🌹 Rose Giving HM Friendly Yellow Rose

Rosie Archer

kind; soon to be new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Going outside had been good, she knew that the fresh air was helping her feel better, and even more so when they got to the gardens. Someone had told her that Margo had been out here, either picking up her own roses or almost finished with them. Rosie smiled as she approached, spotting the girl immediately. "Margo!" she called out.
Aurora was glad that rosie appeared to be doing better, like it had just been a morning sickness which just needed to pass. She followed beside Rosie as they went to the gardens, and spotted Margo there. "We've got a rose for you!" she said after Rosie had called to her.
Margo was still in the midst of her own deliveries as she walked out to the garden to catch her breath and finish a reading for her next class. She didn't really have the time but she was going to need the quick rest if she was going to get through the day. But she only got a few lines into her reading until she heard Rosie call out her name. She looked up and saw Aurora was with her too and she waved to the both of them. "Hello!" she said with a smile and her eyes widened a little at the mention of a rose. "Oh thank you! Sorry to make you come all the way out here to find me." she said with a small laugh.
Rosie smiled at margo and shook her head. "Oh, it's okay, the outdoors is good," she said. She reached into the shared basket that she and Aurora had an pulled out a yellow rose. "This is for you,"
Aurora nodded in agreement with what Rosie said, truly not minding coming outside. She took the note the went along with it and held it out to the girl. "It came with this,"

To margo.
Thank you for everything you do on the monthly. you are a fantastic editor and great to work alongside. Thank you for your support this year and showing me the editing ropes.
Margo eagerly took the rose and the note that went with it. She opened it and read it quickly. She smiled at Hugo's words and felt a little sad they only had this year to work so closely together. She was sure he'd do great next year with out her. She looked up at Rosie and Aurora. "Thank you." she said again. "How are your deliveries going?" she asked. "I thought I'd be better at this as a seventh year but it's still taking forever." she said with a laugh.

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