Open Hogwarts Monthly and Accio!

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
The last rose Vader had to give that day was to someone he knew relatively well, someone whom he was getting to know with his accio work. He hadn't realised though that she was also a part of the monthly too. He had been looking for her at slytherin and then at the accio area when someone had mentioned that she was also a part of the monthly. They'd given him instructions on where that was and he now found himself outside of it. There were clearly a lot of places in hogwarts that he had not yet explored, which was a damn shame, "Caro!" the boy called out, since there seemed to be far fewer people coming in and out of the place. He knocked on the door too, hopeful that that would help get the attention of who was inside. He wanted to deliver this last rose soon.​
Caro's Valentines day was a swirl of different emotions and fears. On one hand, being surrounded by popular people being fawned over by adoring fans was nauseating, and Caro didn't want to be anywhere near any of that. On the other, this was Sophie's first Valentines single in a long time, and Caro didn't want her to have to spend it alone. On a third hand, Caro wanted Nixon to be able to find her easily once he had seen her rose, of course, and on the fourth, Caro was absolutely terrified about the rose she had sent Nixon. Caro had never done anything so bold in her life, and part of her was screaming that this was a mistake, this was a huge mistake, and she had completely humiliated herself in front of the boy she couldn't stop thinking about.

All in all, that was far more hands worth of things to balance than Caro actually had. Luckily, with all the options she had for how to spend the day, in the end everything had pointed towards one course of action. The Hogwarts Monthly room. She could keep Sophie company, and keep busy on work with her, avoid the worst of the rush, and if Nixon wanted to look for her, here she was. Her stomach twisted with worry even now though. Had she made the right choice? What if Nixon was angry? What if he didn't realise it was from her? There were too many possibilities, and it felt so much like she had done everything wrong. Gripped by her worries, Caro jumped in her seat at the sound of her own name from outside. It took her a moment to even realise that voice couldn't be Nixon's. It was too young. It was followed by a knock, and Caro got up, heading to the door and opening it curiously. Her heart sunk when she saw who it was. "Oh... hey, Vader." She said, wondering why he was there. "Is there something I need to do for Accio?"
Vader didn't know Caro that well outside of Accio and given his position within the Accio team, he tended to be a little more in charge. The door opened and he was face with Caro, who seemed, was it almost disappointed to see him, but he brushed that off, that was probably a normal reaction to see him. He fiddled with the flower crown on his head as the girl asked if he needed her to do something for accio, he though the crown would be obvious enough that he was giving out roses. "No, I have a rose for you," The boy said a hint of dejectedness in his voice, but he pulled out the yellow rose and held it out to her, the note was attached to it and he hoped that seeing the rose and the note would be something she'd liked.
Happy Valentine's day accio buddy!
Nixon xoxo
The thought of more work to do on a day she was already so anxious about sunk Caro's heart, but she perked up quickly as Vader explained. A rose!? Could it be? Caro's fragile hopes cracked slightly at the sight of the yellow petals, but she opened the card quickly nevertheless. Kisses! Nixon had signed with kisses! There was no question that he was thinking of their kiss at the dance. He had probably just sent a yellow rose to be subtle. Heart soaring, Caro almost forgot where she was. "Oh... thanks." She said to Vader after a stunned silence, unable to keep the broad grin off her face. Now she just had to wait for Nixon to get her rose and figure it out...
Vader watched her take the rose and the note, looking for an opportunity to ask to take a picture of Caro with her rose, but it became clear that the girl wasn't really paying much attention to him, only seemingly remembering he was there after a moment. He didn't want to ask to get rejected by her, and she didn't seem particularly interested in him at all. Maybe he should just leave it? Vader resigned to just leave it, he nodded a little to himself, "Bye Caro, Happy valentines day," the boy said, turning and heading away, this was his last rose to give out so he would go develop the pictures he had gotten.

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