, Peter Holmes, a navel liaison, his wife and their young daughter. An American navy general, Commander Dwight Towers and his romantic interest Moira Davidson and a scientist, Professor John Osborne. The American Navy general with Peter Holmes and the professor all set out a few times in the American submarine docked in Australia to explore the west coast of America attempting to make contact with others since they picked up an odd radio signal. The story revolves around these people and their lives, following the interactions with others and with each other and their attempts to locate other untouched areas.

The desire for normality of some kind, to be a little oblivious to the world, to just keep moving forward were all present in the characters. The delusions that some characters have over how long it’ll go on for, or that it’s not that bad, or think maybe it won’t affect them are reflective of the world we experience were all very real.

I found the book to be deeply engaging and though it was not a happy story, that didn’t detract from the story. I read the book in one sitting, unable to stop. I would recommend the book to anyone interested in reading that sort of thing, but do go into it knowing that it is not a happy story.

Next semester we'll read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
"What career do/did you want after school, and what made you want to pursue it?"
By: Nell Wright
Malkin Aster
First Year
"Oh, i was thinking about opening a clothes shop because I'm really interested in fashion since my childhood. By the way if you need advice for an outfit for a special event or in general, don't hesitate to come see me!"
Alice Traynor
Hufflepuff Second Year
"I think that after school I will become a Gringotts Wizarding Bank - Gringotts Worker."
Aaliyah Mendes
Ravenclaw Third Year
"I'm pretty young to know what I definitely want to be but currently I want to be a healer. My dad's a doctor and I always wanted to help as much people as he does, so what better thing to be than a doctor in the magical world?"
Theia Carnahan
Slytherin Fourth Year
"I don't know what I want to do when I leave school, I have bigger things to worry about. My mum used to teach music, maybe I'll teach music too."




Poppy Perkins
Ravenclaw Fifth Year
"I'm not sure what I want to do yet. Maybe something with Herbology since I like working with plants."
Samantha Jacobs
Hufflepuff Sixth Year
"I'm not entirely sure what I want to do when I leave Hogwarts just yet... Maybe having a career as a teacher would be interesting? Because I would like to help and teach people!"
Selene Le Fey
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
"Oh, I want to be an archaeologist or a professor. I was mainly inspired by a conversation with Professor Josephs in fourth year and, of course, by my mum."
Professor Misha Haden
Charms Years 5-7
“I always wanted to be a teacher, at Durmstrang I used help tutor the younger kids in charms and it was just really fun so I knew I wanted to be a teacher in charms."
Editor's Note
By: Nell Wright
I'll be completely honest with you all, I've started and restarted writing this more than a dozen times now. It's hard to know where to begin the culmination of seven years of your life. Hogwarts Monthly has been my home since I arrived at Hogwarts, and it still doesn't feel quite real that this will be my final issue. Of course, I have to send all of the love in the world to my team. Hogwarts Monthly would never happen without the hard work of dozens of people behind the scenes, and I've been so lucky to have an incredible, passionate, hard working team for my entire time as Editor.

I would be remiss of course, if I didn't give a special thanks to my Assistant Editor, Poppy Perkins, who will be taking over as your Editor next year. Her hard work has been absolutely instrumental to the Monthly being what it is, and I know she's going to do an incredible job running things. I hope you'll all look forward to reading her work going forward, and keep supporting this amazing news team as they go on to bring you the news of the castle every semester. I know I'll be keeping up with their work as much as I can.

Finally, I just want to thank you, the reader. News is one of the great forces in life that ties us all together. We learn things we never would have known about our classmates, our teachers, the corners of the school we might never venture into. Newspapers bring us closer, open our worlds up to new ideas, new information, maybe even new friends. But news doesn't just happen. It's a collaboration between the people who make the news, the people who write the news, and the people who read the news. We're all making and sharing stories together, and I'd wager that every person in this castle has had an impact on this paper in some way or other, whether your name wound up in print or not. This paper is all of us, and it will always continue to be, as long as there's news at Hogwarts to be told.
Although she had held it in her hands before, seen the pages dozens of times and written many herself, something about picking up her final Hogwarts Monthy from the Ravenclaw table felt very different to Nell. The Monthly had been her home for so long, the beating heart of her time at Hogwarts and the thing that had shown her a clear direction in life. She owed an immeasurable amount to the paper, and seeing the final issue with her name on it felt like the closing of a chapter. It was hard not to cry, running her eyes down the clearly printed pages once again. She had worked hard, so hard, for so long, and now all that was left to do was let her team move forward without her, the Monthly was no longer hers. She tucked the final issue carefully in her bag, doing her best not to wrinkle the pristine pages, already knowing she would hold onto this paper and these memories for the rest of her life.
Lysander wasn't a big reader, but he always looked forward to the Hogwarts Monthly issues. He sat at his table with a slice of toast and flipped open the newspaper to have a look through its contents. Quidditch and duels were some of his favourites, if only to read what people had to say about him. He pulled a face at seeing Juniper's name, and flipped the pages until he'd found the horoscopes, to see what was in store for his future today. "Keep an eye out for the colour yellow..." He mumbled, casting a look over his shoulder at the Hufflepuff table. That...that was a lot of yellow. What was he supposed to look out for? It sounded ominous, but it wasn't like he could avoid a whole quarter of the school. He skimmed back through the pages some more, and his attention caught on the cartwheel how-to. He could cartwheel, but he couldn't remember actually learning how to do them outside of just watching other kids do it and trying the same thing when he was younger, so he figured he'd give the written instructions a go and see how good they were. They were a bit different from how he'd learned to do it. He got up from his seat and dusted off the crumbs from his shirt, then leaned forward into a hand-stand like it had said. He stood there, or handstood there, in the middle of the table aisles before realising he'd left the paper with the next steps on the table above him. "Erm. Can someone read out what it says next?" He asked, feeling his cheeks redden from the blood rushing down to his head.​

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