Open History Club: Show and Tell

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel knew it was probably the wrong time for him to be hosting a history club event, he had OWLs and he was stressed trying to make some deadlines but really without a girlfriend, he did have a little more time. But he wanted to do it, liked when he got to do it, so this just had to be the time to do it. What he had decided was the show and tell, he'd sent out a little letter to people inviting them to the session and to bring something to talk about in history which they found fascinating. Emmanuel had been learning about the founders in his history class and wanted more than anything to talk more about them. He had gotten the librarian to give him a section of the library for this. He was excited when a few people arrived and just got started. More could just join when they wanted to. "Today we're doing show and tell, but history!" he said, "I'm going to talk about Rowena Ravenclaw and her daughter," and Emmanuel launched into it, talking over verified sources and unverified accounts of the time. Speaking without taking a break for about six minutes. He stopped and then motioned for the next person to go.

OOCOut of Character:
History club! Just a fun, have your character 'talk' about something that interests them. Anyone can join and if you want character to talk to each other during, just have them do so.
Kyousuke had wondered what the history club meetings would entail exactly. When he got to the library, he was a little interested to see that this meeting would be a 'show and tell' - to talk on a subject that interested them, history-related of course. Kyousuke listened to the older student talk, not knowing much about the founders at all he enjoyed learning about Rowena and her daughter. He was then motioned to talk next. Kyousuke stood up, and cleared his throat. He didn't feel nervous exactly; but he knew he wasn't going to talk about magical history and that made him feel a bit out of place. He'd been told the history club was for magical and non-magical history alike, but he had a bit of a complex he couldn't quite shake. "I'm going to talk about Oda Nobunaga, a muggle who helped unite Japan in the 1590s." Kyousuke gave a brief overview of his life, of his military accomplishments, and then settled down again, gesturing to someone to go next.
Hugo went to the library for the meeting of the history club. They had been asked to prepare a piece about something historical that interested them. He had recently read a book that he was going to use for his book club in the monthly. It was one his mum had given him for Christmas. And old muggle book over a hundred years old and the title sounded like a children’s book the story wasn’t. He listened to Emmanuel talk about his house founder and her daughter. And a first year talk about a muggle from Japan in the Middle Ages and how he had helped to unify Japan. It made him think of how little he knew of Japanese history. Or to be honest much Asian history. Though a few small parts reminded him of a book he had read last year. Not much as the book was a fantasy. But the fantasyland was clearly based on Japan.
Then it was his turn. He stood up and placed the book on the table his bookmark still in it not quite at the end. this book is called animal farm by a muggle author called George Orwell. It is a story from 1945 about animals on a farm who overthrow the owner to make it their own. he said but it is actually a story about Russian history and comunism he said. Before breaking down the characters and explaining what they represent. Before concluding with information about the fall of communist Russia. it may be a story about animals but it is about politics and communism. But also a warning about power and we should remember to learn from our mistakes and be aware of both complacency and revolution ” he said

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