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Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • just a little lost • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
With emotions rather high from the Sorting Ceremony, Hinata doubted that her siblings would manage to write their parents regarding the result of sorting. And so, she had taken it upon herself to write home and send it the morning after.
Hi Kaa-san and Tou-san,

I don't think the triplets and Sayuri will be writing for a while since they'll be distracted as they settle in. I'm not sure they're taking the Sorting results well but I'll try to keep a look out for all four of them.

Elijah was sorted into Ravenclaw as we all expected. Jonah got into Hufflepuff, and I think he may be taking it the hardest. Rose got into Gryffindor (congrats Kaa-san!) and Sayuri ended up in Slytherin.

Apparently, all four of them are as mixed of a bunch as it can get.

Love you guys and say hi to Lewis for me!

P.S. Eury is in Hufflepuff in case she or Kael haven't written back home.
Hi Sweetie!

Thanks for telling me, though I should let you know your dad is at the school with you, sorry we didn't tell you before. I'm excited to hear what houses you all got, and I'm not at all surprised. I hope the triplets are able to figure things out and work out what will be the best solution for them. Sayuri will be okay, she's always been of the preference she be on her own anyway, she has Kael so she'll probably prefer that over any of the triplets. I hope you are doing well this year?

Roxas has asked me to include a map, he said you wrote him for one, so please find enclosed a map, I hope it serves you well.
xx Mama.
Lewis Edogawa said:

It's bad! Tou-chan's in the school! Did you know about this?!

Well, it's kinda cool, but also kinda lame.

Taylor Blare-Edogawa said:

It was a bit of a surprise seeing Tou-san at the table. I'm not taking his class though, but I heard that a first year has been hanging out at his class. Tou-san doesn't admit to it, but I think it's Eli. I hope they don't get in trouble for it.

Tell Roxas-nii thanks for the map and hope wedding planning is going well!

Love you and hi Lewis!

Corey Edogawa said:

I made seeker - not chaser. I need tips.


I knew a little bit. Sorry. I saw him packing.

Did you make quidditch?!

Love Lewis.

Sorry we didn't tell you, we were really only notified quite last minute, and we decided to go for it even later minute. Hope it wasn't too surprising - tell your father I need to speak to him, I'll be sending him a letter later, please let him know to expect it.

I'll have Roxas send you an update in a couple of weeks, I'm afraid he and Corey are quite buried at the moment. Good luck with your OWLs! Remember results aren't everything!

xx Mama.

They made you seeker? But you're a chaser?

Good luck, I suppose.

Interesting captaining decision though, but you're quick, you'll do splendidly.
xx Mama.
Sayuri Edogawa said:

Aren't you a chaser? Are you sure you told the captain you're a chaser? If you did and they put you as seeker, then that's weird.

Anyway, moving around the whole pitch in search of the snitch constantly is counterproductive. Keep an eye out but you don't need to fly to every inch of the pitch to search. Only move to avoid the bludgers and beaters. You're a fast flier, you should be able to chase the snitch once you see it.

Or at least that's what works for me. You'll find your own way Yuri-chan. Good luck with the games and let us know the results! I'll be rooting for you!

Lewis Edogawa said:
Why didn't you tell me?!

And I did! I made alternate for the team! Isn't that great?! I guess it isn't so bad now being a Hufflepuff since they let me on the team.

Are you getting lonely without us?
Corey Edogawa said:
Stop giving away my letter. And yes, I told them I'm a chaser.


Taylor Blare-Edogawa said:
The captain is interesting. Thank you. We're playing Ravenclaw soon.

Sorry Oniichan! I didn't think about it!

I get bored with no one here, Corey-Nii and Yuki-Nee come over sometimes, and Roxas-Nii, but it's not the same. My just puts me in the air for more flying and it's starting to make me sore sitting on a broom for hours, I think Kaachan is bored and lonely too.

Don't tell Touchan, kaachan said not to complain!

Love Lewis.

Dad will cheer for you and I am cheering for you from here, I expect to hear good results!

xx Mama.

No, it's okay Conan, but uhh, just so you know, I'm pregnant.

Sorry to tell you in a letter.

xx Taylor
Lewis Edogawa said:
It's okay I guess.

You should hide in my room! Or the kitchen! Kaa-chan's banned from the kitchen right? Or you should just hide at Corey-nii's house. I'm sure they won't mind!

And we had our first game! I didn't know Quidditch could be so quick though! I didn't get to play but the girls in my team are scary. They hit the bludgers hard. And our seeker! She caught the snitch in two seconds! It was so cool!

Miss you a little!
Taylor Blare-Edogawa said:
I'm coming home tomorrow after I make arrangements.

I will come to Brightstone over the weekend break. Come and see me then, I will bring Lewis. Tell the kids.

Love you,

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