Open History Club - Sign up

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (18)
Emmanuel had been waiting for the club fair, ready to participate in his usual way, he had sign-ups at the ready, and just was hopeful that maybe they could interest a couple more people to sign up for the club. Emmanuel didn't have a lot of time currently, he was a new prefect and an OWL student, but that wouldn't hold him back from his club, his favourite part of the school. Hopefully there would be some eager first years or other students, ready to take a dive into the world of history.
Apolline had signed up for a couple of things, looking to keep herself busy and achieve well. When she was leaving she spotted the history stall, it was a little away from others, and she wondered why. "I'd like to sign up," Apolline liked history enough, though she knew it was her mother's favourite subject and thought it might be good if she too signed up for a history club.
Emmanuel hadn't been getting a lot of bite, but he knew his club was niche. A girl approached him, and he happily didn't even need to go into his usual points about how they were not a proper club but still allowed, the girl just wanted to sign up. "Great! Just sign here," he said, handing her the sign up form.
Apolline took the form, signed her name and then headed off. "Bye," she said to the boy who ran the history club as she left.
Kyousuke was curious about this side stall, set up just a little bit further away from the rest. He tilted his head slightly as he looked over the set-up. "How come you're over here?" he asked pointedly. "And what exactly does this group do? Do we just sit around and talk history?" In all honesty, that didn't sound too bad to him, but sometimes Kyousuke couldn't help the words that came out of his mouth.
Aine had her own mission outside the club fair today - what she had wasn't exactly a club, but rather gauging interest for more meetings and general support for other muggleborn and raised students. One of the second years had approached her asking about it, and Aine had decided that it was a good idea to continue. But instead of lamenting, they'd focus on what they could do to make their lives easier. First things first, though, she wanted to check in on Emmanuel to see how he was going. He'd apparently already got one student to sign up, and another boy was curious. Aine gave him a small smile at his comment - it sounded a bit like something she'd say. But she wasn't going to get uppity like she had in the past. Instead she cleared her throat, jumping in to offer support. "We're not an official club," she explained. "Though the headmaster has given us the okay. That's pretty much it, we share historical facts and learn about different time periods. There's no judgement, it's just a neat way to learn new things." It sounded pretty nerdy when she said it out loud, but Aine was glad that Emmanuel had set it up and wanted to keep it going.
Kyousuke frowned in thought, finding the older student's explanation sound and reasonable. He had to admit he was intrigued - history was something that he found interesting, and maybe he knew some facts about muggle history, but not so much wizarding history. "Is it more wizarding history, or is it a bit of both?" Kyousuke asked. He didn't really mind the answer; he was just curious.
Emmanuel smiled at Aine as she joined, just in time to answer a young boy's question. "It's a bit both, really, it's whatever you want to bring, what you find interesting is what we can discuss," Emmanuel said. "History is broad, it would defeat the purpose of us if we restricted what we look at," Emmanuel said, hoping all of this would encourage him to sign up.
Kyousuke thought that sounded good. He was impressed by the older boy's explanation, and decided he'd sign up. "Okay, I'll sign up then," he said, confident it'd be worth his time. He found the form and put his name down. He gave a small goodbye and thanks to both older students and left.
Emmanuel smiled at the boy as he signed up. "Great! Can't wait to see you at the event!" he said warmly, before turning back to Aine and giving his friend a warm smile. "Thanks for joining me today, that's our second recruit," he said with a smile. "I'm thinking our event could be like show and tell but for history, what do you think?"
Aine shifted her papers around, nodding at Emmanuel. "Nicely done," she said, genuinely. It wasn't always the easiest sell, but there was a lot to like about history and much more than was just in class. "I really like that idea," she added. "Lets people share stuff that they're interested in and we can learn stuff we might never have known about otherwise."
Miranda saw the History Club signup, and hesitated for a moment. If people knew who her mother was, it might be a bit on the nose. She wasn't even sure if the professors were involved, but she hoped not. Miranda did actually like history, and her dad was big into literature and she'd learned a few fun historical facts from that too. She waited a few moments, standing back and thinking, before shrugging and walking up to the older students. "Hi! I...wouldn't mind signing up, if that's okay?"
Emmanuel gave a warm smile when she said she liked the idea, and decided that with her agreement they would do it. "let's do that then," he said with a little smile, before they were approached by a young girl. "Of course that's okay, the more the merrier!" he said, before handing her a sign up sheet. "We'll be doing a show and tell sort of thing in our next meeting, so be ready to talk about an element of history you are passionate about,"
Miranda nodded, filling out the signup sheet with surprisingly neat handwriting. It had helped she'd practiced it a lot before going to Hogwarts, as she knew she would have to use it more than she was used to. "Oh, that sounds cool!" she grinned, already wondering what to talk about, and if maybe she could talk about literary history from things she'd learned from her dad. "Thank you, I'll see you there!"
Emmanuel was absolutely sure that the event that they were going to do would be the best event. He just felt so certain with not just Aine, but this girl saying it too. "See you then!" he said to the young girl before looking back at Aine and smiling widely. "What will you bring?"
Aine froze for a second, pondering. She liked the idea, but hadn't necessarily thought of anything for her end of it. "Uh," she started, trying to think of something she could find some information about that would be interesting enough to share. Though, she remembered her thoughts on Arithmancy and Divination, and relaxed a bit. "I guess I'm probably going to find something about magic being used in the muggle world after the statute. You know, divination techniques and stuff." She felt vaguely more confident as she explained. "It' something of a proper idea when we get there. What about you?"
Emmanuel nodded as she spoke, realising he had perhaps sprung it on her. "Sorry, you wouldn't have had time to think about it," he said, before nodding at what she said. "That would be really interesting, given how prevelant divination has been throughout history," he said, and was more than sure she would have a proper idea soon enough. "My dad just finished a book about pre-history cave drawing," he said, "So maybe that,"

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