HM Meeting Y48 S2 - Very Important Office Morning Tea

Miranda Dawes

HM Editor | Aspiring Author
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
14 (28/05/2049)
Honestly, Miranda was a bit stuck for ideas on what to do to make paper meetings more exciting. She had caught herself feeling more and more resentful as time went on, and she hated that side of her. But it was addictive - once you started, it was very difficult to stop. Cathy was a very nice woman and her father seemed very happy with her, and yet Miranda felt almost comfortable thinking that she'd been wronged in some way by her father starting a new family. And considering all the fuss people made over the last paper, Miranda had caught the passing thought that none of them even deserved the paper if they were all going to complain about someone expressing their creativity.

Miranda knew, however, that she couldn't keep acting like that. So as half a reminder to herself to start behaving more like an adult, she'd decided to put together a low key but hopefully nice morning tea. She'd suggested that everyone could dress up like businesspeople for the aesthetic of it, but that was entirely optional and she wasn't about to enforce it. For her part, she had put on a pencil skirt with her school shirt and tie and tied her hair up into a bun. She'd organised for tea, coffee and water to be available for everyone as well as sandwiches and cake. She'd also strewn a few copies of the Daily Prophet about, though she had wanted to include muggle news that was a little bit harder to do without technology. At least it was something of a talking point for Very Serious Adult Businesspeople Conversations. Coffee of her own in hand (that she had dunked a heaped teaspoon of sugar in to sweeten), Miranda looked over one of the papers while munching a sandwich, waiting for the staff to come and mingle. "My goodness," she said, somewhat drily. "I can't believe the British Minister for Magic would say something like that."

OOCOut of Character:
Please make sure you've looked at the OOC meeting here and put your claim on an article if you're in a position to do so!
When Eoghan had come to Hogwarts he’d changed his image on purpose, becoming more like the authors he read about instead of a child who’d ever be involved with the wrong crowd. He felt natural and presentable in a white collared shirt and a pair of smart trousers, so when Miranda suggested that would be the aesthetic for their tea time he was more than happy to oblige given the options in his wardrobe.

The Ravenclaw still wasn’t sure what to think about Miranda, he’d only spoken to her once outside of the newspapers meetings and he’d thought that had been a little awkward. However, if he was ever going to achieve his goals that would mean he needed to break away from feeling as though it was better to avoid talking people, in fear of what they might say. Eoghan had been doing his best to read the Daily Prophet in front of him until he realised it felt a little.. irrelevant. It wasn’t like he didn’t care, but there was already enough going on in this world to worry about. “Isn’t shock factor a good thing, mind?” Eoghan asked the older girl, “They’ll say anything if it gets themselves an audience.”
The one good thing going for Morrie at Hogwarts was the paper, she appeared to have free reign to say whatever she liked and she supposed she had Miranda and Hugo to thank for that. Not that she would ever thank them because she was entitled to write whatever she liked really. She turned up for the meeting wearing normal clothes because the theme was stupid, and walked in to a discussion about the British Minister's comments. "I actually agree with what he said,” she announced, picking up a newspaper to skim the journalist’s angle on the story. “Nice to hear a politician talking some sense for once.”
Elio was dressed in something he considered somewhat businessy, he had a tie on, what more did people want. It was a Slytherin tie but so what. “Who cares what a Politician on the other side of the world says, it’s not going to affect us. Now if Minister Fontaine said it, then I’d be concerned,” he offered, picking up one of the cups as he walked past and pouring coffee in it before sweetening it with some honey. “Politicans say things that they think will get them attention, like Eoghan said, watch him flip on it next month.”
Angelo hadn't actually been to a club meeting before since coming to Hogwarts. He'd never even been officially on the school paper before so this was quite interesting. He didn't know why they had to come in a business-y attire though. It wasn't like Angelo had thought "business" when he packed for a ten-month-long trip to another country. Especially since the school had uniforms. Besides, he could only bring a hundred pounds worth of stuff on the plane! If they thought that was a lot for ten months, it definitely wasn't since Angelo had to bring toiletries and stuff. So, he hoped the club presidents wouldn't terribly mind that he just showed up in school uniform sans the robes. It looked business-y right? He'd just arrived to a discussion of the what some British priest said which somehow devolved into agreeing with it and then somehow the priest became a politician. Were priests allowed to be politicians? It was weird in his country since priests weren't allowed? But they run? And was that like that here too? Priests in politics were generally bad right? Besides why did they even have a priest for magic? "Pssst," he asked whoever was near him, "why is it important what the British priest said?"
Veronica walked into the Hogwarts Monthly meeting room mid conversation and heard people talking about the British Minister for Magic. He had said something controversial again but it was pretty ridiculous it had made it to the the school paper of a school in New Zealand. Eoghan and Elio made good points about saying things just to get attention, it was what politicians did best and she had enough of them either in her family or in their family orbit to know. She personally had no interest in what any of them said, they were boring. “He’s a bit of an idiot really, he’s a family friend and never stops complaining about the daily prophet,”
hugo had lived the idea of a morning tea for the newspaper. something casual where they could hang out. as they were all often rather busy with the work in the club to socialise properly. he had entered the room and was helping himself to a lammington as the conversation abut thebritish minister started. he walked over to where the group of people were standing and looked at the paper that miranda had referred to. he honestly wasn't that interested in politics. though he did know a bit about it. he was surprised at how dismissive some of the people were. it really was a fairly radical idea that he had said. although elio was right in some ways that politicians often flipped and twisted what they had said depending on the situation it wasn't the whole case. so when one of the youngest members, angelico, asked why it was important he answered. "I know the UK seems a long way away. but they are politically and, as veronica has pointed out, socially one of our closest neighbours. so sentiments and ideas that come up there tend to move here, and even though our population is smaller ideas that happen here can travel there too." he said. "While i would be fairly sure minister fontaine is unlikely to say something like that outright, there were reports a couple of weeks ago of deputy minister Cresswell saying something similar, though not quite as direct as that" he said. Munching on his lamington a slight shower of coconut falling onto his chin and jacket.

((godmod of deputy minister cresswell approved by rowan))

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