Hogwarts Mascots

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Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
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Half Blood
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Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
So, okay. This is the only one that i could think off because our cheering squad is mix of different houses, and that is making a house mascots in each house. I need 4 people, but they have to be interview via PM system by me of course.

You just have to simply answer all my questions and you are willing to make a siggy of your mascot. And you will put it on your Banner section every game only. Every one can join, 1st to 7th years can.

So, anyone interested just pm me with your Name, Year, House, Why are you joining & Are you going to really support you team?Why?

That's all!
Lexi Rodriguez
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