
Ashley White

New Member
Hi everyone!

Just wanted to say hello and join your community =) I was really looking for some Harry Potter role play (used to play one maaaany years ago). Finally, found one *_* and what's more important - New Zealand one!) I love it already! Hopefully, it'll be fun! Although I haven't read the rules and everything yet, but the semester starts in 3 days! OMG, will I be able to start playing from this semester? Hope so!

Thanks heaps!
Hey there ^_^

Welcome to HNZ, I'm glad you're already excited to be staying here with us, and believe me, I'm excited too. Anyway, Here are the site documentation, they should help you out with any questions, also the Admins and Global Mods I am sure would be happy to help you out with anything you are worried about, or you can just PM me, I don't mind at all ^_^

Also, you can join us in Final Spamination for some out of character chit-chat and rambling, or just drop in a hello in the little shout box at the bottom of the page and you'll probably get a lot of hellos!

I'm Tenile, though you can call me any thing you like, I have a lot of nicknames on here, so one more doesn;t bug me :p anyway, Hogwarts New Zealand runs on a timeline, and since it's halfway through the In Character year, I don't believe you can be a student just yet, but after this In Character years finishes up, you can fill in an application when Sorting is open. But for now, if you so wish, you can hang around as a child or adult and be sorted into one of the other groups (Family, memebers, etc) become a student at another school (Beauxbatons, or Durmstrang)
I hope you hang around and have as much fun as possible. See you around :D

~Tenilee, hopefully I covered everything! :lol:
Hi there, Ashley! :) (I'm just going to call you Ashley. :p If you prefer something else, do tell.)
Welcome to HNZ! I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns about the site feel free to send me a PM and I'll try my best to help you out.

I hope you enjoy your time on the board and that HNZ is the superlative of 'fun' for you (most fun? funnest? You decide).

See you around the board!
Welcome to HNZ Ashley! :hug:

Although you won't be able to be sorted until the second Semester ends, I hope you do decide to stay and hang out with us! We could always use more firsty's around sorting time! My name is Jessye! I hope to see you around the board and whatnot! Send me a PM if you ever want to roleplay! ♥

- Jessye
Hi Ashley! ^_^

I was pretty excited when I found this site as well, the fact it being New Zealand made it even sweeter hehe!
Enjoy your time!
Donna ^_^
Hello ^_^

Welcome to HNZ :) I'm Nicole. And really? Your semester will start in three days? Us too! o_O What country are you from, anyways? I'm from the Philippines. Hope you enjoy it here and you can always PM me if you want to role play with me :r

Thanks, guys! Honestly, didn't expect to get so many replies so fast =)
I'll definitely wait till next semester =) It's worth it) For now I'll make myself familiar with rules, places, topics and everything =)
Will new students have induction or something? =)
I'm not sure what you mean by "induction," but I'll give your question a go:
When sorting is opened, there's a big topic about it and a walkthrough of how to be sorted. Then once your character is sorted you get a sorting PM which gives you all the important information you need to get going as a student character. :)

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