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- 929
- OOC First Name
- Daphne
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- Mixed Blood
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- Straight (Gabriel)
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- Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Mahogany Wand with Boomslang venom Core
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- 1/2032 (30)
![]() WELCOME BACK TO A NEW YEAR By: Sophie Wilson |
Anew year at Hogwarts has begun. Feasts have been eaten, firsties have been sorted, mischief has been made and detentions have been served. All in all, it has been a typical semester at Hogwarts. At the start of this year, a few new professors joined the school. Arithmancy in the upper years has been taught by Professor Selwood, Herbology in the upper years by Professor Castillo, and the lower years for Divination has been taken over by Professor Le Fey, who is apparently someone who used to work at the school a long time ago. Keen observers have also seen a new caretaker wandering around, his name is Wulfy Prius, and he will ensure troublemakers will have a more difficult job with their plans. As always, new prefects have been picked as well. You have most likely noticed them walking around already, but for those who haven't been paying attention, here's a short list. For Gryffindor the new prefects are Fleur van Houten and Mervyn Strangewayes For Hufflepuff the new prefects are Chante Ateara and Patrick Vernier For Ravenclaw the new prefects are Stella Wright and Simon Vanity And for Slytherin they are Leda Layton and Liam Waldgrave On top of that, two Ravenclaws have been named for Head Boy and Head Girl, to the surprise of no one. October Alcott and Jerara Tapsell will be giving their speeches at graduation. The start of the year always includes some events, and one of them is the Club Fair. This year it seemed particularly busy with active and eager first years, ready to join the different clubs. Hogwarts Monthly has gained a few new members as well, who have all helped with the paper with enthusiasm. It seemed to have been a pretty successful fair for all the clubs. |
As always, Quidditch seemed to have ensnared the intrest of most of the students at Hogwarts. Personally, I have never quite understood the obsession with the sport, but a newspaper about the semester is incomplete without at least a quick summary of the matches so far. I will not pretend to understand all the details of the game, but have done my best to summarize the more important bits and pieces. This semester has seen two Quidditch matches so far. The first was Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. Both teams have new captains, and both teams are lead by a pair of co-captains rather than a single person. Gryffindor's captains are Marcos Morales and Jacob Kingsley, who seems awfully young for the task, and Ravenclaw's captains are October Alcott and Jackson Cade. Between her duties as Head Girl, running Heta Omega and being in charge of the team, one has to wonder about October Alcott. Does the girl have a time turner? The Gryffindor team had its usual lineup, but the Ravenclaw team had made a few alterations. The alternate Keeper was playing instead of Simon Vanity, who was filling in for one of the chasers who seemed to have arrived too late to the game to play. The match started off painfully for Gryffindor, as Zoe Tsuji hit the Gryffindor seeker immediately with a bludger. The Gryffindor team made a small comeback when Jemma Potter scored. She was then also hit by a bludger hit by Zoe Tsuji, which put a slight damper on it all. Zoe managed to take out the Gryffindor seeker, as she seemed to be out for blood. Syrus Stilinksi was replaced by Willow Cullen, the alternate seeker on the team. In the end, Gryffindor managed to score twice to Ravenclaw's one, the second being done by Gabriel Rosenberg. But Ravenclaw won the match when the captain caught the snitch. The Hufflepuff vs Slytherin match was a lot shorter. Slytherin put their alternate seeker into play, while Hufflepuff kept their lineup the same as it usually was. The game started with Arvel Ayers taking control of the Quaffle, only to be hit by a bludger from the Slytherin captain. Another Hufflepuff chaser got the quaffle and flew to the hoops, but didn't manage to score. Before Slytherin even took control of the quaffle again, Blake Irons, the alternate seeker for Slytherin, managed to catch the snitch. It was a good thing for him that the match was over by then, as the catch seemed to have inflated his ego to the point where his broom wouldn't carry him anymore. Regardless, he did win the game for his house, which marks the first time in a few years that Slytherin has a decent chance for the Quidditch cup. As far as I remember, at least. The next semester will see the Hufflepuff battle against Gryffindor, while Ravenclaw and Slytherin compete for the cup. |
SPOTLIGHT INTERVIEW Willow Cullen By: Joshua Toubia |
Joshua: Hi, Willow. Thanks for agreeing with this interview today. I hope it wasn’t much of a problem for you to make this time for this. I know it’s kind of random, actually, I notice that your mom attended this school and graduated as head girl of her year. As a child from an alumni, I sort of wanted to get your perspective on things. Get to know you a little better for those of you who aren’t familiar with Willow Cullen, the fourth year in Gryffindor house. To start this interview off, could you tell us a little bit more about yourself? Willow:Hey Joshua. it was all good, I wasn't doing anything else. [Nods and makes a grunt of agreement at the mention of her mum.] Yeah. What kind of stuff do you want to know? I am the alternative seeker on the house quidditch team and I like spending time outside on the pitch or jogging by the lake. Joshua:I guess where you grow up and how was it like before Hogwarts. Sorry, I’m new to interviewing if you can’t tell. Willow: I grew up on a farm in Australia outside a town called Wagga Wagga. I went to a muggle primary school and enjoyed spending time with my cousin and family over the holidays and going fishing with my dad Joshua: Interesting. How was it like in muggle school? I’m guessing it’s way different than Hogwarts, do you miss it? Willow:It was so different. No magic and boring classes. The kids were mean, and I had to remember not to mention magic at all. Joshua: Oh, ah I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s move onto something positive, you perform that one year on the talent show. What inspired you to sing and play the guitar? Willow:Actually my time at primary school. I saw that the people who played guitar were cool and wanted to not always be the outsider. So I begged for a guitar and lessons. Joshua:That’s nice, you got something positive out of a negative experience. What’s the first song you learn to sing and play on your guitar? Willow:Oh god. The actual answer was a silent night. I had to play it in the school assembly. But the first actual song I learned was an old muggle one called zombie. Joshua:I don’t think I ever heard of zombie, I’ll try to give it a listen to someday. Do you have any advice to someone interested in wanting to learn how to play an instrument or sing? To someone who wants to show off their talent to the rest of the world? Willow:Umm. No [pauses] actually practice. Joshua:[Laughs] Fair enough. Thanks for doing the interview today. Wish we had more time, but I’m sure we’ll hear more about you in the near future. Thanks again. Willow:Thank you, Josh. And good luck in the next quidditch game. As we will be out to win. Joshua:[Laughs] You too, Willow. |
Top 10 Marvel Superhero Movies (Muggle Movies) By: Samantha Jacobs | AGONY AUNT Anonymous ((IC By: Sydney Townsend)) | ||||
10. Doctor Strange Doctor Strange is about a surgeon who gets into an accident. The accident changes his life forever when he can no longer use his hands properly for his job. Doctor Strange looks into something that could help him and turns out to be the protector of one of the six infinity stones. This film is the 14th Installment to the Marvel movie franchise. 9. Thor Thor is the first movie of the Thor Trilogy and the 4th movie in the Marvel franchise. In this film, we see a brave and confident hero named Thor. His father sees that he is way too confident into becoming king that he decides to send Thor to earth along with his hammer, Mjölnir. But Thor can’t pick his hammer up unless he is deemed worthy. 8. Captain Marvel Captain Marvel is the first female Marvel superhero movie and is the 21st movie instalment in the Marvel Franchise. We see that Captain Marvel has trouble on who she believes she is and also has trouble with her powers. This film as a comedic side, but also has many plot twists that fans probably never expected. 7. Black Panther Black Panther is the 18th instalment to the Marvel Movie trilogy. Black Panther is set after Captain America’s third movie. Black Panther shows a better introduction to the new hero. Many fans were pleased with this film, as it had diversity and some political views in the film. The film has some seriousness, with a side of comedy. 6. Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Infinity War is the 19th movie instalment in the Marvel Trilogy. The Avengers and other Marvel heroes have to try and stop an evil mad titan (alien), Thanos capturing all infinity stones to erase half the universe. But it doesn’t go as well as they thought it would. This is also a fan favourite, but many fans were upset with the outcome of the movie. 5. Ant-Man Ant-Man is a film that has a comedic side to it. This film we see an ex-con, Ant-Man, aka, Scott Lang, become a superhero, with help from his mentor, Hank Pym and his daughter, Hope van Dyne, and try to stop a man, using their weapon for something evil. The weapon is what they use to make themselves small. 4. Iron Man 3 Iron Man 3, is the third instalment to the Iron Man trilogy. Iron Man 3 is one of the movies that is a fan favourite. With this film, we see Tony Stark deal and struggle with his mental health, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) while also fighting bad guys. This was a fan favourite because the movie was relatable to a lot of people, aside from the Superhero part. 3. Thor: Ragnarok Thor Ragnarok is the third instalment to the Thor Trilogy and is set just a few moments before Marvel’s epic movie that every Marvel fan had been anticipated, Avengers: Infinity War. Thor Ragnarok shows more of Thor’s character development. We also see a relationship develop between Thor and this adopted brother, Loki. The film has an amazing plot and CGI. 2. Spider-Man: Homecoming Spider-Man: Homecoming is the third live-action Spider-Man instalment, but the first movie related to the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) . This Spider-Man is played by Tom Holland. There is a big plot twist in the middle of the movie that no one ever expected. Iron Man also stars in the movie and steps up as a Mentor to Peter Parker. Tom Holland’s Peter Parker was also starring Captain America: Civil War, the third movie to the Captain America Trilogy. 1. Iron Man Iron Man, which was the first instalment to the Marvel Superhero franchise is one of the best movies out there in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). We can see some character development of Tony Stark, aka, Iron Man. The Iron Man movie has an interesting plot and twists and turns! |
CLUBS AND EVENTS By: Nell Wright |
With another semester comes a whole new bunch of exciting events on the Hogwarts calendar, and nobody knows the breadth of activities offered at Hogwarts quite as well as people who decide to join clubs! The school has been all a-bustle with club activities to participate in this year, and for those who decided to forego this year's club fair I'm here to give you the rundown on what you missed so you can make a decision about which of our super fun clubs to join next year! First off, both of our school publications started the year early, which makes sense when you have an entire newspaper or yearbook to put together! Both Accio and Hogwarts Monthly kicked the year off with fun meetings! I wasn't lucky enough to be present at the Accio one, but according to those who lend their talents to both HM and Accio, it was a relatively quiet affair, as the club is moving into a new editor's hands, and they have several new members to train. Hogwarts Monthly is training our new interns as well, and our first meeting of the year was a bit of a party to make everyone feel welcome. I'm still not entirely sure what the purpose of having separate clubs for boys and girls is, but Heta Omega and the Brotherhood of MAGIC both welcomed their new members with an opening meeting late in the semester. Again, I can only report on one of these events from experience, but Heta Omega seems to be business as usual under its new leadership, as the ever popular big sisters-little sisters program saw a new group of girls matched up as mentors and mentees for the year. The Brotherhood apparently had some kind of arts and crafts afternoon which sounds pretty fun to me, though there have been reports of a public argument between the club's leadership. Sounds like things are a bit shaky over there, though those who attended the meeting seemed to have a good time otherwise. Finally, the Wild Patch wrapped the semester up with a flower planting event, and who wouldn't love spreading some more beauty around the school? It's always fun to learn more about how to make plants grow, and flower planting is sure to put even the biggest grump in a great mood! The Student Defense Association hasn't had a club meeting yet this semester, but I know we're all looking forward to the duelling tournament, along with all the other exciting activities the other clubs will have to offer in the second semester! If all that excitement sounds like your cup of tea make sure to join one of Hogwarts' awesome clubs to make new friends and find fun ways to spend your time! |
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One of the greatest events in all of the Hogwarts calendar has just passed us. It’s spooky, creepy, scary and candy filled! Halloween! Every Halloween all of the witches and wizards gather in the great hall to enjoy sweets, drinks, dancing and the ever popular tents of horror. The costumes are as ever out there and interesting. The winners of the event being: Willow Cullen as black swan who won best overall, a very nice costume, very bold, very good for Halloween; Sophie Wilson as a cloud winning magically enhanced, our amazing Hogwarts Monthly editor showed how multi-talented she is with this incredible costume, it was beautiful; Lauren Davenport as a zombie winning scariest with a costume that very scary, zombies are very traditional halloween costume but her spin on it is what pushed it over the edge; best couple went to Shane Ackley and Charlotte Harper as Prince and Rich girl respectively, they both looked incredible, what a pretty couple they make, certainly they turned a lot of heads; if you spotted him then you won a little too, most ridiculous went to Ignotus Pratt as Waldo from where’s waldo and the most tradition went to Theodore Westwick dressed as the Grim Reaper and it was a very cool costume. All of those costumes were incredible, but I think there are several others who deserve a shout out, we should always start with the amazing Dragon costume which is one that people might recognise as it was passed from one student to another, it looked fun and comfortable. Not all of the costumes need to be brand new to be amazing, it doesn’t look old or overly worn either. It was a really amazing costume but it must’ve been so difficult to enjoy all of the goodies that the Halloween feast has with it. There was an incredible costume by Athena Holmgaard, who came as a ghost, but rather than the traditional costume she could’ve worn with the bed sheet over her head, there was some magic making her seem more ghost like than human - you could see through her! Truly an incredible feat of magic from whomever did that and an impressive costume all round. There weren’t as many couple costumes but one which caught my eye at least was Emilia Manning as an angel with Derek Tahana dressed as a demon, both had clearly put a of effort in. They embodied their costumes perfectly and Emilia looked flawless, a true angel. Additionally, the first year Mark Ross dressed as a fight victim looked very realistic, if I had forgotten it was Halloween I would’ve worried for him! Some times all you need is a little blood and good make-up! Some more out there costumes and a few very low effort ones too which deserve a little shout out too showing the contrast in a lot of effort and very little. Marlowe Moors dressed as a rainbow was eye catching, Simon Vanity as the boy in the moon was difficult to miss, Analei Louw had some incredibly artistic and beautiful face paint, and Xio Havoc as a woodland elf (my personal favourite costume from the night) was a beautiful costume. The low effort costumes like Alice Holland as a photographer, the Accio photographer dressed as a cartoon character that wears the same clothes as he would, Syrus Stilinski as Curious George wearing what looked like a very comfortable monkey onesie, Ren Lockwood as a Teddy Bear which would’ve probably been great to hug, Dominique Malone as a baseball player wearing comfortable cute summer baseball clothes or even Rose Holland dressed in her pyjamas! Low effort costumes are just as exciting as everything else and provide a level of comfort that surely couldn’t be achieved with others. Our professors as ever impressive in their costumes, Professor Elvera Le Fey who was dressed as a housewife looked entirely different from how she normally does! I thought for a moment that she was actually the old professor of Divination or the astronomy professor who also entirely switched up her look, dressed as an old muggle cartoon character. Professor Kahurangi Josephs, was a beekeeper with thankfully zero bees, but it was as sweet as the honey the bees produce and though he didn’t show himself in any pictures, Professor Misha Haden was dressed as me, lip gloss included! There were a number of amazing traditional costumes, plenty of princesses, queens, vampires and werewolves. Everyone looked amazing and in my opinion everyone should’ve gotten a prize! Until next time Halloween!A |
HOROSCOPES By: Arvel Ayers |
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your head wants one thing and your heart wants something else. To figure out which decision is the right one, you should think about how they both will impact you in a year's time. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You can't do everything you want to do. Sometimes you just have to accept that and move on before you waste too much time feeling depressed about it. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Three actually is a crowd. You've been hanging out with too many people and their problems are weighing you down. You should take some time for yourself and don't be afraid to say no if you don't want to do something. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Something good is coming your way today, but you might have to do something brave to find it. As the saying goes, fortune favours the bold. Don't miss out on this opportunity because you're too scared. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Someone is still feeling resentful about things you said and did a long time ago. If you get the chance to make peace with them, maybe you should, or else the problem will keep getting worse. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There's something you want and an Aquarius has got it. If you spend enough time with them they will probably give it to you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Just because somebody upset you once, doesn't mean they're a bad person. Maybe you should take some time to get to know them without letting your pride get in the way. That way everyone can get along. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You need to balance your studies and social life. If you spend too much time focused on school work, your friends might drift away without you realising. Make time for them so they know you care about them. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Don't wait for someone to come and brighten your day. Be the person who brightens someone else's day. You might make a new friend in the process. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It will be hard to stick to your principles today. Don't let anyone influence you or make you do something you're uncomfortable with. You'll be thankful later. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Someone's lying to you. Lots of people are probably lying to you. Be extra suspicious of Virgo today and don't lend anything you're hoping to get back. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You have worn yourself out trying to please everybody. Spend some time doing your favourite things to get some energy back and don't let anybody take advantage of your kindness. |
"Which part of the castle do you most like to spend time in and why?" |
![]() Jai Edogawa-Raven Slytherin First Year "The Kitchens. The elves make good food and no one usually bothers going there." | ![]() Sierra Woodlock Gryffindor Second Year "The outside part! Much more fun!" | ![]() Alice Holland Hufflepuff Third Year "I like the gardens the best, if that counts. They're peaceful and beautiful, and a great place to think or be alone for a little while." | ![]() Derek Tahana Slytherin Fourth Year "I like spending time in the student lounge, it's more casual than the library, you can have more conversation and interact with people from all houses." |
![]() Alexis Kramer Ravenclaw Fifth Year "I would say the lake where it is cool and refreshing. I usually spend my time there with Xavier. Playing our guitars and singing songs together out there definitely make my day complete and special." | ![]() April Ward Hufflepuff Sixth Year "It's not part of the castle but the Quidditch pitch is my favorite place ever! If it HAS to be in the castle, I guess the student lounge is nice!" | ![]() Vivian Brackenstall Hufflepuff Seventh Year "Any place I can be alone." | ![]() Professor Angel Castillo Herbology Years 5-7 "It's a bit tame, but there's a sofa by the fireplace in the professors' lounge that's becoming my second office at this point." |
Editor's Note: Thanks for reading this edition of Hogwarts Monthly! With this issue I'm starting my second year as Editor, but I couldn't do it without the wonderful team helping me. A big thank you to everyone who worked hard on the issue. Editor: Sophie Wilson |